Binary Search in Python

Binary search is the search technique that helps to make the searching faster. So for understanding the binary search method implementation in Python, let’s first understand linear search? 

In this article, we will answer the following questions: What the binary search is? How is it derived? How does it search faster?

Generating Simulated Streaming Data

For demos, system tests, and other purposes, it is good to have a way to easily produce realistic data at scale utilizing a schema of our own choice.

Fortunately, there is a great library for Python called Faker that lets us build synthetic data for tests. With a simple loop and a Pulsar produce call, we can send messages to topics at scale.

How To Perform FastAPI Path Parameter Validation Using Path Function

In this post, we will learn how to perform FastAPI Path Parameter Validation. We will specifically also learn how to use the Path() function to handle the validations in a declarative approach.

Using the Path function is quite similar to using the Query function. In other words, we can declare validations as well as meta-data using the Path function. Please refer to the post on FastAPI Query Parameter validation to know more about the same.

Cross-Region Lambda Invocation in AWS

AWS Lambda makes it easy to build highly available serverless applications quickly. However, setting up resources in multiple regions makes it difficult to manage the applications since cross-region access is limited by design in AWS for security and performance reasons. Fortunately, AWS makes it easy to access resources across regions in your intend to do so. 

In this example. I'll show you how to invoke a Lambda in one region from a Lambda in another region.

Pulsar in Python on Pi for Sensors

I have a new Raspberry Pi with a Breakout Garden with a thermal camera, 1.12" OLED screen, and a CO2+ sensor.

We first need to install the Pulsar Python Client, if you are running on certain architectures you will need to compile the Apache Pulsar C++ Client first.

Getting Started With Pandas: Lesson 4


We begin with the fourth and final article of our saga of training with Pandas. In this article, we are going to make a summary of the different functions that are used in Pandas to perform missing data treatment. Dealing with missing data is key and a standard challenge of day-by-day data science work, and it has a direct impact on algorithmic performance.

Missing Data

Before we start, we are going to visualize the example dataset that we are going to follow to explain the functions. It is a dataset created by us that includes several cases of use to be able to clearly deal with all the examples that we will call `uncompleted_data`.

Python SDKs Package Management in GCP Artifact Registry


Using a centralized, private repository to host SDK as a package not only enables code reuse but also simplifies and secures the existing software delivery pipeline. By using the same formats and tools as you would in the open-source ecosystem, you can leverage the same advantages, simplify building, and keep business logic and applications secure.

Storing SDK packages in Google Cloud Artifact Registry not only enables SDK code reuse but also simplifies and secures your existing build pipeline. In addition to bringing your internal packages to a managed repository, using Artifact Registry also allows you to take additional steps to improve the security of your software delivery pipeline. 

Fantastic Symbols and Where to Find Them (Part 2)

In the first blog post, we learned about the fantastic symbols (debug symbols), how the symbolization process works, and lastly, how to find the symbolic names of addresses in a compiled binary.

The actual location of the symbolic information depends on the programming language implementation the program is written in. We can categorize the programming language implementations into three groups: compiled languages (with or without a runtime), interpreted languages, and JIT-compiled languages.

Python and Automation: A Perfect Combo

Python is one of the most popular languages among data scientists, researchers, and academics. It systematically tops the ladder on TIOBE, Stack Overflow, and GitHub, being the rockstar among other coding languages. It has a rich library of tools that can be applied to solve various problems in the field of automation. Indeed, Python compares favorably in its ability to automate virtually any process. 

Python also has a lot of built-in libraries. Since many services provide their data via APIs, you will have the ability to write scripts to solve tasks without deep programming knowledge.

Performance Evaluation of Python

In a class, some students are multi-talented and score well in all the spheres — sports, academics, and debates. There are some students, who are only good in sports and not in academics. And we have a lot of students who are good at none. So where does this smart, handsome boy named Python belong to?

We need to evaluate the performance while looking at the different capabilities and accomplishments before making a performance card. So let's check the calculations.

CockroachDB With Django and MIT Kerberos

Today, I'm going to talk about the means of using Django with a kerberized CockroachDB and what that entails. This is not uncommon in a production use case and expecting enterprise-grade access to development frameworks is table stakes for some of our customers.

Articles Covering CockroachDB and Kerberos

I find the topic of Kerberos very interesting and my colleagues commonly refer to me for help with this complex topic. I am by no means an expert at Kerberos, I am however familiar enough with it to be dangerous. That said, I've written multiple articles on the topic which you may find below:

API Development Workflow With Python and Zato

Zato is an integration platform and backend application server which means that, during most of their projects, developers using Zato are interested in a few specific matters.

The platform concentrates on answering these key, everyday questions that Python backend developers routinely ask:

Exploring CockroachDB with ipython-sql and Jupyter Notebook

Today, I will demonstrate how ipython-sql can be leveraged in querying CockroachDB.  This will require a secure instance of CockroachDB for the reasons I will explain below. 

Running a secure docker-compose instance of CRDB is beyond the scope of this tutorial. Instead, I will publish everything you need to get through the tutorial in my repo, including the Jupyter Notebook. You may also use CRDB docs to stand up a secure instance and change the URL in the notebook to follow along.

This post will dive deeper into the Python ecosystem and build on my previous Python post. Instead of reliance on pandas alone, we're going to use a popular SQL extension called ipython-sql, a.k.a. SQLmagic to execute SQL queries against CRDB.

As stated earlier, we need to use a secure instance of CockroachDB. In fact, from this point forward, I will attempt to write posts only with secure clusters, as that's the recommended approach. Ipython-sql uses sqlalchemy underneath and it expects database URLs in the format postgresql://username:password@hostname:port/dbname. CockroachDB does not support password fields with insecure clusters, as passwords alone will not protect your data.

Platform Engineering With Pulumi (Part 2): Build and Deploy a React.js Application

In Chapter 1 of this blog, we built an AWS landing zone for our React.js/Node.js application. In this episode, we will build the application and deploy it manually. In the next chapter, we will use GitOps based automated deployment of both the Infrastructure and application code.

The app that we will be building is a very simple web application, that creates and fetches contact details to/from DynamoDB.

Top 5 Python Frameworks, Libraries, and Packages for Web Development

Hello folks, if you want to become a Python web developer and wondering which Python frameworks, libraries, and packages you can learn then you have come to the right place.

Earlier, I have shared the best Python courses, Python interview questions, and python libraries to become a better and competent python developer, and today, I am going to share the best Python framework you can learn to become a full-stack Python developer.

Using Psutil Module for System Monitoring [+Bonus]

Let’s face it: the mighty Task Manager isn’t a magic wand for all operations. Thus, managing system processes and profiling is better off without it. Unless you’re into the dread of manual and repetitive checks. That is why we need an effective alternative to assess the impact of our test.

With this in mind, you might need to create a script that goes through the system processes and provides a report when the script runs.

Benefits of the Python Development Language for AI and ML

Artificial intelligence and machine learning have been at their peak in technology and usage for a few years in the IT industry.

While there are still questions about the security of its development, the custom software development company has increased computer intelligence capabilities. In today's world, artificial intelligence is just an idea; it has become the need of every human being. AI is used to handle those jobs that cannot be done manually due to time constraints, increased volume, and intensity. It is why AI is widely used to analyze and process large amounts of data.