How to Learn Data Science in 2021 (Resources to Get a Job)

I want to focus on resources you all can use to improve your technical skills and even more specifically resources to get your first job in the field. Because that’s the hardest part — getting your first job. Once you have that, you’ll learn the skills you need so fast that you won’t need people like me giving you advice. 

It’s really hard to learn data science and actually be good at it because there’s a long laundry list of things you need to know to be a good data scientist. Some of those topics are:

What Do We Mean by Machine Learning?

The goal of artificial intelligence is to create a machine that can mimic a human mind and to do that, of course, it needs learning capabilities. However, it is more than just about learning. It’s about reasoning, knowledge representation, and even things like abstract thinking. 

Machine learning, on the other hand, is solely focused on writing software that can learn from past experiences. One thing you might find astounding is that machine learning is more closely related to data mining and statistics than it is to AI. Why is that? First, we need to know what we mean by machine learning.