Replacing Confluent schema registry with Red Hat Integration

Along with the enhancements for Apache Kafka-based environments, Red Hat announced the Red Hat Integration service registry to help teams to govern their services schemas. Developers can now use the registry to query for the schemas and artifacts required by each service endpoint or register and store new structures for future use.

Registry for event-driven architecture

Red Hat Integration's service registry, based on the Apicurio project registry, provides a way to decouple the schema used to serialize and deserialize Kafka messages with the applications that are sending/receiving them. The service registry is a store for schema (and API design) artifacts providing a REST API and a set of optional rules for enforcing content validity and evolution. The registry handles data formats like Apache Avro, JSON Schema, Google Protocol Buffers (protobuf), as well as OpenAPI and AsyncAPI definitions.

Getting started with Apache Kafka and Red Hat service registry

New projects require some help. Imagine you are getting ready to start that new feature your business has been asking for the last couple of months. Your team is ready to start coding to implement the new awesome thing that would change your business.

To achieve it, the team will need to interact with the current existing software components of your organization. Your developers will need to interact with API services and event endpoints already available in your architecture. Before being able to send and process information, developers need to be aware of the structure or schema expected by those services.

Deploy Nacos on a Kubernetes cluster

Recently, a demo was given on how to deploy a Nacos service on K8s. In this article, we’ll provide more context on the demo. Hopefully, it will be helpful when you are trying it out.


Nacos is an open source project offered by Alibaba. It supports two major use cases, namely, service registry and config service. Even though Nacos is written in Java, it is designed to be a general purpose service registry and config server.