How to Provision an Azure SQL Database With Active Directory Authentication

In this article, we will talk about how to provision an Azure SQL Database with authentication restricted to Active Directory users/groups/applications. We will use Pulumi to do that.

Why This Article?

In a previous article, I already talked about connecting to an Azure SQL Database using Azure Active Directory authentication. However, my focus was on querying an Azure SQL Database from C# code (from an ASP.NET 6 Minimal API that was using Microsoft.Data.SqlClient "Active Directory Default" authentication mode, to be more precise), and not on the configuration of the Azure AD authentication itself.

IaC Hot Reload With Pulumi Watch

Do you like using hot reload when developing applications? How about using hot reload when developing the cloud infrastructure of an application? Keep reading because that's what we are going to talk about.

Developing and Deploying Cloud Infrastructure

When doing Infrastructure as Code for a cloud application we usually do the following steps:

Cloud Systems (Part 2): Containerizing a Website

Cloud engineering is taking over software development. In a lot of ways, this is great; it allows us to build and deploy more complicated applications with less difficulty, and maintaining those applications becomes less troublesome too. We can release smaller updates more quickly than ever, ensuring that we can stay on top of feature requests and security issues. That said, the rise of cloud engineering has also introduced a lot of complexity in the form of dozens of services even within just one cloud provider. Figuring out where to start can be tough, so let’s take a practical tour! In this series, I’ll walk you through building a personal website and deploying it using modern cloud engineering practices.

In part one of this series, we built a personal website and deployed it to AWS S3. That works perfectly well for a static, single-page application with minimal interactivity, but if you want server-side routing or database interactivity, things have to get a little bit more complicated. In part two of this series, we’ll be adding a couple more pages to our personal website, adding server-side routing, and containerizing it with Docker.

API Gateway to EventBridge With Pulumi

If you’re familiar with Amazon API Gateway, you know it’s all about making it easier to provision and manage a web API. Maybe you’ve used it, as I have, with Crosswalk, our AWS extension library, to stand up a REST API and handle requests with AWS Lambda functions:

import * as awsx from "@pulumi/awsx";

// Create a new API Gateway instance.
const api = new awsx.apigateway.API("my-api", {
    routes: [
            // Define an HTTP endpoint.
            method: "GET",
            path: "/things",

            // Handle requests with an AWS Lambda function.
            eventHandler: async (apiGatewayEvent) => {
                return {
                    statusCode: 200,
                    body: JSON.stringify([

// Export the API's public URL. 
export const apiUrl = api.url;

Platform Engineering With Pulumi (Part 2): Build and Deploy a React.js Application

In Chapter 1 of this blog, we built an AWS landing zone for our React.js/Node.js application. In this episode, we will build the application and deploy it manually. In the next chapter, we will use GitOps based automated deployment of both the Infrastructure and application code.

The app that we will be building is a very simple web application, that creates and fetches contact details to/from DynamoDB.