Advanced Process Integration Tips -Configuring External Persistence

Using advanced process integration techniques becomes essential as you evolve your developer skills while integrating more and more of your business workflows. One of the more common questions is how to persist custom data and configure external persistence?

When working with processes, it is expected to work with persistent process data scenarios. Considering this situation, it is common for users to use a different database to store process data, apart from the database where the domain information is stored.

Advanced Process Integration Tips – Dealing with Unexpected Errors

Using advanced process integration techniques becomes essential as you evolve your developer skills while integrating more and more of your business workflows. One of the most common questions is how to effectively handle unexpected errors without just dropping out of a workflow?

During the development phase, it is expected that developers deal with unexpected behavior along with predictable and unpredicted errors that might happen during the execution of code. Consider the following situation:

Code Ready Containers: Getting Started With Cloud-Native Process Integration

Cloud-native with Code-Ready Containers.

I previously posted that I've started a refresh of the Red Hat Demo Central collection of AppDev in the Cloud projects by updating the Code Ready Containers Easy Install. As it promises, you'll have a local container platform cluster installed on your personal machine based on OpenShift Container Platform 4.2 in just minutes. The next step is to start leveraging this local container platform cluster for some cloud-native development experience, focusing on bringing all the existing content up to date.

This article outlines getting started with the HR Employee Rewards project on the above installation as default, though you can point this installation to any existing OpenShift Container Platform (pass an IP address). Let's take a look at how easy it is to get started with Code Ready Containers HR Employee Rewards Demo.