Python 101 – Creating Multiple Processes

Most CPU manufacturers are creating multi-core CPUs now. Even cell phones come with multiple cores! Python threads can’t use those cores because of the Global Interpreter Lock. Starting in Python 2.6, the multiprocessing module was added which lets you take full advantage of all the cores on your machine.

In this article, you will learn about the following topics:

Python Package: Learn to Create Your Own

Packages provide one of the best ways to structure multiple modules and small packages. It can help users to set the data hierarchy in a well-organized hierarchy manner and makes it quite easy for them to create and access any of the directories and modules as per their requirement. 

It is just similar to folders and drivers available in our operating system, which help us to store multiple files, media, and much more. Similarly, if users learn to build packages, then it can help them to store other modules and sub-packages. Users can use and can modify any of the packages, as per their project needs whenever they want.