How to Select Date From Datepicker in Selenium Webdriver Using Java

Selenium is a widely used automation testing tool used to ensure the seamless working of web applications in accordance with predetermined technical and business requirements. Using Selenium is a great way to comply with the growing demands made upon developers and testers – faster and more efficient release of new and updated features, ideally within a few weeks.

Selenium Webdriver, a significant component of the Selenium Test Suite, is a web framework that runs automated tests on websites to ensure all UI elements are functioning exactly as expected.

Selenium C# Tutorial: Using Implicit Wait in Selenium

While designing test automation scripts, it is quite imperative that we consider all the major challenges that might come while performing Selenium test automation. There are certain scenarios where the test script is trying to perform an operation on an element that is not loaded (or not yet visible) and the test ends up failing due to this. This happens as the web elements on the page are loaded dynamically via AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) and JavaScript or any other front-end framework.

To tackle this issue we have ‘Wait’, which is one of the most important and widely used commands in Selenium test automation. It helps us to provide us ample wait or pause time in our script execution. Thereby ensuring that our scripts don’t fail while performing automation testing with Selenium.

Selenium Java Tutorial: Automation Testing of a User Sign Up Form

If you are just starting with Selenium automation testing of your product, the first page you would probably want to automate would be the Sign Up or Login Page. If you have an online platform, like an ecommerce company or a Software-as-a-Service product, the Sign Up page acts as the door to welcome visitors to your web application. 

It is one of the simplest yet one of the most important pages of your platform, and comes at the start of every possible user journey that you may want to test. Hence, it is also one of the most important web pages for your web application.

How Selenium 4 Relative Locator Can Change The Way You Test

Web pages can consist of the number of web elements or GUI elements like radio buttons, text boxes, drop-downs, inputs, etc. Web locators in the context of Selenium automation testing are used to perform different actions on the web elements of a page. Which makes it no surprise that as a new Selenium user, the first thing we aim to learn is Selenium Locators.

These locators are the bread and butter of any Selenium automation testing framework, no matter the type of testing you are doing, ranging from unit testing to end-to-end, automated, cross-browser testing. There are many types of locators used, such as CSS Selector, XPath, Link, Text, ID, etc. So far, you get eight types of locators in Selenium. This number, however, is going to change in the new Selenium 4 release. Wondering why?

Selecting a Programming Language for Selenium Automation Testing

So many language to learn, so little time.

As people are shifting to automation from manual testing, they prefer to go with the best-suited testing framework for them. When we talk about a popular automation testing framework, most people immediately think about Selenium. Selenium is one of the most reliable, portable software testing frameworks for web applications. It comes with one test domain-specific programming language Selenese for writing automation scripts, but it also supports other programming languages like Java, Python, Ruby, Javascript, PHP, and C#, which makes it a good choice.

While moving to automation testing with Selenium, everyone who tests has to face a question: Which programming language should you use for writing test automation suits?

22 Reasons Why Test Automation Fails For Your Web Application

Automation testing in progress.

I can relate to the feeling where you wish to achieve flawless automation testing in the blink of an eye! On the other hand, I also understand the apprehension that is causing you to delay test automation. When an enterprise has just begun the transformation, there are a plethora of challenges to overcome. Even if you apply the best practices, some shortcomings can result in wastage of automation efforts. So, I’ve decided to list out 22 reasons that in my experience, are responsible for automation testing failure.

Selenium Automation Testing With LambdaTest

Automation testing has become a basic need for organizations that run their businesses online. It is a testing technique that is used to ensure that a web application works fine across all browsers, operating systems, and devices in terms of functionality, speed, and accuracy. There are multiple testing platforms and tools that can be used for automation testing like Robotium, TestComplete, SoapUI, and Ranorex.

But, there is no match for Selenium. It is the most recommended tool for automation testing by large as well as small organizations. So, if you’re starting out with automation testing and don’t know what selenium is and how it is beneficial for automation testing?

Java Class Name Locator in Selenium

The CSS Locator in Selenium is one of the most important aspects of writing a script. If you cannot locate an element by using any CSS locator in Selenium, then being proficient at Selenium automation will be a tough task. Selenium provides multiple ways of locating an element.

I have written a complete guide to help illustrate the practical demonstration of CSS locator in Selenium.

Top 10 Books for Getting Started with Automation Testing

"There is no friend as loyal as a book." — Ernest Hemingway

Books have always been a friend to mankind for a long time. Digitalization has changed our way of reading, however, the pleasure and knowledge gained from hardcover books is incomparable. But when it comes to finding out the top books, it may require a lot of research. Everyone is very much inclined towards the digital world, always engrossed in computer screens doing their work, and when they get stuck they have to again withstand the screen to find out the solution.