How to Integrate Zoom in React Application?

Zoom is a video conferencing system that gives us the feature to host a meeting with each other. Zoom's advantage is that it allows up to 1,000 participants in each session and offers a 40 minutes meeting limit. That exceeds the number of participants in most other free services. 

Angular and React JS services address the issue of integrating Zoom in React Application.

The Complete React Developer Salary Guide for 2022

Data from a Statista study shows that React JS is the most in-demand web framework in 2022, with 40.41% of software developers globally indicating they use it to develop web applications. This does not come as a surprise, since the demand for React developers has been growing steadily in recent years. Speed, scalability, and SEO-friendliness are the few reasons some big companies such as Uber and Netflix run on this library. If you are looking to develop this skill or you are a working professional already, being up-to-date about the React developer salary rates in the U.S. can come in handy when negotiating compensation with employers. 

What Is a React Developer?

A React developer is a software engineering professional that designs and implements consumer-facing features for websites and applications using either React JS or React Native frameworks.

React Apps Can Be Incredibly Fast: Here’s How to Optimize Load Time

Without any doubt, speed is the most important factor for a positive user experience — that is, how much time your app takes to load and display content.   

To give you an example, Walmart has reported a +2% conversion per one-second improvement of load time. As per Amazon, every 100ms load time results in a 1% loss in sales.   

9 Popular React UI Component Libraries for Beginners in 2022

Did you know that according to the survey, 40.14 percent of respondents reported using React.JS, while 34.43 percent were using jQuery? Needless to say, React.js is the most used framework among developers. React powers the user interfaces (UI) of approximately  10 million websites across the internet. Since the base library of React is rigid, there are various component libraries topped up by valuable design elements for your React applications or web/mobile development projects. 

Before getting into the React-based UI component libraries, let’s first flick through the advantages of those libraries which will answer your question of why you should go for them in the first place:

React vs. Vue in 2021: Best JavaScript Framework

While JavaScript frameworks are now vital for web app development, many companies struggle to choose between React and Vue for their projects. The short answer is that there is no clear winner in the general React.js vs. Vue.js debate. Each framework has its pros and cons and is useful for different applications. So, we’ve put together this convenient guide to popular frameworks, to help you better understand the use cases of Vue vs. React and determine which one will work best for your next project.

Vue.js vs. React — What Are They?

Both React and Vue are open source JavaScript frameworks that make it easier and faster for developers to build complex user interfaces. Before we get into the React vs. Vue comparison, we’ll give you a brief overview of each one.

Biometric Authentication in React-Native Applications

Mobile application biometric authentication is an effective approach to multi-factor authentication (MFA) for the verification of individuals’ identity that utilizes the possession of mobile devices as a first factor and then verifies the unique biometric identifier by using the application as a second factor. 

Passwords are not as reliable and secure as they were previously. A number of hackers are progressing in parallel to technological advancements. Due to this evolution, cybersecurity is becoming a hot topic as data breaches are continuously occurring. Keeping in view the enormous rate of identity theft, mobile applications should utilize new methods to secure data. The most efficient, effective, and reliable method is mobile biometric authentication. 

6 Effective Ways to Reduce ReactJS App Maintenance Cost

There are currently 1,100,183 live websites using React JS. The powerful Javascript library powers 312,467 unique domains. The library is so popular that 13% of developers prefer React as their choice of JS library, as compared to Vue that stands at 4%

What is the React JS Framework?

In essence, React is not a framework — it is a Javascript library. React web applications have a powerful and stunning user interface. Most developers use React JS features as a way to enhance the user experience. Since the React JS app abstracts the DOM away, it offers a simpler programming model and higher performance. That’s why more and more startups hire ReactJS developers for simple yet quick prototypes. 

MobX in React

MobX is the new, upcoming state management solution. This blog is all about how to create a simple React-Native app using MobX.

MobX is faster than Redux, easier to learn, and requires less boilerplate code.