Move Fast, Break Things & Win: How Facebook Builds Software

Founder, professional poker player, podcaster and author, Jeff Meyerson, "broke his brain" to bring you the inside-story of Facebook.

Interviewing more than two dozen Facebook engineers, Jeff spent two and a half years writing his new book Move Fast: How Facebook Builds Software. Written from Facebook's own view of their software strategy and tactics, Move Fast explores the product strategy, cultural principles, and technologies that made Facebook the dominant social networking company. 

DevOps Table Stakes: The Minimum Amount Required to Play the Game

Ever play poker? Table stakes, or the ante, is the minimum amount to play the game. So let's take a look today at DevOps table stakes — what's necessary to even come to the table and play the game these days.

The idea here is to get you to think a little differently about your approach to DevOps and DevSecOps.