Understanding the Significance of Observables in JavaScript Programming

 One of the most powerful and popular JavaScript libraries that specializes in event processing is the Reactive Extensions for JavaScript library, or simply RxJSRxJS uses the Gang of Four (GoF) design pattern named the Observable pattern as the basis for registering interest in an event, as well as doing something when an event has been triggered. 

This article is an excerpt from my book,Mastering TypeScript, 4th Edition  – A comprehensive guide to understanding TypeScript language and its latest features. In this article, you will explore Observables in the RxJS library. You can download the codes in this article here.

Developing Loosely Coupled Micro Frontends via RxJS

My last article Developing Micro Frontends with Single-Spa explained how to break down monolithic web applications in micro frontends using single-spa. In order to ensure loosely coupling between the micro frontends, I’ve used RxJS in my sample application.

This article is part of a series of articles that documents how to modernize a sample Java EE application from 2010 with modern technologies. The sample application is a simple e-commerce application. The original application and the source code of all subsequent modernization steps is available as open source on GitHub.

New Ionic 5 Angular 8 Display, Update, and Delete Records With RxJS

Dive deep into Ionic and Angular

This post is about displaying API records with delete and update actions using new Ionic and Angular reactive programming. This is a continuation of my Ionic Angular series in an effort to explain how to distribute data between components using RxJS methods, such as BehaviorSubject.

All of the feed API responses/records are stored in a reactive object. This will help the application's DOM work seamlessly with update and delete operations. Implement this to your side project and enrich your applications.

Using Node 11.7 Worker Threads With RxJS Observable

NodeJS worker_thread module and RxJS observables

With the release of Node 11.7, the worker_threads module becomes a standard feature and is no longer hidden behind the --experimental-worker switch. The worker_threads module allows developers to run JavaScript asynchronously in light-weight, isolated threads contained within the main Node process. This article will be focusing on how use worker threads to execute a task asynchronously and stream data from that task back to the rest of your Node application using RxJS Observables.

Before we get started, if you want to learn more about worker threads and why you might want to use them, I would recommend reading Node.js multithreading: What are Worker Threads and why do they matter? by Alberto Gimeno. Alberto has done a fantastic job explaining the purpose of the worker_thread module, provided some solid examples of where it makes sense to use it, as well as demonstrated some alternate ways to build a multi-threaded Node app.