371: Jon Kantner

I got to speak to Jon Kantner! Jon is an incredibly prolific creator, and I believe has the most appearances in the CodePen Spark of any creator. Like so many other creators I’ve talked to Jon also shares what he knows in a variety of ways, like writing (see his personal site, or articles he wrote when I ran CSS-Tricks). We got to chat about some of his iconic Pens, his work, and some past fascinations like Tweet-sized code experiments. Follow him on Twitter here.

Time Jumps

  • 00:26 Guest introduction
  • 02:44 What’s a day like as a front end dev?
  • 05:48 SVG Pens
  • 06:48 Skateboard spinner Pen
  • 10:38 Acrobatic tree loader
  • 11:50 Input progress Xmas Pen
  • 13:40 Writing about obsolete technology
  • 16:02 Code golfing
  • 19:25 Navigating without CSS
  • 21:22 What new web tech are you excited about?

The post 371: Jon Kantner appeared first on CodePen Blog.

370: Alex Trost

This week I got to speak with Alex Trost! Alex has been hard at work created Frontend Horse, a clever brand celebrating the beautiful and clever things in our industry via a newsletter, articles, streaming, a Discord community and more. This is the way to do it!

Time Jumps

  • 00:15 Guest introduction
  • 01:18 What is Frontend.Horse?
  • 06:35 Helping people unlock new technology through a newsletter
  • 11:22 The business angle to Frontend.Horse
  • 16:27 Sponsor: Notion
  • 17:29 History of Frontend.Horse
  • 20:21 Embracing Twitch
  • 22:42 Using Discord to build community
  • 30:56 Building on CodePen

Sponsor: Notion

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The post 370: Alex Trost appeared first on CodePen Blog.

369: With Chris Smith

This week I got to speak with Chris Smith! We got to talk about all sorts of things from blogging, to pushing the boundaries of CSS, to logic in CSS, to digging into some of Chris’ most interesting Pens, to Chris’ actual favorite Pen of all time.

Time Jumps

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The post 369: With Chris Smith appeared first on CodePen Blog.

#28 – Mark Root-Wiley on Creating Standards for CSS in WordPress

On the podcast today we have Mark Root-Wiley.

Mark builds WordPress websites for nonprofits in Seattle, Washington, USA with a focus on accessibility and usability. He’s a long-time WordPress community member in Seattle and has previously helped organise WordPress Seattle meetups and WordCamp Seattle speakers.

He maintains Nonprofit WP, a free guide for people building WordPress websites for their nonprofits, and has a few free plugins available on WordPress.org.

He’s on the podcast today to talk about why he thinks that it would be useful for WordPress to adopt some CSS standards.

Over the years, as WordPress has evolved, the way that you implemented CSS was very much left to the individual user, themer or developer. You could do what you like, and that worked very well, after all, we all have preferred ways of doing things.

Now however, the reach of WordPress has outgrown those early roots and some 40+ percent of websites are using it. Projects that were built by one agency are often taken over by another. Users are often swapping themes to reflect their brand. Extra work is created for those inheriting sites as they try to unpick the way that the CSS is built and implemented.

Mark thinks that it’s time for WordPress to lay out some simple standards which are easy to understand, and if they became universal, would save us a lot of time and head scratching.

He’s not proposing anything radical, just some basic advice for the most commonly used CSS, and it’s quite a compelling idea which would need a lot of community buy-in, and possibly some top-down approval if it were to move forwards.

It’s very much the kernel of an idea at present, but thought provoking nonetheless.

Useful links.

Standardized Design Tokens and CSS for a consistent, customizable, and interoperable WordPress future

Standardized block markup, theme.json design tokens, and CSS classes to improve interoperability

Variable Design Token Scales with Static CSS Classes (Proof of Concept)

Core Styles and Theme Customization: the next steps

Explore options to add back semantic classnames to block wrappers

Add a Style Engine to manage rendering block styles


[00:00:00] Nathan Wrigley: Welcome to the Jukebox podcast from WP Tavern. My name is Nathan Wrigley. Jukebox has a podcast which is dedicated to all things WordPress. The people, the events, the plugins, the blocks, the themes, and in this case, creating standards for WordPress’s CSS.

If you’d like to subscribe to the podcast, you can do that by searching for WP Tavern in your podcast player of choice, or by going to WPTavern.com forward slash feed forward slash podcast. And you can copy and paste that URL into most podcast players.

If you have a topic that you’d like us to feature on the podcast well, I’m very keen to hear from you, and hopefully get you all your idea featured on the show. Head over to WPTavern.com forward slash contact forward slash jukebox, and use the contact form there.

Before we start, I thought that I’d let you know that there won’t be an episode of the podcast next week. This is because I’m hoping to be going to WordCamp Europe. I’ll be there with my microphone, recording episodes for the coming weeks. If you’re going to be there too, it would be lovely to meet up.

So on the podcast today we have Mark Root-Wiley. Mark builds WordPress websites for nonprofits in Seattle, Washington with a focus on accessibility and usability. He’s a long time WordPress community member in Seattle and has previously helped organize WordPress Seattle meetups and WordCamp Seattle speakers.

He maintains NonprofitWP. A free guide for people building WordPress websites for their nonprofits. And has a few free plugins available on wordpress.org.

He’s on the podcast today to talk about why he thinks that it would be useful for WordPress to adopt some CSS standards. Over the years as WordPress’s evolved, the way that you implemented CSS was very much left to the individual user, themer or developer. You can do what you like, and that worked very well. After all, we all have preferred ways of doing things.

Now, however, the reach of WordPress has outgrown those early roots and some 40 plus percent of websites are using it. Projects that were built by one agency are often taken over by another. Users are often swapping themes to reflect their brand. Extra work is created for those inheriting sites. As they try to unpick the way that the CSS is built and implemented.

Mark thinks that it’s time for WordPress to lay out some simple standards, which are easy to understand, and if they became universal would save us a lot of time and head scratching.

He’s not proposing anything radical. Just some basic advice for the most commonly used CSS. And it’s quite a compelling idea, which would need a lot of community buy-in, and possibly some top-down approval if it were to move forwards. It’s very much the kernel of an idea at present, but thought provoking, nonetheless.

If you’re interested in finding out more, you can find all the links in the show notes by heading over to WPTavern.com forward slash podcast, where you’ll find all the other episodes as well.

And so without further delay, I bring you Mark Root-Wiley.

I am joined on the podcast today by Mark Root-Wiley. Hello Mark.

[00:04:02] Mark Root-Wiley: Hello. Thanks for having me.

[00:04:04] Nathan Wrigley: You are really, really welcome. I always like to begin the podcast with a bit of orientation. I think it’s very important that the audience gets to know a little bit about our guests. Who they are, what their journey with WordPress is and so on.

So although the question is a little bit generic, I’m going to ask it anyway. Please, just give us a little bit of a history about yourself specifically in relation to your WordPress journey.

[00:04:28] Mark Root-Wiley: Awesome. Yes, let’s see. It’s been a pretty long one at this point. I am a child of the web almost. So, even back in the middle grades, I was learning to make websites. And so, it’s always been my hobby and my passion. And so when I, when I went off to college and got a degree in sociology, of course, that was much less employable than web work.

So, I looked around at all the systems and I had some jobs and internships where I was working with Joomla and Drupal. And so of course I ended up landing on WordPress. So since 2010, I’ve been here in Seattle, Washington where I build WordPress websites specifically for nonprofits most of the time, and so, my journey has really been that about serving clients, building custom themes doing some custom plugin work, but really like, deep in the world of WordPress for well over a decade now. And, I got to say, I love it and I’m not considering going anywhere anytime soon.

[00:05:19] Nathan Wrigley: Oh, that’s excellent news. Now the topic under discussion today is going to be CSS and in particular, we’re going to reference right at the beginning, an article, which was published by Justin Tadlock on February 22nd on the WP Tavern website. And it was called the case for a shared CSS toolkit in WordPress.

And we’re going to get into the nuts and the bolts of that in a moment because Mark, I think it’s fair to say, would like to see some kind of overhaul in the way that WordPress handles CSS. And as I say, we’ll get into what that means in a moment. But Mark, I know that you may not be able to lay out the history of CSS in WordPress perfectly for us, but clearly you believe there’s a problem.

I’m just wondering if you could give us any insight that you’ve got into the way that the legacy of CSS in WordPress has meant that we’ve got a problem where we are right now. What has been going on and where are we at now?

[00:06:15] Mark Root-Wiley: It’s such an interesting question, and I think if I had to boil it down to just one sentence answer, you know, it’d probably be there used to not be very much CSS in WordPress and now there’s a whole lot more. To really expand upon that, I think what has happened is, you know, it used to be that WordPress really only had a little bit of front-end markup that it would put out. There were things, HTML for menus, HTML for the search form, HTML for widgets and themers just sort of applied their own CSS to that.

Maybe in some limited cases, WordPress had a little bit of CSS that they were adding to the front, but really very little. And with the block editor, we saw the project looking to really empower users to be able to control much more design of the sites they build, through the WordPress editor interface.

And if you want to give people more control over the design, you’re going to be, at the end of the day, you have to do that with CSS. CSS is the language we use to make design on the web. And so it has just become much, much more complicated. And I think all software, you know, to some extent, right, it’s always evolving, but I think in our world of open source, that development process can be much messier and much more organic. And I think that that can be a benefit sometimes. But I think that maybe this is one of those instances where, right now there’s a lot of different ways for accomplishing, you know, similar types of CSS on the front end. Certain blocks handle their CSS in different ways.

And I think we’re just seeing that, you know, it’s been what, three or four years now of the block editor and there still isn’t really a strong opinion of sort of, this is the way that the block editor handles CSS and that has made it really hard for, people in my chair. I’m trying to make themes that are going to work every time I hit the update button on WordPress.

There’s just more complex CSS. There’s more of it. It’s done in varied ways. With more code comes more complexity and, it’s time to try to bring some order to that complexity.

[00:08:20] Nathan Wrigley: So it’s a case of the project being older than it was 15 years ago. There’s more that’s been added on top. It’s like a layer cake. We’ve had update after update, after update and things have been added in and fiddled with. We’ve had complete turnarounds in the way the interface has been put together and so on Gutenberg and all of those kinds of things.

And, essentially we’ve now got something which you, I think it’s fair to say, you would like to have a bit of a reset. You’d like us to rethink the way that the CSS is handled. And you’ve got some ideas around that.

Could you give me, before we get into the weeds of it, could you give me examples of pain points that you believe need solving? And you can be as specific as you like, you could describe a particular website that you built and a particular moment where you realized, ah, there’s things that I wish were different. So pain points that illustrate well what the problem is.

[00:09:12] Mark Root-Wiley: Yeah, that is such a, such a good question. I think that in some ways, the WordPress 5.9 release gave us a brief set of examples that I think made things hard for a lot of us themers. What probably looked like fairly small changes to for instance, the HTML and CSS of the cover block.

There was I think one class that was removed from buttons that told you about the orientation of the buttons, how they were vertically aligned. But when that was removed, suddenly all these themes that had written CSS styles where they needed to know the alignment of buttons on their site, they just stopped working because that class had been removed.

So rather than even really an overhaul, I think it’s a lot more about refining the practices and making a public commitment to, in the future, we are going to include classes in all of these circumstances, so that you can rely on them.

We are going to output all of our CSS rules with a certain specificity. It’s time for the CSS to sort of be better, organized, more consistent, and just communicated better. Which is not really an issue of code, it’s more matter of having standards for the project. If anything that’s really what I am hoping to see.

[00:10:24] Nathan Wrigley: You’re not the first person to suggest that this would be a good idea. It feels in the article, at least anyway, you, you make the point that you are standing on the shoulders of giants, really. And do you just want to give a shout out to some of the people who in the past have elucidated what it is that you’re trying to do? There’s several of them, but I think it might be nice to give them some credit along the way.

[00:10:46] Mark Root-Wiley: Absolutely. Yes. I completely agree. I hoped that when I wrote my big blog post, this proposal that I know we’re going to talk about. What I see as one of the strengths is that there’s very little original thought in it. It’s really trying to bring together all these other great ideas from other people.

I think it goes back to, and I think you can still find it, the theme user experience standards, or TUX that came from Automattic’s theme team. And I think they have an example we should talk about in a little while. So, I owe a lot to them. Rich Tabor, I think about two years ago had some really awesome posts about what it would mean if we could standardize how we named font sizes, how we named colors and how we handle spacing and WordPress.

I think that’s a critical thing that we really do want to make happen. That’s something that I would love to see. And then, I think if you’re just tooling around on GitHub and following, you know, people who are filing issues and the Gutenberg repository, or writing about it. I certainly think Matias, one of the lead developers of the Gutenberg project has written really, really smart stuff about CSS.

And there were also I think, a couple of like small folks I want to give shout outs to. Louis herons on Github, talked about having a theme block contract. Things that themers can count on for blocks, making that contract. I love that phrase. I think that is super important. And I think also, uh, Andrew on ocean has written about needing different layers of CSS. And I really liked that idea too.

[00:12:11] Nathan Wrigley: Well, thank you. Hopefully, they’ll be listening in and they’ll acknowledge your acknowledgement, which is nice. So the idea really is you want there to be some sort of overarching structure. You want there to be some sort of consistency in the way that things are handled, and that WordPress Core would make moves towards that.

Now this is probably something that you’re going to have an opinion on, but there are out there already, all sorts of different ways of handling CSS. Frameworks, and what have you, you know. Just off the top of my head written a couple of down here, you know, you’ve got CSS Grid and Bootstrap and so on, but I’m pretty sure that that’s possibly not the approach you want us to go down. You don’t want to bolt those into WordPress Core?

[00:12:52] Mark Root-Wiley: Definitely not. Yeah. I think that WordPress has never taken a really strong position on like, this is how your theme code has to be written, and if you’re going to pull in an entire CSS framework like Bootstrap or Tailwind, that’s way more opinionated. That would be very limiting to anyone who didn’t want to do things that way.

So, I think, when I sat down and really thought about like, what is it that I as a themer want. What it was is really baseline standardization more about just making sure that all block HTML and block CSS are done in a similar way. So that they’re, they’re sharing styles, they’re sharing CSS classes.

I think that there is also a ton of power if we can just standardize key styles that every site is going to need. So colors and font sizes. The amount of space between elements, things like that. But certainly not going as far as something like Bootstrap where there’s, gosh, sliders and drop down menus and modal dialogues and all those things.

It’s not at all about that. It’s really, I think the word I really settled on is it’s, it’s a toolkit. It’s providing more tools that all theme developers, all plug in developers, we can all use and share, but we still get to choose how we use them and how much we use them. So that, if we want to play nicely together, you know, those tools are available, but we can still choose to do things in our own way where it makes sense.

[00:14:18] Nathan Wrigley: We mentioned at the start that there was a WP Tavern article, which in turn was written because of something that you wrote and I’m going to include everything that we talk about today as far as possible in the show notes. But if you wish to pause this podcast and go and read Mark’s piece, it’s called standardized design tokens and CSS for a consistent, customizable and interoperable WordPress future.

You’re going to find that over at There’s no, no hyphens or anything like that. It’s just M R W web.com. That outlines everything that Mark is talking about. And so that really frames the conversation that we’re going to have from this moment on.

Now you mentioned that you wanted some sort of standardization. Presumably if that’s the case, you believe that the standardization at the moment is lacking. It’s messed up. It’s a muddle for people to create things. Everybody’s using their own different ways of doing things. Just kind of outline the specific problems about fragmentation versus standardization. What is it that you’re trying to overcome? What are the problems in Core that we’ve got at the moment? Things that need amending. Things that possibly need creating or uncreating?

[00:15:35] Mark Root-Wiley: Yeah. I’m going to answer your question and I think I want to like start us maybe five years in the future and then walk backwards to get there. in five years, I think we’re going to see a lot of sites that were built with the early years of the block editor.

Like now suddenly they’re needing to move to new themes. And so what does that look like? And, right now what we have are a lot of what I think of as kind of in the moment decisions that have been made. Both by the themer and the editor. Let’s take the theme or example first.

So, the block editor from day one has always allowed themers to define named font sizes, right? So, they can call them whatever they want. A lot of themers have something like small, medium, large, extra large, I know. Justin Tadlock on the Tavern posted his extensively researched list of font size names that he likes. Definitely worth a read for anyone who hasn’t seen that.

But I think the critical thing is that you can call them whatever you want. You can call them broccoli, apple, bicycle. You can call them seven forty, two ninety six, even if that has nothing to do with their sizes. And so what this means is that if we’re going to switch to a new theme in the future, if we switched to a theme that uses different names, all those font size settings that were set on the last version of the site are just gone. There is no bridge.

And so if we could agree to some like naming schemes, whether it is small through large, or even just 0 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Now, when you move from one theme to another, you’re going to inherit, the choices that were made by the editors of the site, and be able to keep content as intact as possible. And right now I think the systems that the block editor is giving us are not really encouraging that consistency.

And it hasn’t really bitten us yet. The problems I think are coming. And so when I talk about portability of content. That’s what I’m talking about is how, what happens when we move from one theme to another. And I think that when you make that process smoother, it’s because you have good standards and that’s going to benefit everybody, working all the time.

[00:17:41] Nathan Wrigley: So the idea then is that things would become more standard and hopefully the community as a whole would adopt some standards.

Now, although we haven’t discussed this in our conversation prior to clicking record, I’m curious about your thoughts about this. Do you have any expectation that this would be something that would be, if you like, top down, in other words, would this be something which you would like to just be reflected in documentation?

And it’s a thing that you could use, or are you looking for a framework for CSS where really there are standards, which must be adhered to. In other words, you don’t really get to choose. If you want to be a WordPress theme in the repository, then you must do it in such and such a way. And over time, you mentioned five years in the future, we slowly encourage people to become the writers of CSS in that way.

[00:18:38] Mark Root-Wiley: That is such a tough question. I think that I guess I’ll say a few different things. I mean, I think that whenever possible, it’s better to use carrots than sticks. And I think that, right now in fact, I think the theme dot json standard is a great one where, if you’re building, what we’re now starting to think of is like classic themes.

Like you can use the theme dot json it’s on, it’s up to you and you also get like a ton of benefits by doing it. So I think that if we had standards like this, there would just be tremendous benefits to anyone who uses them, because themes would sort of work more similarly and even, there would be ways where plugins could suddenly sort of start referencing theme styles.

I would like to think that maybe this could bubble up, and be, you know, a community standard that people want to buy in, but aren’t forced to buy into. At the same time, I don’t know what it’s going to take to get this moving. Standardizing semantic names is something, we could talk about it forever.

And so I know that I personally, like I put out, in my blog post, a bunch of suggestions for the names. I thought really long and hard about them. I have my reasons. And honestly, like if someone said, nope, we’re going to use this really weird naming scheme that I don’t really care for anyway, I would use it in a heartbeat. I think having standards is more important than the specific names of them are. And so I do think that, there could be some room for some top-down decision-making here. As long as it’s a fairly simple thing, and we’re not going to punish people for not using it.

In WordPress land, you know, maybe that means we’re going to maybe throw some errors on occasion if you’re not using, some warnings, excuse me, not errors warnings. But no errors, nothing’s going to actually quit working.

[00:20:21] Nathan Wrigley: You mentioned in the piece that there are some recent issues They were obviously some kind of catalysts for you, where you thought, okay, these kinds of things are happening and it makes it pretty obvious that we need to rethink this. I’m just going to read them out, and maybe this will give some context to somebody listening to this.

You say to quote, recent issues make the need for a consistent, transparent approach, clear. Classes that were previously present and used by theme authors have been removed in favor of inline styles. Okay, we’ll get onto why that’s bad. Inline styles are redundant, hard to override and remove valuable selectors for theme authors. New instances of important, let’s just say that, CSS rules catch theme authors by surprise. Markup changes to Core blocks were only announced after the fact.

Now, I don’t know if you want to take all four of those or just riff on generally why you think these are the core things which need to be addressed, but yeah, there’s obviously something in there that sparked your interest and made you want to create this framework, if you like. Let’s just talk about that for a minute. Have you got something to say around that? What is it that you’ve found problematic?

[00:21:27] Mark Root-Wiley: I certainly have things to say. I suspect that honestly, maybe it was just random, how many, how many issues in 5.9 there were that sort of just got my goat as it were. I think that this is maybe one of the areas where there has already been a little bit of movement actually, which is wonderful. So yesterday, was this day when sort of all the dev notes for WordPress 6.0 showed up on the make.wordpress.org/core blog, and it included a lot of announcements about some changes to things, that are coming in WordPress 6.0. And I think that that advanced notice, already feels like, maybe some of what I’ve been saying has been heard and, and that, that is really great to see.

So, you know, there’s going to be some changes to like how images get aligned, the quote blocks CSS, some changes around the group block in the block editor. And, I’m really happy to see that communication. So I do think that some of these smaller things were addressed, but I also think that the fact that some classes disappeared and some markup changed and nobody knew about it, and like important CSS got added. If you ever want to like really get a bunch of people worked up about CSS, just start talking about important.

I think the fact that those all happened at once, I think more than any one specific issue, it just felt like, okay, there’s a lot of people changing a lot of things all at the same time and there’s no cohesive vision for we’re trying to take CSS in WordPress.

[00:22:47] Nathan Wrigley: Yeah. So essentially you want there to be far less surprises in the way that things are released and also to have some cohesive framework that everybody can dip into and everybody understands because it’s been well-documented and everybody can buy into it. As you said, carrot, not stick, because it just makes sense.

The article on the WP Tavern website had a very large amount of commentary on it. More so than anything I’ve seen in quite a while, to be honest, a lot of praise for the idea of what you’re doing. A lot of people saying, yes, we need this, we need this right now. And to develop it a little bit further, you are, you’re keen to get involved in a semantic approach.

Now that might not be obvious to everybody. So what does that mean? What is it you hope would come out of this? We may have a different vocabulary, in use in the end, but the idea is that we’re going to be substituting words or not as the case may be. So talk to us a little bit about that.

[00:23:43] Mark Root-Wiley: Yeah. I when I’m talking about semantics here, it’s really about can we establish shared meanings for some naming conventions within our CSS? So, back to the font size example earlier, if we can all agree that every time we name our font sizes, we’re going to call them small, medium, and large.

And every time we create our color palettes, we’re going to start with a primary color and a secondary color and maybe an accent color. Having that shared meaning, that’s what semantics are, is going to just provide so many benefits, and it’s also going to speed things up.

There’s going to be less mental overhead, fewer decisions that themers have to make. There’s just tons of value there. Thinking back I had mentioned that the theme user experience standards were maybe the best spiritual forbearer to this kind of point of the proposal. One of the things they recommended is when you’re naming your menu positions to call them menu one, menu two, menu three, menu four. Maybe that’s not what I would have chosen, but I started doing it and I’ve done it ever since.

And what it means is that any time I switched one of my themes to another themes that uses that same menu naming convention, like, the same main menu just popped up in the header, right where I would want it to be without me having to update any settings at all, just because, our themes knew how to talk to each other.

So it’s really about, can we make our themes and plugins talk to each other better and, ironically or, or appropriately, I think that just means we all need to do a bit more communication together in the project.

[00:25:10] Nathan Wrigley: Let’s get into weeds of the areas you think ought to be covered off, with some kind of framework. I keep using the word framework. I hope that’s okay. So for example, you mentioned fonts and you mentioned that the fonts might have things like small, medium, large, and that could probably extend up and down.

But also there’s obviously other things in CSS that we would like to cover. So before we get into nomenclature of what those things might be, let’s just talk about the things that you want to cover aside from fonts. What other things do you think are so essential that we need to have a standard that everybody just understands?

[00:25:47] Mark Root-Wiley: Great question. So in terms of those kinds of like standard things that we should name, I think beyond font sizes, including font weights, because if you’ve ever used a font, you know, that some have nine or now in infinite number of weights. So we need a way to sort of have a standardized font scale. Colors and gradients I had mentioned.

And again, that’s something where WordPress already lets us name our colors and gradients. So let’s just agree to always call them the same things. I think font families. So what are you using for your copy versus what you’re using for your heading? And then I would love to also see maybe some border widths, and probably the biggest one that I am most excited about is let’s agree on one or a few named scales for spacing.

So the space between blocks in a post, also the space between columns. The space between a gallery. If we can all agree on those names, then we can have a gallery with small space, a gallery with large space. And that’s just always going to look good from theme to theme, even though those values are going to be different and up to the themer.

[00:26:53] Nathan Wrigley: So aside from the fact that you would like to take into account things like font sizes and weights, colors, gradients, font, families, borders, spacing gaps, and so on columns and what have you. There would obviously need to be things that are associated with those, and you, you mentioned font sizes, small, medium, and large. Do you have some sort of insight into how far each of these go? Let’s for example take font sizes or weights? Well, let’s go for font sizes just for illustrative purposes.

How far would you like to take that, and do you have a system for making it so that it can be extendable indefinitely? So an example might be, one dash large or something like that, or XL large or something like that. Just give us a flavor of how far that scale would go down as well as up.

[00:27:39] Mark Root-Wiley: Yeah, that’s a good question. So I think, if it were up to me, if I were making a top-down decision, I think I would just pick a scale of numbers. Either, you know, starting at zero or going up, or maybe even centered around zero with positive and negative numbers. I like the fact that you don’t need to know English to use a scale like that, and it is infinitely scalable.

I think the other scaling systems that a lot of people really like is what’s often called a t-shirt sizing. So instead of small, medium and large, we would just have S M and L. And the nice thing about that one is you can infinitely go in either direction.

So XL, XXL, XXXL. It gets a little silly after a while, but you can do it. Some people like to say like three XL instead of XXXL. And you can do the same with XS, extra small. I will say that I think that when it comes to what WordPress should be standardizing, I don’t think it makes sense for us to say that every theme needs to have a 15 point scale for font sizes.

Some themes are gonna want three or five and that will be fine. I like to think of, of the 80 20 rule. 80% of needs out in the world can be satisfied by only 20% of the possible names in this case, that we could come up with.

So I think that for something like font sizes, a seven point scale, maybe would probably meet everybody’s needs in terms of switching from site to site, and keeping things looking pretty good. Again, to go back to sort of like why I like to think of this as a tool kit. I wouldn’t want to ever say that themes can only have seven font sizes. Right. It would just be that if they want more than that, they’re on their own to go figure that out.

I will say that I did, I did a lot of thinking about this even after my blog post. And there’s, there’s a demo I put together that was showing how maybe we could even have a way of having really big scales that could kind of shift down to only a three point scale, or maybe you want to have a five point scale, but it skipped 0.4. I think there’s some clever things you can do with CSS custom properties that could allow that to happen. So you can find that demo in the blog blog post.

[00:29:38] Nathan Wrigley: Yeah. I ran that demo. That was really useful to look at that. But let’s move on to colors and much, much more constrained there. You just want a handful really unlike font sizes, which there’s definitely more scope with colors. You just want a few basic standards that will satisfy most websites I guess?

[00:29:56] Mark Root-Wiley: I think that’s right. And I think that the more colors that we defined, probably the more disagreement there would be. What purpose does the fifth most important color in your palette have versus what purpose does the primary or secondary colors have in your palette?

And so I think that, especially for colors, I think it’s the best example where if you had a bunch of standards, they probably wouldn’t actually be that useful. So let’s just, let’s keep it simple, right? Let’s not, over-complicate this. Let’s make as few things we all need to agree on as possible. So hopefully we can actually agree on them and move forward.

[00:30:28] Nathan Wrigley: The font weights and the font size is obviously really dramatically changed the way a website looks. And if you switch from theme to theme and those get messed up, it really can look remarkably different. And you mentioned spacing, so gaps and columns and padding and margin and all that.

Again, it can really catastrophic effect things. What was a very small space can become a gigantic gulf, given a change in theme and so on, and so I was just wondered let’s ask the basic question again. What kind of constraints are you placing on that? How many different things do you think you need regarding spacing and gaps and all of that? Are we looking at dozens of different options or just three or four?

[00:31:06] Mark Root-Wiley: My first thought was, we probably only need maybe five, and I think that that probably would be about enough. If someone wants to do a few more than that, that would be fine. I think that spacing is maybe a really good example of the other key reason why I would love to see themes like shifting to these scales, because right now, for the most part, when an editor wants to change the spacing, of something in their posts, they can, you know, set a specific margin value or a specific padding value.

They can say, I want the top margin of this image to be 24 pixels. And they’re making that decision based on how their content looks in that moment, on their screen with that specific theme. Let’s say design trends again in five years are like really into white space. Maybe that 24 pixels is going to look super tiny all of a sudden. So if we can allow editors instead of having to pick a number and on the next page, they forget that they entered 24. And so they entered 20. And like now there’s just chaotic numbers all over the place. If we just say like, well, at the top of this image, I want to have a large margin.

Now, when they move to their next theme, it’s going to be not 24 pixels, it’s going to be whatever that is in the next theme. It’s always going to look cohesive. And so I think it’s really important to point out that it’s not just about standardizing the scales for theme developers, but I think if we provide these scales as options for customizing post content, we’re going to see editors just having to like not think so specifically, and that’s actually going to enable them to be more consistent, both in the moment and in the future, when they need to sort of switch their design.

[00:32:43] Nathan Wrigley: In a sense, you’ve read my mind because my next question was really about that because obviously your doing this for a living, you can probably come up with some naming system, some framework that works for you, and just keep executing that over and over again. But, that’s not the world. We live in the world where you’ll probably take over a website in a few years’ time that somebody else built, and it will be littered with CSS classes and CSS styling, specific to that exact one little thing on that one page and how on earth did that happen?

But it did. And so you need to go back and unpick all of the problems. So there’s that. The developers amongst us have probably figured out a system for themselves over the years, and they’ve got something which works. But when you swap a website, when you go and take on somebody else’s work, the fact that there’s consistency and stability in the naming of things would really help.

But then you mentioned the bit, which I thought was really interesting, about the non-technical users and having things in easy to understand, non-technical language that somebody can just get a hold on and okay. All right. It would appear that that thing, okay, might not be the most obvious name in the world, but right, it does that. And it seems to do that consistently over the site. That just makes sense for end users.

You described them as editors, but it could be anybody touching the website who has the capability to edit things. They, they really don’t want to get involved with CSS. In fact, that’s probably their worst nightmare that they need to think about CSS. They just want a handful of things, easy to understand. A minimal array of choices. The styling decisions were made months ago, and I’m just happy to stick with them.

[00:34:17] Mark Root-Wiley: You probably described that bit better I ever could. And, I think it really gets to this, there are lots of strong feelings about, is WordPress maybe becoming more like a site builder? Is it forgetting about being a content management system?

I truly believe that I think it can be both. And I also think that a lot of the work, especially around full site editing right now, like it has that more site builder mindset. And so I do think it’s important to remember that not every person with a WordPress site wants that super, super, super fine-grained control.

You’re right. I work with folks that just, they are busy professionals in nonprofits in particular. A lot of the organizations I have, you know, whoever is updating the website that is a teeny tiny part of their job. It’s probably not even in their job description at all sometimes.

They don’t want to be thinking about pixels or ems or if they don’t even know what MSR right. Can’t I just have some large space. That’s all I want, right. And so I think that not only are there these like huge technical advantages behind the scenes, but I really do want to just call out that I think this could actually like, just bring some simplicity to the editor and like help people make good decisions without constraining them.

[00:35:25] Nathan Wrigley: It also provides some kind of muscle memory options as well, in that if you have been working with a WordPress website, let’s say you’re working for company A over here, and you’ve been working with a WordPress website, and you go to interview for another job and they say, have you any experience with WordPress website?

Yeah, that’s fine. I can do that. Then you don’t need to relearn it over on this site though. That thing does. Okay, that wasn’t quite expecting that. That’s a lot bigger than I thought. It makes the whole process of editors moving from one website to another easier as well. So it just seems like a bit of a win-win.

Now having said all of that, we’re 15 years plus into the project. Everybody in the comments on the Tavern article seemed to think this was a cracking idea. You seem to think it’s a cracking idea, the likes of Rich Tabor, they think it’s a cracking idea. And yet here we are talking about it as an idea.

What’s holding us back? What is stopping this gaining momentum if it’s such a sensible idea? Are we, is the project too limited in time? Are we concentrating on other things? You may not have the answers, but you may have some intuitions.

[00:36:33] Mark Root-Wiley: I guess I would start with, this is, you know, a little off the cuff, just a theory, but I do think that the block editor is written in JavaScript. And so the amount of JavaScript in the WordPress project in the last few years has just exploded.

To be really clear, that’s fine. You couldn’t build the block editor without that level of JavaScript. But I do think it means that a ton of the development is done. When people are thinking in terms of JavaScript, and I will say that, one thing that I’ve looked for and I don’t really feel like I’ve seen a lot of, is people sort of starting with, like, what do we want the output to look like? What is the ideal HTML and CSS to allow a user to select the margins of their images, you know, how do we want to handle that? And then build the interface that’s going to enable that.

It feels like it’s sort of working the opposite way. If we’re worried about what is the settings interface going to look like? And then like, we’ll figure out what the code, to make it actually work on the front end is going to be last. I do think that maybe working backwards a little bit more frequent. What CSS do we want, and now how are we going to make sure that it can be created in a sensible way? I wonder if that would help, because at least to me looking, somewhat from the outside, it doesn’t seem like folks are working that way.

And now having said all of that, I think it’s mostly a people and a communication problem. And I think that’s just harder than tech problems, right? Give someone an infinite amount of time and by themselves they could build the block editor on their own, but they certainly could not organize an entire community to agree on what to call font sizes.

That just requires folks coming together. And honestly like making compromises and, and trying to think about what’s best for the community and not just best for themselves. I think that’s really hard. I think we can do it. I think things like that have happened in the past. I do think that’s the fundamental issue and so I don’t, I don’t know exactly what’s needed though.

Again, that’s why I do wonder, could someone maybe make a, a bit of an executive decision on this one and, and just try to say this is happening and we’re going to be taking comments for this long, and then we’re going to make a decision and roll with it because we think the advantages to having a system are bigger than the disadvantages to any sort of, in the weeds decision that might make it through.

[00:38:47] Nathan Wrigley: I wonder if it’s because CSS, of all of the different parts of WordPress. The HTML and the CSS bits, they’re the easy building blocks, aren’t they? They’re the bits that a lot of people can get hold of really quickly. And with a quick flick through some kind of 1 0 1 tutorial, you can get yourself up and running with the basics of font sizing and padding and margins and, and quickly gain an understanding of it.

And so everybody’s been left to their own devices on that. The theme may very well take care of all of that, of all of that for you. And you may need to adjust absolutely nothing. You’re entirely happy with the theme and you don’t dabble. But if on that one particular occasion, you just wished to change that one particular thing you want the, I, don’t know, the, the heading to be slightly bigger, you just fiddle about and locate the CSS for that and modify it, add something to a style sheet, so on. And it’s fairly straightforward and it can be done by more or less anybody on their own, but it doesn’t require any consistency. Naming what you like so long as it works.

But your approach is, is slightly different. And yeah, it feels as if maybe it’s not got the momentum at the moment, but it feels like, you know, maybe with things like this happening, your initiative happening, people talking about it more, maybe somebody could take this on. And as you say, maybe at some point it does need somebody on high to make a decision executively and say, okay, we’re going to concentrate on this and it’s going to become important. But I don’t know that any of that is in the roadmap right now. So you may need to keep banging the gong for a little bit longer I think.

[00:40:23] Mark Root-Wiley: I actually, you know, I, I played a lot of percussion growing up, so I love banging a good gong. One thing I noticed is, you mentioned the number of comments on the Tavern post, I certainly got a few comments on my blog post and I published a, sort of a Github issue that the sister of the blog post and it got a lot of comments and, and I do think people are listening.

I’m not sure what’s required to sort of get some action steps. But, I will say that, what really made me think that, yes, I, I do think people are listening at this moment is there was a blog post, at this point, I think about a month ago, on the make wordpress.org/core blog called core styles and theme customization, the next steps.

The gist of that post is basically like here’s a bunch of links to get hub issues, please go read them and leave your feedback. The speed of change in an open source project is never going to be what we want it to be. And I really do try to always remember that when I’m feeling impatient, which is certainly why I wrote this whole thing.

But I do think that, it is important for folks to always be paying attention, always be sharing their mind, because I do think, at some point, especially if a lot of us keep talking about this, like some decisions will get made. And so, you know, make sure if you’re interested in this, make sure to go leave some comments on, on these issues and keep bumping them up so people can see that they are high priority for a lot of us in the community. I know it’s not just me.

[00:41:42] Nathan Wrigley: Yeah, it was quite interesting. The article that you mentioned, the core styles and theme customization, the next steps I was highlighting the bits that were basic replications of everything that you were saying. And quite a lot of the article got highlighted. Let’s put it that way. So it would seem that, on some level, there is movement here and people are definitely in agreement with you.

Do you have any insight into how this might get revved up and get more interest attached to it? In other words, are you willing to put your best foot forward and become somebody in the vanguard? Like I said, banging the gong. Or do you find that there’s probably a better way of, have you got any insights into where people could go if they agree with you and want to get involved to make this happen?

[00:42:25] Mark Root-Wiley: Gosh, it takes everyone in the community weighing in, I think that. One thing I’ll say is that, you know, I tried to get a lot of people to review my blog post and, even gives me advice on like, how should I publish it and who should I let know about this?

Cause I think that if it’s just me it’s ineffective. It does need to be a community. And so, you know, I would say I would love to see other people sharing their own proposals even. I don’t know. I don’t even know if you want to include this part, I don’t think it can just be me.

I it’s pretty silly actually. I published this blog post and then 24 hours later, we had a new baby. I definitely had to fall off the face of the earth and disappear for a while, but I was so thrilled to see other people, saying like, yeah, this is awesome. And here’s the couple of things I have to add.

[00:43:08] Nathan Wrigley: There’s a whole lot towards the end of the article where you outline the different problems that your solution may solve. I won’t list them all now, but all of it kind of makes common sense to me. One can only hope that the ideas that you’ve suggested go forwards and that people, as a community, can coalesce and come up with an idea.

And as you said, you’re not bound to any one particular way of doing it. It’s just the mere idea of standardizing things, whether it be named this or that is not important, it would just be nice to have some standard documented that everybody can adhere to and therefore make it a lot easier for all of us to make websites, whether we’re building them for clients or we’re just editing and tweaking them ourselves.

One of the concerns that we may have is the stability of WordPress CSS in the future. And I know that you have possible concerns that in the future, for example, Gutenberg blocks, there’s no requirement for the CSS, the classes, and so on to be the same today as it will be tomorrow or indeed yesterday.

So in other words, is that a problem, do you think? Is there any problem of consistency where let’s say that you build something and you ship It, and it goes out to your client. It’s using blocks, but suddenly unbeknownst to you, the blocks CSS classes all get modified, perhaps ever so slightly, but enough to break things. Is that a concern that you have?

[00:44:36] Mark Root-Wiley: It really is. And I think that this is one of the biggest things I sort of learned from this intense period of engagement I’ve been having with the project is that, in discussing this with other people and really closely going through, uh, lots and lots of issues and the Gutenberg Github repository. I found some core development team members really saying that they viewed the HTML markup and the classes and how the CSS has written as essentially like non-public, which is to say you can’t count on this stuff not changing in the future.

That was really shocking to me. And I think for a couple of reasons, I mean, th the first is that, you know, that’s never how it’s been in WordPress in the past. The HTML for the comment forum, the HTML for the search forum, like those weren’t always seen as, you can count on this, there are ways to change it if you need to, but if we’re going to change this stuff, it’s going to be a huge deal and you’ll hear about it in advance, and we’re really gonna try to avoid that.

And so it felt like, uh, that was a departure from how things had previously been. And also as I’m someone who I think follows the project, like more closely than average, even though I, you know, I’m certainly not like a day-to-day contributor, or anything, but this was huge news to me as someone who’s been working with the block editor for years now.

At least to me, I don’t even really know that it’s reasonable to just say that like, well, here’s a bunch of HTML and CSS. Themers I know you have like your job to do and you need to make changes to this, but like, you can’t count on it. That doesn’t really seem fair.

And I certainly don’t think people are really aware of that. They’re not going to go in and one day, you know, completely change the image block or the block quote block drastically. I don’t really think they mean we’re going to just completely change everything. But I do think it just highlights the need again, to really spend some time focusing on what is the HTML that can serve as best going forward. So we don’t need to change it.

What are the CSS classes and the ways of handling CSS styles that we want to commit to now so that we can all just know what’s coming in the future. And so that when there are changes made, they are a big deal, and people are given lots of advance warning and they can, they can react.

And so I think I’m seeing more advanced warning in WordPress 6.0, which is awesome. It’s time to have that conversation about how can we just reduce the number of times we need to make big changes like that. Cause people are going to style HTML, no matter what.

[00:46:58] Nathan Wrigley: Yeah. I wonder if it’s a product of the fact that the block editor is now basically a conduit to put in lots and lots of little components. So you might have a paragraph block and you might have a, an image block or a cover block or whatever it might be. You’ve got all of these different blocks and the functionality of that is not yet a hundred percent certain. In other words, aspects of it could change. And so I wonder if them communicating CSS will change is a product of that. They’re just not sure exactly what those blocks will look like in a few years time. And if they become radically different, maybe the functionality changes. Let’s hope it doesn’t. I’m sure it won’t, but if it did, some of the CSS may need to change. I don’t know.

[00:47:42] Mark Root-Wiley: I think you’re right on the money there. I mean, the block editor is so much more powerful and I want to be really clear that like, that’s awesome. Like the folks I work with generally, like love that they can do more complex things like columns, or like finally putting text on top of an image for the cover block.

Those are good things. And we had to have a more complex system to make that possible. So I’m not against the complexity, but I just think it’s really important that the folks who are building the product, don’t forget about those of us in the real world who, you know, have to make things work every day. And we have, we have new sites we’re constantly working on, the impact of even what can seem like a really tiny change can be really big.

To bring it all back around, I really do think that if we can have just a few more standards and right, if we can have that kind of contract between themes and blocks, I think we can reduce the amount of times that those kinds of changes happen.

I totally acknowledge that they’re going to have to happen every once in a while. If we want to have this like big, nice thing, we’re going to have to put up with probably more changes. Cause there’s more things that can change, but, let’s really, let’s take a minute and figure out how we can make that as infrequent unpainful as possible.

[00:48:51] Nathan Wrigley: Yeah. It’s interesting your language there. You described it as a big, nice thing. And in a sense it’s a big, nice thing made up of lots of smaller little nice things. Each of those little nice things is completely independent. And you may not use those on your website, but you may.

And if there’s modifications made to the CSS classes and what have you, the downstream effect could be pretty catastrophic. You know, if you’ve just built 50 websites and they’re all using the exact same block and some tiny little change affects you 50 times, that’s suddenly created a lot of work for you that potentially was not even thought about elsewhere.

[00:49:27] Mark Root-Wiley: It has. In some extreme cases, this is maybe the reason why some people are often building custom blocks that really they could just be using the core block, but I’ve, I’ve at least anecdotally heard that folks do that sometimes because they know that their block isn’t going to change, even if they don’t want to have to take the time to build it.

[00:49:44] Nathan Wrigley: If people Mark wants to find you. They want to actually reach out to you. You may wish to share a Twitter handle or a website or an email address. Totally up to you. Yeah, any place that you could be found if people are inspired to join you?

[00:49:58] Mark Root-Wiley: Yes. I am M R W web pretty much everywhere. So that’s, uh, MRW web with two W’s, uh, I’m MRW web.com. I’m M R W web on GitHub and Twitter and in the WordPress Slack and Post Status Slack. All these other places. I have a highly Googleable namee. If you want to come find me, I would love to hear from you I’m. I am not that hard to find.

[00:50:23] Nathan Wrigley: Well, Mark, thank you very much for being on the podcast today. I really appreciate.

[00:50:28] Mark Root-Wiley: Thanks so much for having me. This was a blast Nathan. Great, great questions. I got to say.

#27 – Ana Segota and Kelly Choyce-Dwan on How To Use the New Pattern Creator

On the podcast today we have Ana Segota and Kelly Choyce-Dwan.

I suspect that you might have heard about block patterns, but if you haven’t, you’re in for a treat. Patterns are collections of blocks which anyone can assemble for easy reuse at a later date. You can make them as simple or as complex as you, style them and save them away. When you’re ready to reuse them, they’re just one click away. It’s a great time saver.

Having said that, not all of us are great at design, or perhaps we’ve just not had the time to explore how block patterns are created. Wouldn’t it be great if there was a source of patterns which we could use in our WordPress websites, safe in the knowledge that they were completely free to use? There is,   and it’s called the Pattern Directory. You simply find a pattern you like and copy / paste it into your site.

You could stop there, but you could also use this as a way of learning how blocks are constructed. Open up the pattern to see how it’s laid out. What settings were used to create the styling?

Right now, the Pattern Directory is quite small. There’s a few hundred patterns to explore, but it could certainly do with some more contributions, and that is what this podcast is all about.

The Pattern Creator is the way to create patterns so that they can be submitted, reviewed, and hopefully accepted into the Pattern Directory.

We’ve got two perspectives on the podcast today from people who come at it from different angles.

Ana is a self taught WordPress themer and designer who is making use of patterns at Anariel Design, her website building business, and Kelly is an Automattician who has been working with the team building the Pattern Directory and Creator.

We talk about how the Creator works, how you can submit your patterns and what constraints are there for having your submissions accepted.

So, if you’re curious about how patterns can speed up your website building workflow, this episode is for you.

Useful links.





Ana is @ana_segota on Twitter, and @anasegota on the Make Slack Channel.

Kelly is @ryelle on both Twitter and the Make Slack Channel.


[00:00:00] Nathan Wrigley: Welcome to the Jukebox podcast from WP Tavern. My name is Nathan Wrigley. Jukebox is a podcast, which is dedicated to all things WordPress. The people, the events, the plugins, the blocks, the themes, and in this case, learning about the new pattern creator.

If you’d like to subscribe to the podcast, you can do that by searching for WP Tavern in your podcast player of choice, or by going to WP Tavern.com forward slash feed forward slash podcast. And you can copy that URL into most podcast players.

If you’ve got a topic that you’d like us to feature on the podcast, well, I’m very keen to hear from you, and hopefully get you, or your idea featured on the show. Head over to WP Tavern.com forward slash contact forward slash jukebox, and use the contact form there.

So on the podcast today, we have Ana Segota and Kelly Choyce-Dwan. I suspect that you’ve heard about block patterns, but if you haven’t, you’re in for a treat.

Patterns are collections of blocks which anyone can assemble for easy reuse at a later date. You can make them as simple or as complex as you like. Style them and save them away. When you’re ready to reuse them, they’re just one click away. It’s a great time-saver .

Having said that, not all of us are great at design, or perhaps we’ve just not had the time to explore how block patterns are created. Wouldn’t it be great if there was a source of patterns which we could use in our WordPress websites, safe in the knowledge that they were completely free to use? There is, and it’s called the pattern directory. You simply find a pattern that you like and copy paste it into your site.

You could stop there, but you could also use this as a way of learning how blocks are constructed. Open up the pattern and see how it’s laid out. What settings we’ll use to create the styling?

Right now, the pattern directory is quite small. There’s a few hundred pounds to explore, but it could certainly do with some more contributions. And that is what this podcast is about. The pattern creator is the way to create patterns so that they can be submitted, reviewed, and hopefully accepted into the Pattern Directory. We’ve got two perspectives on the podcast today from people who come at it from different angles.

Ana is a self-taught WordPress themer, and a designer who is making use of patterns in her website builds. And Kelly is an Automattician who has been working with the team building the Pattern Directory and Creator. We talk about how the creator works, how you can submit your patterns and what constraints are there for having your submissions accepted.

So, if you’re curious about how patterns can speed up your website building workflow, this episode is for you.

If you’re interested in finding out more, you can find all the links in the show notes by heading over to WP tavern.com forward slash podcast, where you’ll find all the other episodes as well.

And so without further delay, I bring you Ana Segota and Kelly Choyce-Dwan.

I am joined on the podcast today by Ana Segota and Kelly Choyce-Dwan. Hello.

[00:04:01] Ana Segota: Hi.

[00:04:01] Kelly Choyce-Dwan: Hello.

[00:04:02] Nathan Wrigley: Very nice to have you both here. As we always do at the beginning of the podcast, I’m going to give both of you an opportunity to introduce yourselves, to give us a bit of an orientation.

If you’ve listened to the introduction to this podcast, you probably know that we’re going to be talking about the pattern creator. And so it would be important to know why the two guests today are coming on talking about that. So, we’ll take it one at a time. We’ll begin with Ana. Ana, just tell us a little bit about your journey with WordPress and how come it is that you became involved with the pattern creator.

[00:04:33] Ana Segota: So, hi Nathan, nice to meet you and thank you for inviting me. So I’m Ana Segota, and I am a themer, and I love creating WordPress themes using block patterns. I always was more as a designer, but I learned to code to be able to create WordPress themes myself, but now having a block patterns is such a relief for me because I can concentrate on design more.

[00:05:04] Nathan Wrigley: That’s really nice. Thank you. Yeah. The intention of the tool is to make all of those decisions a little bit easier. So it’s nice, nice to know that in your case, it’s working. So, okay that’s going to be one perspective that we’ve got in the show today. And another perspective comes from Kelly. So Kelly, just spend a moment, tell us who you are please.

[00:05:21] Kelly Choyce-Dwan: Sure. So my name is Kelly Choyce-Dwan, also ryelle online. I work at Automattic and I have for over seven years. I started with WordPress in 2009, and I’m now working on the Meta team where my focus recently has been on the pattern directory and pattern creator.

[00:05:41] Nathan Wrigley: Now many people listening to this podcast will be very up-to-date users of WordPress. There’ll be using the tools that are shipping all of the time, and they may well have discovered patterns and be using them to great effect.

On the other hand, I suspect that there’ll be a fair amount of people who as yet have not delved into patterns. They may know what they are. They may not. So I’m wondering if we could really just rewind a little bit, make no assumptions about anybody’s knowledge about patterns and just lay out what they are. So it’s a very general question. Either of you feel free to answer it. What are patterns in WordPress and why might you wish to use them?

[00:06:24] Ana Segota: So for me block patterns, I like predefined and ready to use layout that you can click or drug and create pages. It’s like a collection of blocks arranged together to help you create different layouts. If you’ve used sometimes page builders, or Elementor templates, for example, it’s the same thing. You can use them on your website. You can adjust them, change the layout, change the colors. And I think they’re very useful.

[00:06:59] Nathan Wrigley: Thank you. So they are basically quick ways to build websites. You’re using other people’s predefined layouts. The work, in great measure, has been done for you. You can discover collections of blocks, which are generically called patterns, and you can click on those and import them into your post or page or whatever it might be.

So it speeds things up. I’m curious, for those of you, who’ve never used this before again, how do you actually build them? What’s the process that one might find themselves in, and bear in mind, we might be speaking to users of WordPress who are familiar with page builders, and don’t really find themselves interacting with the WordPress block editor.

So we may need to have a little bit of a description around there. What are we actually doing? How do we create and build patterns?

[00:07:51] Ana Segota: Okay. so mostly, I’m building block patterns for the themes. As a background, I first start, with niche, different niche, and what can be useful for that niche. And then I start creating block patterns directly in the editor, where you have all the options of block that you can combine in one block pattern.

So mostly I started with a group block, where I put then columns or cover or images, and start creating different ideas and different layout.

[00:08:34] Nathan Wrigley: Are you able to save those, as WordPress currently stands? Are you able to save those and I’ll stay with Ana. Are you able to save those Ana so that they can be reused on other websites. In other words, can you save more time by having your own little collection of blocks, which you then can use on this website over here and this other completely different website?

[00:08:58] Ana Segota: Maybe Kelly knows better, the other way, but what I know you can always copy the block you have and paste it on other website. Or you can export it. But not sure if you can save it inside the editor for like a gallery or something. I’m not sure that you can, or if you can do this, maybe Kelly knows that.

[00:09:22] Kelly Choyce-Dwan: Well, I know that you can, if you copy the block code into like a code file, the you can register it that way, but it requires code.

[00:09:33] Ana Segota: I think, there is no easy way to save it in a gallery for the beginner user, for example.

[00:09:41] Nathan Wrigley: At the moment, it feels as though it is the domain of people who are fairly experienced with WordPress. All of the tooling, with things like Elementor that you described, where you, you might have a private cloud of things that you’ve created in the past, and you can log in, and there’s a cloud service attached and you can download those to all of the other websites. We’re not quite at that point yet, although maybe some of the discussion that we’ll have today will revolve around that.

[00:10:10] Ana Segota: Yeah, I would love that.

[00:10:12] Nathan Wrigley: Yeah, that would be a really nice addition.

[00:10:14] Ana Segota: But I think the, pattern creator is doing some kind of saving those block patterns and one place where you can reuse it. But we will come to it.

[00:10:24] Nathan Wrigley: That’s okay. We’ll come to that in a moment. Just to say, patterns are collections of blocks and you piece them together, akin to a jigsaw and you build up designs, and style those designs, add images, add forms, add whatever it might be, background, color, padding, and so on, until you’ve got something that you’d like to look off. And at the moment, it probably lives within one WordPress website. But you can copy and paste that over somewhere else, but there’s no sort of cloud functionality.

And so, to the main conversation today, which is the pattern creator. Just so that you know, the links will be in the show notes to everything that we talk about today. And the pattern creator may well be something that you want to go and play with because it enables you to do a very large amount more than potentially you can do in your normal WordPress website. So, whoever wishes to take this. What is the pattern creator? Hopefully we’ll be providing people with the link so they can find that. That’s all good. But what’s the purpose of it? Why was it built? Why did the WordPress team decide that a tool like this needed to exist?

[00:11:33] Kelly Choyce-Dwan: So the pattern creator is a place to go and create patterns to share with anyone who uses WordPress, and it was created to make the process of making a sharing patterns easier. It’s a place that you can go and make a pattern and you know that it can be reused without having to write that code.

[00:11:54] Nathan Wrigley: So, at the moment it’s not only is it a place where you can go and create patterns. It’s a place where you can go and discover other people’s already created patterns. And if you’re, if you’re coming to this podcast from another page builder, think about it as rows. You’re essentially grabbing rows from websites or component parts of websites. And so it serves that double purpose. Not only can you create your own, but you can also go and freely download other people’s work. Have I got that right? Have I misstated that?

[00:12:25] Kelly Choyce-Dwan: That’s correct?

[00:12:26] Nathan Wrigley: So in terms of how the editor works, we need to go to the website, the pattern creator website. And once we’re there, my understanding is that you need a, a wordpress.org account.

Once you’ve got yourself, a wordpress.org account, you can log in and you are presented with something which looks very, very similar to the usual WordPress block editor interface. It’s a little bit more spartan because the menu on the left kind of basically doesn’t exist. So all of those options for posts and pages and what have you are gone. Let’s talk about the design decisions.

So the menu on the left is gone. We’ve got the option to add blocks. Are we just dealing with a subset of the core blocks or can we add any of the core blocks?

[00:13:15] Kelly Choyce-Dwan: It is a subset currently, because we don’t have the dynamic content that might be on your website. So we can’t replicate the full experience of using that block. But almost all of the core blocks are available.

[00:13:30] Nathan Wrigley: Okay, so you can log in and you can start building out your blocks, or rather, I should say you can start building out your patterns. Then presumably there’s some kind of save process. And if you’re happy with things, can you use this if you chose to do it this way, can you use this as a private repository of your own blocks, that you’re maybe not ready to share with the world? Maybe they have to be kept in a draft state or something like that. Could it be used in that way? I know that’s not the intention. The intention is to have them shareable, but you were to design something and be not entirely satisfied with it, could you keep it there and come back to it at a later date and tweak it?

[00:14:13] Kelly Choyce-Dwan: Yeah, totally. You can save things as drafts. Actually, when we were first building it out, one of the ideas was that it could be a private repo for you to put your own patterns in. That isn’t built yet, but it could be in the future.

[00:14:26] Nathan Wrigley: So there is a kind of workaround to make it a directory of your own, if you simply save things as draft. But that isn’t the point. The intention is to make it universally available to everybody. And so on.

Does this require an up to date version of Gutenberg on the backend? So just to be clear, it’s like a SaaS product. You’re not installing WordPress anywhere. You are just going to a website and interacting with it. But I’m just curious to know, as Gutenberg is updated and modified and the blocks change, we’re several years in, and there’s been a great deal of change in the way that certain things work.

Do you have confidence that everything that you build today will look the same in, let’s say a couple of years time. In other words, do you anticipate that some things may break in the future or are you trying as hard as possible to mitigate against that?

[00:15:18] Kelly Choyce-Dwan: Well, I hope it won’t, but the pattern creator is using always the stable version of Gutenberg. So it will always be up-to-date when you’re creating patterns. Patterns created a few months ago, we’re created with an older version of Gutenberg, but between backwards compatibility block transformation, Gutenberg is trying not to break your content too. So I’m fairly confident that things will continue to work. If there are patterns that do brake, we have a reporting mechanism for reporting that.

[00:15:51] Nathan Wrigley: So it’s just Core blocks that we need to worry about. And it’s a subset of the Core blocks. Now, I’m looking on the interface at the moment. There’s the option for me to add a title? Obviously that’s just for the purposes of knowing what the pattern is that I’m saving somewhere. And then I can, in the normal way, click the little plus icon and I can add blocks as I choose. Put a group in, put some columns in and so on, and fiddle with those blocks just as I would do on my regular WordPress website.

And I’ve got the list view where I can see the stack of all of the different things that. I’ve created. And then on the right-hand side, you’ve got a title and a description. Do both of those serve the purpose of showing to somebody, once it’s been submitted to the pattern directory, which we’ll get onto in just a moment. Those titles and descriptions would give the people, browsing the pattern directory, some orientation as to what it was about and what it was designed to achieve.

[00:16:46] Kelly Choyce-Dwan: Yeah, that’s right. The title is the pattern title, and it’s the same when you’re in that little sidebar and the top title, they’re just two inputs for the same thing. Good title would describe what the pattern is, like one of the pattern contains, what it should be used for.

[00:17:01] Nathan Wrigley: Then in order to presumably aid search on the other end in the pattern directory. Currently we have six categories. There’s no option to create categories of your own. At the minute we look like we’ve got buttons, columns, gallery, header, images, text, and then there’s the option to add in keywords, maximum of 10.

Again, is this all just to help the taxonomy of it, to help assist people on the other side to locate things which you’ve got buttons in and specifically columns and galleries and so on? Is that the That’s the sole purpose of that.

[00:17:34] Kelly Choyce-Dwan: That’s right. And, they’re also used, those are the same properties that are used in WordPress Core when you’re registering patterns.

[00:17:41] Nathan Wrigley: So I could spend hours happily building out my new blocks and constructing them up into patterns and saving them away. And once I’ve got something that I’m happy with, there’s a blue submit button at the top right hand corner in the same way that you would have publish in WordPress typically, but this is submit.

What is the process, what’s going on there? What is the list of things which happen after that? So I’m thinking in terms of, I just clicked submit, but presumably at that point, all sorts of other things are set in motion. Maybe it’s sent to a particular team and people have to authorize things and check that it doesn’t break any guidelines. And that might be a long list of things that go on in the background there.

[00:18:24] Kelly Choyce-Dwan: Yeah. So when you submit a pattern, it asks you a few things more just to make sure you filled out all of your details. there are a few things that we’ll check for automatically, making sure you’re using a decent title. We’ve had a few patterns that are just called my pattern, which isn’t helpful for other people. So we detect things like that.

So after the automated checks, it does get submitted as pending. So it does not automatically approved yet. And there is a pattern review team that will look through the pending patterns and publish things that are valid. Most things do get published. So you probably would get published within a day or two.

[00:19:02] Ana Segota: It’s mostly hours or a day. I submitted here, so top, one day

[00:19:08] Nathan Wrigley: Yeah, it’s really quick. A big gripe about the, let’s say the theme review team or the plugin review team was that there was quite a long wait, sometimes very long. There’s a lot more complexity, I guess, within a theme, a lot more code floating about. So at the moment. if you submit something, as of, let’s say May 2022, you’re very likely to have a decision fairly quickly.

In terms of that being authorized, what are the guidelines? What are the kinds of things that are allowed and disallowed? In other words, so you mentioned that a good title, a good descriptive title is going to set you on the road to having its, authorized and put on the pattern directory.

Are there any other guidelines that need to be, you need to be mindful of? Not only in terms of getting it submitted, but things that you don’t want people to submit because it contravenes certain rules or regulations.

[00:20:03] Ana Segota: I think the most important part is to combine multiple blocks together, so not just to use one block and post it. So multiply blocks together and create some interesting and useful layouts. So maybe front design part and also something that can be creative and useful to the users. Also to highlight the capabilities of the blocks they contain and provide a starting point to customize the content.

Good pattern book needs to be, has a well-defined purpose too. And for don’ts, maybe to avoid to design patterns for a single theme. So to think about it to be used in different websites. Not to create a pattern that is like a full page. Or just a simple pattern that is using a paragraph. And I think you need to use photos from the gallery there. You can’t import your photos or from some other website, and that’s probably it.

[00:21:11] Nathan Wrigley: So the photos are coming in from, Kelly, maybe you can help us out here. Are they coming in from Openverse?

[00:21:18] Kelly Choyce-Dwan: They are yeah. It’s all CC0 photos from Openverse. So they’re able to be used by anyone without any, without worry about crediting people.

[00:21:27] Ana Segota: Yeah, that’s very helpful.

[00:21:30] Nathan Wrigley: Another podcast episode altogether isn’t it? The whole Openverse project’s fabulous. Yeah. so obviously there’s constraints in terms of the do’s, you know, it needs to be usable on multiple websites, and so on, just as Ana said, but there’s some certain don’ts as well. We’ve prevented the ability to upload images by just using Openverse images, which is great.

But also, I guess that would be in terms of the text that you write into paragraph or heading fields, there would be a requirement for it to be, let’s call it family friendly. You know, we don’t want anything which might cause anybody any hassle and presumably that’s a trip wire which the team would immediately reject it on.

So, okay. Let’s let’s imagine that we’ve built this fabulous pattern. It’s absolutely hit the guidance on the head and it’s been approved. What then? Where does it go? Where does it live? How can other people find it?

[00:22:24] Kelly Choyce-Dwan: So it’s in the pattern directory, which is just wordpress.org/patterns. You can use that website to search through patterns. Once you found a pattern that you like, you’re able to use it in your own website, just by simply copying it. And there is a copy button on each pattern that you can use to copy the code for it.

And if you just paste that straight into your editor, you have that pattern.

[00:22:48] Nathan Wrigley: So, you go to the pattern directory, presumably you would then search and filter against the things which you created when you were submitting your pattern. And then there’s a simple copy and paste button. You copy it. It’s in the clipboard of your computer and you just go over to your website and in an empty block, there’s no sort of container or wrapper that you need to stick it in. You literally just paste it into a brand new empty text block and all will work?

[00:23:18] Kelly Choyce-Dwan: Yep.

[00:23:19] Ana Segota: Yeah.

[00:23:19] Nathan Wrigley: Are there any gotchas there? Because that process, whilst it’s not necessarily quite as optimal as the cloud that we were talking about earlier, where you could actually see it within your WordPress website, which I guess ultimately would be an easier experience?

Does it always work? Are there any situations where copying and pasting that code has unexpected consequences. I don’t mean things breaking. I just mean that the styling, for example, something that the theme brings to bear might make things look peculiar and not quite how you intended.

[00:23:51] Kelly Choyce-Dwan: Yeah, I think that’s possible because it is, I mean it uses the Core blocks. So if your theme styles the core blocks minimally, maybe, you’ll probably be fine, but if your theme is doing anything really creative with some of the blocks, I suppose you could have some trouble where a quote that you copied from the pattern directory looks totally different on your site.

[00:24:12] Ana Segota: But if you are using a full site editing theme, I think you are good with.

[00:24:17] Nathan Wrigley: It should just work. Yeah. Do you know if there’s any intention to bring any of this kind of functionality into WordPress Core. And what I’m meaning by that is that I could hook up my let’s say wordpress.org account to my website. And then I could create patterns inside my website and then authorize them to be submitted to the pattern directory.

I feel like that might be quite a useful workflow at some point in the future, because then you’re not necessarily having to go out and go to a different website in order to create the patterns and publish them and so on. And equally, I wonder if in the future there are any plans to make it so that I can pull these patterns in, in the same way that we described that page builders like Elementor and so on, have their cloud templates and so on, and so forth.

[00:25:11] Kelly Choyce-Dwan: Yeah, I think the second is much more likely than the first. So if you were to create a pattern on your own website. Uh, you might be using any number of blocks that are not Core blocks. So I don’t know that creating a pattern on your website and pushing it up is on the roadmap at least, because there’s a lot more gotchas. We can’t control the media that you’re using. Like we’re able to use Open verse images on the pattern creator.

So there’s a lot more, a lot more like gotchas that way. But, having an ability to pull patterns from the pattern directory on wordpress.org into your own site. I do think that that is probably going to happen soon.

Already, you can call out, well already in WordPress 6.0, you’ll be able to register pattern slugs when you’re building a theme, and then it will pull down those patterns from the pattern directory. So you can pull patterns like that.

[00:26:06] Nathan Wrigley: Yeah. That’s, that’s interesting. So imagine that I’ve submitted one of my patterns. I’m very happy with it, but a year or two passes and I now for goodness knows what reason, I now don’t wish that pattern to be part of the directory. I’m wondering if either of you have any knowledge about whether things can be removed or once I’ve submitted it, is it up there for life? And I have essentially given it over to the community in perpetuity.

[00:26:36] Kelly Choyce-Dwan: You can revert your pattern to draft, if you want to take it down. You can also trash it. We’re not tied to always supporting things the way that the theme and plugin directories are because there isn’t really as much of a tie to your content and this thing on wordpress.org, because once you copy a pattern down, you have it, you don’t need to sync back up with the parent. So we don’t need to, we don’t have the same issues of keeping something around.

[00:27:00] Nathan Wrigley: Yeah, so you can curate that yourself. You can just, if you like return it to a draft status. So there’s a permanent connection between the wordpress.org repository that I can access with my user login and password, and the pattern being published. In other words, when I clicked submit, it’s not just taken from my submission and put into some other SaaS, if you like.

So my expectation was that when I submitted it, much in the same way that I was submitting a form on a website, that form can then live somewhere else. You know, the form submission can come to me via email. I can’t rescind that form being sent. But in the directory the submit button and the draft status button is directly connected to whether it’s on the pattern directory.

So if I click draft again, it will immediately, without any human supervision, it will suck it out of the directory and mean that it’s no longer there.

[00:28:03] Kelly Choyce-Dwan: Yeah, that that’s correct.

[00:28:05] Nathan Wrigley: Yeah, I really didn’t understand that. I just assumed that I was submitting it rather like a form. Somebody would inspect it, check it into another platform. So that’s kind of good to know.

[00:28:15] Kelly Choyce-Dwan: Yeah. It also means that you can edit. So if you make your pattern and then you decide that you actually, you’ve submitted it, it’s been a week though. And you don’t like the color of the button. You can make that change. It’ll submit it back to pending, and it has to go through that review again. But, once it’s published, your pattern will have the new change now.

[00:28:34] Nathan Wrigley: Okay. So we have to go through the process. Do you have any insight into how popular patterns have become over time? I mean, I still feel that the editing experience for proprietary page builders is something that people are keen for Gutenberg to have. You know, in other words, what you see is literally what you get.

There’s no ifs or buts, it’s just exactly the same on the backend as it is on the front end. And I feel that a lot of people are not moving over to Gutenberg because that experience is not there yet. So, this one may be for Kelly, it may be for Ana. Ana, you might like to draw on, you know, your experience or maybe your friends and colleagues. Is it as usable yet? Are patterns as useful to you as your page builder that you may have used in the past yet? Or if we still got a way to go, what are your, what are your instincts on that?

[00:29:25] Ana Segota: From my point of view, I think the block patterns are now really well made and they can be really useful. And I think they are mostly easier to use them. So for the user’s point of view, but they come more to the problem where we are starting to use templates, for example. Full site editing and templates. Block patterns are I think easiest part from the whole full site editing,.

From my experience, mostly they like block patterns but, I think we are still in early stage because there is not a lot of themes that are full site editing themes. And sometimes we also have older themes that we are updating with block patterns, but it’s like a mix of old way and new way. So I think when we start doing more full site editing themes, it will get easier and user will get to know znd to accept it more.

But I think block patterns are really useful from the user side, but templates are a bit tricky now, I must say, a bit confusing because we have a two editors now, like site editor and normal editor that they know from past. And they’re asking why I see now here block pattern, but in the old editor I need to click on the edit template to edit the template. It’s a bit tricky and confusing at the moment I must confess.

[00:31:00] Nathan Wrigley: We’re on the cusp of WordPress 6.0 being released, and as each different, a new release comes around, there is more being added and the complexity sometimes goes up and hopefully at some point the complexity will go down again and be more straightforward to use.

I guess that one of the biggest wins of using patterns and the pattern directory, which you would submit things to with the creator, is that all of this is just free. It’s completely freely available. You can use it in any which way you’d like, there’s no constraints over how you might use it. And if we rewind the clock about, oh, I don’t know, let’s go for about 12 or 13 years.

I imagine that the plug-in directory felt like a similar thing, you know, you would submit your plugin and within a few hours, somebody would say yes. That’s great, thank you very much. We now know that WordPress has 50,000 plus plugins. The directory whilst being very useful is quite hard, it’s very difficult to track things down. We’ve got certain things being recommended because they’re popular and it may be hard for people to have their bits and pieces discovered.

I’m just wondering, Kelly I’ll fire this one at you. I’m just wondering if in the future there are plans to make it so that as you submit patterns, there’s maybe more options around curating it, more taxonomy, terms, greater ways of being able to search and discover things. Because at the moment, it’s easy.

There’s a handful of patterns, well, that’s not quite true, but you get point. There aren’t 50,000 of them. But in the future, when this takes off, I could see there being literally hundreds of thousands of patterns. And at that point it’s going to be extremely difficult to separate the ones that you would like from the ones which are just there in front of you, but you don’t necessarily feel able to use. So really I’m just wondering how that may be curated in the future. Any roadmap plans for that?

[00:33:00] Kelly Choyce-Dwan: Yeah. you’re right there are, what did you say, 50,000 plugins?

[00:33:03] Nathan Wrigley: Yeah,

[00:33:04] Kelly Choyce-Dwan: Yeah, there’s 400 patterns.

[00:33:06] Nathan Wrigley: Yeah, yeah.

[00:33:07] Kelly Choyce-Dwan: So a little different. I don’t know that there’s any concrete roadmap for what the future of this directory might look like. There are some discussions about whether there should be different categories, like buttons, columns, taxonomy. There’s questions about how we should handle patterns that are more for site building versus just content patterns. So I do think that this is all very much still like to be decided, and really if anyone has opinions, I’m sure we’d love to hear them.

[00:33:39] Nathan Wrigley: Yeah, we’ll get onto that actually now because that feels like a good point. So obviously this is being built out in the open. The pair of you have obviously taken a great interest in it, but it may be that people listening to this, this is new to them. And they think that they would like to play with this a little bit, become involved with the team.

So maybe again, I’ll direct this one at Kelly first off. Are there any ways, better ways where people can get involved in the project of the directory or the creator? Where are the best places to go and hang out?

[00:34:12] Kelly Choyce-Dwan: If you want to have feedback about the future of the pattern directory or if you just want to report that something’s not working. The project is on GitHub. It’s at github.com/wordpress/patterndirectory.

[00:34:27] Nathan Wrigley: So that’s the best place to go if you wish to find out about becoming involved. Ana, just wondering about your experiences of being involved with this. Have you got any, any insights? Is there a thing that you found the most useful? A, I don’t know, a Slack channel or a website where people are helping each other out. A group of some kind, maybe a community online somewhere where this is all happening?

[00:34:50] Ana Segota: I was in contact per Slack, with Anne McCartney also and, mostly Slack and Twitter, but yeah, mostly Slack or Github, yeah.

[00:35:01] Nathan Wrigley: Now, I know that neither of you will be able to answer this question directly, but the theme repository and the plugin repository, they feel like there’s no way that they are going away. They’re going to be here for the long-term. You know, I can imagine decades from now, they’ll still be in existence. Do you both have confidence that this journey that we’ve taken on where blocks and patterns are becoming the new, the new way of creating quick and easy websites. Do you feel confident that this is the way it’s going to be done? You know, that we ought to sail our ship in this direction?

Your long-term thoughts really on whether or not this is the way it’s going to be done in the future.

[00:35:40] Ana Segota: I hope so. I really hope so. I think this way is, better way of making, for example, I am in theme business, so, it’s easier to create themes. Especially to offer easier way of using themes to users. So finally theme can be a design for me, and that’s a really big step in the right direction. So I really hope it will stay. And also be better with the time and more easier to use.

[00:36:12] Nathan Wrigley: Thank you. And Kelly.

[00:36:14] Kelly Choyce-Dwan: Yeah, I do think that this is the way forward. I think that using blocks and making patterns is really only going to become more, more standard. Easier to use. And so I think that this is going to be the way to make websites

[00:36:28] Nathan Wrigley: Yeah. Just one last quick thought. I mentioned something similar earlier and Ana talked about it, I’m going to direct this one at you, Kelly, if that’s all right. I don’t know what your experience is with other website building tools. And we mentioned page builders, such as Elementor and, I just wondered what your thoughts are on where the user interface is and the user experience is at the moment.

Maybe you’ve got some insight into that. Maybe you don’t, but I just wondered whether you thought that it was yet at a point of maturity. And that kind of ties into the question I’ve just asked about whether it would be widely adopted, because it feels like there’s a big holdout of people the moment who simply cannot make the move because the experience as yet doesn’t have that, it’s exactly the same on the front end, as it is on the backend. And Ana, I think you just said, Yeah in the background. You can identify. You’ve committed, you’ve jumped over and you’ve made that journey and put the investment of time into…

[00:37:24] Ana Segota: Yeah, but it takes a lot of challenges, yeah. Because I get the input from the user side and I also used Elementor before to see how it works. And I must say it’s still a long way. But, what is most confusing now to the users, what I said before, also, those two editors and two different phase. We now have again templates that you can edit.

And they’re a bit confused. Like, okay, I go on out to edit the template and I saved it and now it’s applied to all my pages and now you need to explain it that they need to refresh it and pull it back. And it’s a bit confusing. So we don’t have one editor where you can do all the things. For example, you come to one editor and click, for example, to choose a layout and this layout is there and you can edit it and that’s it. Yeah, it’s a bit struggle for now.

[00:38:25] Nathan Wrigley: I do wonder if that struggle, and I’m going to see what Kelly makes on this, I do wonder if that’s going to be for a little while into the future, if that’s going to be a limitation in terms of adoption, is the fact that there are difficulties. There’s a lot of learning which needs to take place to wean you off those tools and, whilst the WordPress Core way of doing blocks and patterns and so on is free, widely available, done in the open, open source and all of that kind of stuff. I wonder if the adoption is going to be stifled because of the constraints that Ana just mentioned. What do you think about that?

[00:39:04] Ana Segota: I think it depends also on us, on themers a lot. How we will implement this and make it easier for the users. And we also need to educate now the users, how they can use it and make it as easier as possible. And sometimes there’s not that easy because you need to follow updates and to do the updates all the time and to educate people about it.

But I think it’s a good step in the right direction. And I think with the time and with the education people will adopted it yeah. Just by creating a pages using just block pattern it’s a really a big step. And it’s a great thing. You can really create most everything with block patterns without using templates for example.

[00:39:54] Nathan Wrigley: Yeah, I think people just need time, the inspiration to get into it…

[00:39:59] Ana Segota: It’s a new, it’s a new thing and you always need time to learn something new.

[00:40:03] Nathan Wrigley: That’s right. We actually interviewed Courtney Robertson from the Learn initiative last week. And there’s an awful lot of content. And I think that’s maybe a piece that was missing in the past, the ability to go and find video tutorials, which answer the exact question that you’re looking for.

Kelly, can I put that one to you? Is it basically the same question? You said that you hadn’t got a great deal of experience with page builders and so on, but I’m just wondering if you had any intuitions around there, whether or not the UI and the UX is, is everything that you guys had hoped it would be, or do you feel that there’s still quite a lot of work going through WordPress six and seven and maybe even, eight.

[00:40:39] Kelly Choyce-Dwan: Yeah, I haven’t used page filters. I am definitely a pretty vanilla WordPress user. But I have been, you know, working with the site editor and I can see that it is a little confusing still. I do think that it needs to be iterated on, but I think that the future is going to be good.

I think the plans are there and it’s constantly getting better. So I’m very positive about it. Yeah.

[00:41:02] Nathan Wrigley: Thank you. Okay, just to wrap up, if people have listened to this podcast today and they would like to get in touch with you and make contact and use your expertise. What’s the best way of getting in touch with you? It could be a Twitter handle could be an email address, or it could be nothing. You might wish to share nothing at all, but I’ll start with Ana. What’s the best way to get in touch with you, Ana?

[00:41:24] Ana Segota: Twitter, or Slack or email. It’s all good. Maybe you can add a later?

[00:41:31] Nathan Wrigley: Yeah, I will definitely add your Twitter and Slack into the show notes. And same question to you, Kelly. What’s the best way to get in touch with you?

[00:41:40] Kelly Choyce-Dwan: You can find me on Twitter, Ryelle, R Y E L L E or on wordpress.org Slack. I can also chat there.

[00:41:49] Nathan Wrigley: Okay, Ana and Kelly, thank you so much for talking to me on the podcast today, and I appreciate you giving me an hour of your time. Thank you very much, indeed.

368: Lea Rosema

I got to talk with Lea Rosema this week! She’s an incredibly talented digital artist and front-end developer. She does quite a bit of art with some of the trickiest web technology out there: shaders! But rather than just learn it and use it, she helps other people learn and get more out of it. Several times that has taken the shape of Web Components. For example, a <shader-art> Web Component that takes some of the boilerplate work out of designing with them. See this Collection of examples.

Time Jumps

  • 00:44 Guest introduction
  • 03:38 Shaders
  • 07:39 How does the shader work?
  • 13:30 Sponsor: JS Nation
  • 14:15 Dealing with strange looking code languages
  • 17:53 What drew you to working in this tech?
  • 20:20 Slider plugin
  • 23:53 Half tone circle Pen
  • 26:12 Magic Pixels
  • 27:17 State of my brain Pen
  • 28:37 Wandering through a twilight landscape Pen

Sponsor: JS Nation

Evan You, Kyle Simpson, Addy Osmani, Sarah Drasner – these are just a few of the speakers coming to this year’s JSNation, a 2-day conference focusing exclusively on JavaScript development. Discover the future of the JavaScript ecosystem and get connected to its stellar crowd! The format of the event will be hybrid. The first day (June 16) will be streamed from the Amsterdam venue. The second day (June 20) & numerous free workshops will be streamed to the global audience online.

Would you like to participate? Get 10% off on remote & in-person tickets with our discount code CodePen.

The post 368: Lea Rosema appeared first on CodePen Blog.

367: With Micah Godbolt

I got to talk with Micah Godbolt this week! Micah is is a long-hauler at Microsoft working on Design Systems and such. His CodePen account looks a lot like mine: steady consistent usage of “just trying to figure something out” Pens sprinkled with some ideas that somehow seem to click with the wider front-end world. I found it fascinating that putting the word “Design Systems” into his book title “Front-end Architecture for Design Systems” was suggested by the publisher, and they were right! Turns out the term Design Systems clicked a lot harder since the 2016 publication and I’m sure hasn’t hurt sales!

Time Jumps

  • 00:35 Guest introduction
  • 02:46 Front end architecture for design systems
  • 06:31 Building design systems
  • 10:23 Sponsor: Linode
  • 11:08 You don’t need a UI framework
  • 17:49 Responsive multi-level nav pen
  • 19:30 Multi height equal column pen
  • 23:01 How do you ship components?
  • 27:00 Testing for bugs
  • 28:41 Consistently making pens
  • 35:13 Creating a stripped down use case
  • 40:06 Where can people find out more

Sponsor: Linode

Visit linode.com/codepen and see why over a million developers trust Linode for the infrastructure.  From their award-winning support (offered 24/7/365 to every level of user) to ease of use and set up; it’s clear why developers have been trusting Linode for projects both big and small since 2003.   Linode offers the industry’s best price-to-performance value for all compute instances, including shared, dedicated, high memory, and GPUs. Linode makes cloud computing simple, affordable, and accessible allowing you to focus on your customers, not your infrastructure.  Visit linode.com/codepen, create a free account and you’ll get $100 in credit.

The post 367: With Micah Godbolt appeared first on CodePen Blog.

#26 – Courtney Robertson on How the Learn Project Is Educating People About WordPress

On the podcast today we have Courtney Robertson.

Courtney is a Developer Advocate at GoDaddy Pro who has a passion for teaching and learning, specifically about how to use WordPress.

Her work for GoDaddy Pro involves outreach to developers but it also includes time to help contribute to WordPress as well. Courtney uses this time to assist with the WordPress Training Team as well as Learn WordPress.

If you’re new to WordPress, or have been using it for years, there’s always something new to learn. WordPress never stands still. In the recent past the adoption of blocks and Full Site Editing has meant that the way of interacting with WordPress has changed entirely. You could of course figure out how everything in WordPress works all by yourself, but it would be great if there were freely available materials which you could use to accelerate your knowledge. That’s what Courtney is involved in and what this podcast is all about.

We talk about the history of the project and how it was started as a way to assist people in putting on WordCamps and Meetups. Since then the scope of WordPress training has grown enormously.

We discuss what areas of WordPress are covered by the learning materials, what constraints there are on the type of content that is made, and what formats they take.

Who creates the content and how do they ensure that it’s up to date and of a high enough standard? Can people become certified if they complete different learning paths?

We round off by talking about how you can become involved with the team if you’re keen to help others learn more about WordPress.

Useful links.

Courtney’s website

Learn WordPress

WordPress Training Team

What does the WordPress Training team do?

Brand Usage Guidelines

Promotional Guidelines

Training Team Goals for 2022

May 2022 Sprint

Learn WordPress Github repo

Lesson Plan template

Lesson Plans



Social Learning Spaces

Pathways to Learn WordPress

High-Level Roadmap to Learning WordPress Development

Who can Learn WordPress help?

Upcoming WordPress Meetings

Ensuring high-quality video contributions to Learn WordPress


[00:00:00] Nathan Wrigley: Welcome to the Jukebox podcast from WP Tavern. My name is Nathan Wrigley. Jukebox is a podcast which is dedicated to all things WordPress, the people, the events, the plugins, the themes, the blocks, and in this case, learning about how WordPress works. If you’d like to subscribe to the podcast, you can do that by searching for WP Tavern in your podcast player of choice, or by going to wptavern.com forward slash feed forward slash podcast.

And you can copy that URL into most podcasts players. If you have a topic that you’d like us to feature on the podcast, I’m keen to hear from you and hopefully get you or your idea featured on the show. Head over to wptavern.com forward slash contact forward slash jukebox and use the contact form there.

So on the podcast today we have Courtney Robertson. Courtney is a developer advocate at GoDaddy Pro who has a passion for teaching and learning, specifically about how to use WordPress. Her work for GoDaddy Pro involves outreach to developers, but it also includes time to help contribute to WordPress as well. Courtney uses this time to assist with the WordPress training team, as well as Learn WordPress.

If you’re new to WordPress or have been using it for years, there’s always something new to learn. WordPress never stands still. In the recent past, the adoption of blocks and full site editing has meant that the way of interacting with WordPress has changed entirely.

You could of course, figure out how everything in WordPress works all by yourself, but it would be great if there were freely available materials, which you could use to accelerate your knowledge. That’s what Courtney is involved in and what this podcast is all about.

We talk about the history of the project and how it was started as a way to assist people in putting on WordCamps and meetups. Since then, the scope of WordPress training has grown enormously.

We discuss what areas of WordPress are covered by the learning materials, what constraints there are on the types of content that is made, and what formats they take. Who creates the content and how do they ensure that it’s up to date and have a high enough standard? Can people become certified if they complete different learning paths? We round off by talking about how you can become involved with the team if you’re keen to help others learn more about WordPress.

If you’re interested in finding out more, you can find all the links in the show notes by heading over to wptavern.com forward slash podcast, where you’ll find all the other episodes as well.

And so, without further delay. I bring you Courtney Robertson.

I am joined on the podcast today by Courtney Robertson. Hello Courtney.

[00:03:29] Courtney Robertson: Hello Nathan, how are you today?

[00:03:31] Nathan Wrigley: I’m really good. Thanks for joining us on the podcast today?

We are going to talk about learning all about WordPress, how you might learn about the things that are going on in WordPress and potentially how you may contribute to that learning process for other people.

But before we get into that, Courtney, I always ask a fairly generic question at the start. I want some orientation really, so that people who are listening know who you are. Would you mind just telling us a little bit about yourself and your relationship with WordPress.

[00:03:59] Courtney Robertson: Sure. So I first found WordPress because I was teaching in a classroom in 2006. Needed both an LMS and a blog. And at that time, LMS was not an option inside of WordPress yet. WordPress was really just getting started. So I remember, I think around WordPress version two, installing it and figuring out what was going on.

I have spent some time building sites for clients. And then I found myself back to teaching again with high school students. Teaching WordPress development this time. And it would have been around 2015 in a career technical school. Later I went on to work at a few plug-in companies. I got a lot of experience in The Events Calendar. Writing technical documents, knowledge-base articles, making sure front of sight was updated along with all of our releases.

And then later found myself teaching WordPress development at a front end dev bootcamp. So I had both high school students and adults that were laid off due to Covid, going through a program free of charge to them. And in fact, our high school students were paid to do this. My students got to speak for WordCamp Philly, so that was really exciting.

And then I found that I really wanted to go a level up, and make the training material that any institution could use. I found the material needed to teach WordPress development successfully, to get folks actually employed in the WordPress industry. And so an opportunity opened up at GoDaddy Pro for me as a developer advocate, and that affords me some time to continue contributing to the training team.

[00:05:37] Nathan Wrigley: Would you be able to just elucidate a little bit more about the GoDaddy Pro angle? How does that work? Are you essentially employed by GoDaddy Pro and they allow you to have a proportion of your time over at the learn project that we’re going to be talking about later?

[00:05:52] Courtney Robertson: Yes, that would be correct. So I am a developer advocate, which means that my internal work involves our outreach and our community efforts, specifically oriented for developers. But also this role is one that involves contributing to WordPress itself. And the avenue that I take with that is to contribute on learn.wordpress.org or the WordPress training team.

So in companies that have folks contributing to the project. Some are full-time sponsored. Some get a certain number of hours per week, or per month, or however the company chooses to allocate that to contribute towards WordPress.

[00:06:32] Nathan Wrigley: Now I’m guessing, and we’ll come to that a little bit later. I’m guessing that there’ll be an opportunity in this podcast to talk about how other people may become involved. Before we get to that, let’s just deal with what the whole learn project is. And again, it’s a fairly generic question.

Would you just give us some, some understanding of what we might find, what the history of learn is over the last few years? Basically, what is the learn project all about?

[00:06:57] Courtney Robertson: Yeah. So the team behind the learn project is the training team. And we’ve been around since 2013, and have been working on creating content that would be published eventually on learn. learn.Wordpress.org launched in 2020, during the height of Covid. So we already had a stockpile of content ready to go, and we’re able to load that up.

Learn has several different purposes or formats. Different audiences can come to learn. So the training team began with a mission of creating material for meetup organizers. If you’re hosting a meetup and you’re doing the work of preparing the meetup, but then you also need to figure out what’s my topic and who’s presenting and all of these things.

Well, the training team has been making lesson plans available, so that a meetup organizer already has topics at the ready. With research done, and all of the resources available. Indicating, cover this topic, here’s how to present the information. But also those same lesson plans have been used in a few different week long type of workshops.

So we have quite a good bit of material in that regard. We also have workshops. Workshops are videos. They’re on demand, and their audience is direct learners. So somebody that wants to find out how to do the thing, at any time of day can come and watch the video. The videos could also be played, I have heard that several meetup groups have done this during a meetup or string, a series of them together.

And then we have courses. And courses are sort of a roll-up of both of those pieces. So if you think of your years in school. You had a specific subject that you were studying. That was an entire course. And each day your instructor or presenter would have a smaller segment for just that day to cover.

So a course would bring in some of the content from lesson plans and some of the content from workshops. And it would be self-paced, on demand. And those courses, when you complete them, do show a completion notification, I would say, on your wordpress.org profile. So if you’re looking at your wordpress.org profile and you look at the activity, you would see if somebody has completed a course.

We have a proposal out to move those to its own designated tab. Going to give the heads up ahead of time, we’ll never call them batches because teams use badges to indicate contributors to teams in WordPress. But learn.wordpress.org is a great resource for somebody that wants to come and learn all kinds of things.

Whether you are teaching others, or on demand learning, and you just need that one specific piece or want to go through an entire course. And at this time, I believe we’ve got five courses on getting started with WordPress, all the way up through using FSE, full site editing, to build out a site. And we have a few contributor courses that have moved over that the community team had housed previously, to help folks get onboarded with contributing.

And then finally we have social learning spaces. And you may see those in your WordPress dashboard on the upcoming events area, but you also can find them on learn.wordpress.org. It is technically a meetup group under the hood and uses Zoom. These are sessions that happen and there are several throughout the week. Every week, there are several going on that you could swing by for about an hour. Sometimes an hour and a half or so, and learn whatever the topic is that’s being presented that day. Great folks like Daisy Olsen have been running a lot of those along with Sarah Snow. I’ve got one coming up soon with Anne and Sarah. Anne, a lot of us know, Anne McCarthy. We’ll be doing a call for testing using one of those social learning spaces.

[00:10:31] Nathan Wrigley: That’s fabulous. I genuinely didn’t know that prime mover of the whole learn project was to assist people putting on meetups. Was the intention there just to facilitate people who were potentially, maybe trying it out for the first time. We were all in lockdown, as you said, and, and it’s quite daunting, isn’t it to

[00:10:49] Courtney Robertson: Yeah.

[00:10:49] Nathan Wrigley: to begin something like that, and just the process of setting one up might be daunting enough, but then to actually find material that you can talk about, was that the intention there? Just to bootstrap and kickstart more and more meetups?

[00:11:00] Courtney Robertson: That was the intention in 2013. It has grown significantly, as you can imagine in that time. As has WordPress and the WordPress community. So in 2013, meetups were really just a new thing. And we were looking at ways to support meetup groups. And as things have evolved, we now want to help the job pipelines. We would like to provide some official guidance as to what should be covered for what skillsets.

[00:11:29] Nathan Wrigley: It’s a really exciting time in WordPress. There’s so much happening. A lot of that centered around the new editor and full site editing and so on. So there’s definitely lots and lots of opportunities for things to be taught. I’m just wondering, in terms of the types of content that you will be putting or potentially that you will have put. Do you have any sort of constraints on the remit of the project?

So for example, is it always going to be focused on the core of WordPress? Things that you can do inside of Core? What I’m really asking there, I suppose, in a backhanded way is do you stray into other areas, for example, things like third party plugins and things like that?

[00:12:07] Courtney Robertson: Good question. We began our delve into third party plugins at WordCamp US in 2015. Those that have been around a while may know this. If you wanted to add some custom CSS to a site, before the customizer had it available, we needed Jetpack to do that. So as a team, we essentially indicated we want to make use of third party plugins.

The parameters need to be that it’s in the wordpress.org repo. As things have launched, our main focus has started really with how to use WordPress to put a basic site together. However our audience for who can learn help is really vast. So we’ve formed some guidelines around third party plugins, and also for those that are hosting some social learning spaces. If somebody volunteers to host one, and many folks do volunteer to host those, we can’t be overly self-promotional, and if we are mentioning in any of our training materials, any type of plugin or something to that effect, that it be available, plugins, themes, be available through wordpress.org.

We try to draw on the theme unit test data for our dummy content. We use the photos repo for our media. We use the showcase for showing off what WordPress is capable of doing. So we reference our own material as absolutely much as possible in that process, and have some just general guidelines for how we can cover the material safely for everybody.

[00:13:37] Nathan Wrigley: Yeah, I feel that you’ve answered that really comprehensively. It feels very much like the same kind of constraints that we might have if we were, for example, putting on a WordCamp or something. The nature of the conversation that we could have as a presenter would feel like it’s falling under the same kind of boundaries.

Yeah, that’s really cleared it up, thank you. Now, the project itself, the WordPress project, as I just alluded to a minute ago, it is really changed over the last few years. If you roll back the clock five or six years, the way WordPress behaved, the way that you created content is now completely different.

And we’ve got all sorts of things which are coming down the pipe and they’re coming thick and fast. Things like full site editing and all of that kind of stuff. I’m just wondering what your priority list is? It feels to me like this question is basically asking what’s the roadmap? What kind of things that you’re prioritizing? Because there must be a limited amount of hours in everybody’s day that’s connected to the team and you’ve got to decide, okay, this feels like it matters more right now. Can you give us some idea about what are you thinking for the learn platform in the near future?

[00:14:40] Courtney Robertson: Yeah, that’s a great question. So our team is comprised of both sponsored and self-sponsored or volunteers in all capacities. So that looks like there are a few folks that are sponsored by Automattic led by Hugh Lashbrooke, to be part of our team, as well as delightful project manager, Hauwa Abashir, and a plugin co-founder Pooja Derashri.

And so that’s the core of our team. However, we have a lot of contributors and I say this first, because in open source, we can have some high-level type of priorities, but as you know, when it comes to people volunteering to do something, they’ll volunteer to what they want to do, and they’re not going to volunteer for what doesn’t interest them all the time.

So with our priorities, we have a few ways of looking at priorities. The content priority is lately focused on doing as much as we can that is geared towards a release as close to release as possible. We have some great ways of trying to work a little bit into the future. So that right now we’re already preparing material that will come out with the next release.

That would be 6.0 at the time of today’s recording. But we also have some other priorities as well, as you can imagine. We’re managing a website, a large website that is on a massive multi-site install. And so some of those other priorities look like, we just moved the team from Trello over to GitHub to help track all of the activity of what we’re creating and what our roadmap actually looks like and what our priorities are. That also helps surface our activity and contribution to the project, because that too then will help track with our .org profiles.

We have some needs, some really big needs coming up. There is ideas around merging lesson plans and workshops. So that would be the instructional materials as well as the video that coincides with it, that would need to develop a resourcing. We would like to do a little bit more with the UX. We had a UX audit come back and we would like to do some more with the front of site. But again, that too would need some developer lift.

And at this time our theme is not block-based and in our case, that could be helpful for us to help lay out that content in a way that would be more beneficial for learners as they come in. To find our roadmap, there will be lots of show notes available. To find our roadmaps, we have a few places, and I know that seems a little tricky. Go to make.wordpress.org/training, and from there, you’ll find a big blue box that talks about the training team’s goals for 2022. One of the next goals aside from content is a needs analysis. So that means actually talking to the WordPress community and saying, everything from a hobbyist, a small business owner to a large scale enterprise level agency.

What do you need for training your staff? How can we help you reach those goals? What do you think the highest priority of content should be? And in what order should that happen? Get the feedback of what actually matters. And what’s going to be most beneficial. Who’s using this and how can we make it better?

We also have sprints, and those sprints are, what are we working on just this month that is both content or the other annual goal type of projects? And so each month we’ll publish at the beginning of the month, what we’re doing this month, and at the end of the month, we’ll post a recap. How did it go? What did we get done? And we have our issues in GitHub and there’ll be some links available for those too. So if you want to see what’s the highest priority thing that I can contribute to, you could go right to our GitHub repo that shows you exactly that issue.

[00:18:23] Nathan Wrigley: I have to say Courtney, you’ve done a fabulous job of giving me links. Virtually everything that Courtney is mentioning is going to be referenced in the show notes. So firstly Bravo, thank you for making my life easier and doing that. That’s brilliant. But just to say if you are curious about any of these bits, you’ll be able to find a portion in the show notes, which relates to each of the questions that we’re asking and in most cases there’s several links to follow through there.

I’m just going to ask a question related to what we’ve just talked about, and that is, I’m going to use an example, and the example I’m using is the BBC, which is the British Broadcasting Corporation. The BBC is funded by tax payers essentially. We all have to contribute if we have a television set, and because of the fact that we’re all contributing there’s a thing called the BBC charter, and the BBC charter, now it may be imperfect, but it’s what they got. The charter compels the BBC to make programming for everybody.

So it may be that there’s a giant audience for this type of program, and there’s a considerably smaller audience for this type of programming, but the charter, in theory, compels the BBC to make programming despite the fact that the audience may be smaller. You can see where I’m going with this probably. I’m just wondering if you have any of those kinds of things. Does it always come down to the numbers? In other words, if you can see that there’s a giant need for this, because everybody’s clamoring for this kind of tutorial or whatever, well, that’s obviously important, but there may be something over here, a bit of an edge case, really truly crucial to the people who need it, though their numbers may be small. I’m just wondering if there’s any those, kind of, bits that fit into the bigger jigsaw.

[00:20:02] Courtney Robertson: They do. Those are areas that we would often allow the individual that has such an idea for that topic to help develop. Because again, open source, we allow the contributors that would like to do something. If they say this is the one thing that I am willing to do, then, okay then, we’ll work with that.

That said we do have some priorities as you indicated, but some things will work across multiple pathways. And so by a learning pathway, what I mean is, if you think about who can learn help, and there’s actually a post that is cross-referenced to something that Josepha had helped create. I want to say it was about two years ago.

When you think about all the edge cases of who can WordPress help, how is WordPress used? Josepha and Mark Uraine wrote a piece on make WordPress updates awhile ago about care and influence, a theory about the WordPress community. And it’s this broken down idea that we have, Core, central folks contributing. Then we have contributors on the project. We have extenders that are using WordPress. That will be what we’re doing right now. That’d be like a podcast about WordPress. Users of sites and also visitors of sites. And so when you break that down into actual kinds of careers or professions, or even just hobbyists, right?

That is a lot of things. In the extenders category you have podcasters and you have newsletters, and you’ve got people that use WordPress for marketing purposes. Some are developers, some are in quality assurance. Some are support staff at companies. So who can learn help? Well, there’s a lot of varying needs like that.

And I could see a lot of those edge cases that you mention, still applying to a lot of people. So learns really important. I think that learn is a great tool to help folks into not just the community in terms of events, but the community in terms of understanding what can I do with WordPress? And if WordPress is related to my profession, what do I need to know, and how can I best leverage, what learn has to offer to help me get there.

[00:22:11] Nathan Wrigley: Yeah, thank you. Okay, let’s move on to the people who may be asking those questions of you. If I was to come to you and I had a particular topic in mind, and there was something that was really troubling me, and I wanted to get to the bottom of it. Are there any ways that I can ask, I don’t know, beg, plead maybe the right words for certain content to be created?

[00:22:31] Courtney Robertson: Yes. So one of the ways is that if you need a little bit of extra help in doing that, if you are able to get to the make WordPress Slack and the training team inside of that, and you can find the link again from the training team site at make.wordpress.org/training. We are glad to give a little extra hand holding through that process.

The other thing that we welcome folks to do is, go to our GitHub repo and submit a topic as a lesson plan idea. That does not mean that you need to create the lesson plan. If you would like to help create that or create a workshop, you may absolutely do that. But if it’s just, I have this one idea, this one thing, or I have got a vision for a course, and I could tell you every step along the way of what needs to go into the course, we are happy to work with you in that process.

So we would begin with starting an issue in our GitHub repo and to be clear, if you’re not accustomed to GitHub, it’s about on par with submitting a form or a comment on a site. So our way of submitting an issue will look similar to that. You’ll get some preloaded template that asks you to fill in a little bit more information for us. And then we’ve got that idea of ready to go.

[00:23:44] Nathan Wrigley: Yeah, GetHub can be very intimidating to look at can’t it, if you’re there for the time, but like you say, it’s merely a, a set of comments, so, oh, that’s really helpful, thank you. In terms of who is making the content, how the content is made, what does that look like? I’m going to sort of cross two questions here, and we’ll get onto learning paths and things like that, but just wondering, who’s actually putting the content together.

Do you have particular panel, do you give certain members of the team the job of going away and create a video for that particular thing based upon these guidelines? Is it always the same people or can other people contribute their content? In other words, could I contribute my content? And if that was the case, are there any guidelines that would be helpful to know about?

I mean, there’s obviously going to be things which are out of the remit, boundaries that I shouldn’t cross and probably ways that you would prefer me to curate that content.

[00:24:35] Courtney Robertson: Yeah, absolutely. I would love to have you create a video. I love listening to your voice. Anyone is most welcome to help create that content. In fact, when learn launched, because we had this stockpile of lesson plans over the years, I counted nearly 200 contributors, at the launch of learn that had contributed over the years to the training team. That’s a staggering number for the work that we did.

And I think back at all of those WordCamps when we had contributor days and all the folks that we met. It was great. So we have lots of people help create the content. But as you can imagine, during Covid, a lot of activity came to an absolute halt. I myself just resurfaced within contributing during that time, and none of the folks were around or available then. Literally no meetings had happened for several months and I had a hard time finding folks. We’ve grown since then, a lot. And the folks that are contributing these days, as I mentioned, there is a contingent of folks by Automattic that are contributing.

I am there a good bit as well by making content, but we have a lot of people that are not sponsored. And I had spent about seven years in that category myself. And so I want to be very thoughtful. We’ve got a lot of folks that are absolutely delightful to work with. Speaking highly of my team reps as well.

They do contribute so much in the way of content and proofreading. We open up opportunities to help folks proofread the material that goes out or create some feedback for others that are creating that content. So anybody is welcome to help come and make this stuff too.

[00:26:12] Nathan Wrigley: In terms of the guidelines though, what would cut muster for inclusion? Presumably there’s barriers in terms of, okay, that’s too short. That’s far too long. The quality of the audio there is too poor. I think we probably could have covered the topic in half the time or whatever it may be. There are probably guidelines for keeping the quality high.

[00:26:31] Courtney Robertson: That is true. We are working on improving that quality, and we do have a post that I did not provide a link to it ahead of time, and I will dig that back out for you. But it is basically the idea when we first launched, we’re new, in terms of creating videos. We’re new in terms of creating courses and let’s get going and learn as we go, what we’re doing.

Our earliest videos, we learned a lot about needing to keep content current with revisions. That’s a really big struggle. When WordPress ships a big update, we have to come back and revise things. Also we have learned a good bit about, if we need the person’s video, their face on screen or not, about how to create these videos.

The kind of quality that we’re looking for. We are flexible still within those parameters. In fact, one of our highest videos, I think was done during a contributor session for WordCamp India. And there was a bit of background it. So we’re learning. As we make learn, we’re learning and we would love to have lots of global representation. We would love to have a high quality production to it, but we’ll help each other get through that process.

[00:27:43] Nathan Wrigley: I love the meta there. We’re learning to learn. That’s brilliant. The different formats that you do, actually no, I’ll come back to that in a moment. I’m going to ask about the way that your team meets, because we’re currently talking about people contributing their time, and you mentioned that you can go and do things like contribute in GitHub with comments and so on.

But I’m just wondering if you became much more involved in the team and you were there regularly, not just committing a piece of content once in a while, but really digging into the team and trying to help out on a regular basis. It would be quite helpful to know what that might look like. Where do you hang out? Where do you do the work?

[00:28:17] Courtney Robertson: Sure. So, forgive my American mindset about time, but on Tuesdays at noon Eastern time. On Thursdays at 7:30 AM Eastern or, oh, I forget exactly what time it is for Pooja, but she runs an APAC specific time zone meeting. And so it’s the same time and option available for both of these meetings. Those happen by the way, all in Slack, those are entirely Slack based chat messages, as you would find across the 20 now different WordPress teams. We conduct our meetings through Slack. We have coffee hours as a get to know folks session. Those are delightful to stop by and see. We’re running those Fridays at 9:00 AM Eastern. However, we are open to exploring alternative times for that.

We’ve got some folks that are traveling that are our normals that help conduct these. So we’ll give it a few more weeks before we start looking into different time zones. We do those through Zoom. We find that that generally meets the most accessible needs and we have the accessibility team rep often join us too. So that’s delightful. And then you can find us, hopefully in the near future at a WordCamp close to you at a contributor day.

[00:29:31] Nathan Wrigley: That would be nice.

[00:29:32] Courtney Robertson: Yes.

[00:29:33] Nathan Wrigley: Let’s hope that’s true. Now my understanding is that broadly speaking people fall into different types of learners. You may be kinesthetic, or you may be auditory or visual or what have you. That is going to inevitably lead to people, desiring different types of content. And you mentioned a moment ago, you called it learning paths, I think you said. What different formats have you got? I mean it may be that that is still to be explored. Maybe you’re going to invest time and effort into different things in the future, but whether you’ve got it live at the moment or whether it’s just a, an aspiration, tell us the thinking behind that.

[00:30:06] Courtney Robertson: Yeah. Our content types, are lesson plans, workshops, courses, and social learning spaces. Our audience is quite vast, but then if you break it down into an individual, an individual may learn in different methods. So some folks really like videos. Some people really like to read, like it’s a book. And so our courses approach different learning styles.

And the more that we can do that, the better. Our courses do suggest projects to extend upon what you’ve already learned. So often that would look like doing the work along with the course, and that would be delivered both in text and video form. And then having a suggested, now here’s a challenge to try on your own. To give you that hands-on experience without being guided. The more ways that we can continue to help cater to individual learning styles, the better.

Also along those lines my teaching hat background comes in here. It really matters to me that we are available in the global space. And so that also looks like translation opportunities, because one of the things about learning styles is that, if you think about folks in, you and I both speak English. English second language individuals, that would be a student in a school whose first language was not English often needs a little extra support when they’re just beginning to be immersed English.

And so, I don’t find it to be particularly reasonable or fair that somebody that is not primarily English is only presented training materials in English. We need a lot of support around getting the content available in as many languages as we possibly can. We also need then to help work on the initiatives that WordPress has to be multi-lingual.

So at this time that’s on the roadmap, but it’s not until I think phase four in the Gutenberg project to be fully multilingual. So that presents a challenge then on Learn, because how do we make our courses available in different languages? We need some help.

[00:32:08] Nathan Wrigley: Well, let’s hope that somebody listening to this is, uh, is going to step in and assist you with that. Just a thing, I may be jumping the gun here, and it may be something that you’re unable to talk about. You mentioned in our exchanges prior to recording that there was potentially in the future, some path towards certification. So I’m guessing, you know, you put the time in, and as a result, you are handed something in exchange to prove that you pass the test, if you like. You achieved what it was and you got through it all. Just tell us the thinking on that, even if none of it’s particularly concrete right now.

[00:32:42] Courtney Robertson: Yeah. So this is a podcast for WP Tavern. If you’re interested in the history of WordPress entertaining the idea of certification, you may search the archives here. I will say that certification as we see it. I also had some questions about several years ago, I would say, but what changed my mind first and foremost was that when I was teaching in the bootcamp and I presented to my leaders, here’s what individuals need to be job ready, and here’s the timeframe that that could be delivered in and what would be adequate for the amount of each programming language, plus then how WordPress pulls that together. It wasn’t provided, it was a challenge then to get individuals placed for jobs.

The resourcing for such material wasn’t readily available. So having a definitive here is what it would take to being basically job ready as a common industry accepted standard suddenly became a high priority in my mind. I realized, oh, if that was in place, it would be really easy to point to and say, here’s what folks need to be able to do. And here’s a pathway for how to learn that.

So at this time we are not ready to begin starting a certification initiative. We are looking in quarter four of this year. So the last three months of 2022, of beginning, a discovery session. A discovery session means to, again, talk to folks about what they need, what their concerns are. Also look at other open source projects and see what worked and what didn’t work.

I’ve been checking in with the folks that help form the certification over at Joomla. And I’m learning a bit about what has and has not worked for them. I’m keeping loose eyes on what Drupal is doing, but I think there’s something to learn from other open source initiatives that are not even about a content management system.

So look at how do they do this? What have they learned? How would that potentially work for us? Would that work for us? What other concerns does the community have? So, disclaimer, folks. Yes, this is a hot topic. Yes, it’s had a history. We’re interested. We want to talk. That’s where we’re at at this time. We want to talk about it and the conversations happening starting around October of 2022.

[00:34:59] Nathan Wrigley: Oh, a perfect time for us to release this then. You’ve got the people thinking about that in time for October. That’s fabulous. You mentioned earlier about resources for the learn project. And again, I don’t know if you’ve got an insight to deliver here. I’m just wondering how it is, how it is all funded essentially. Now you mentioned that your seconded from GoDaddy, forgive me the word wasn’t seconded it was whatever it was. GoDaddy provide you with the financial support so that you can lend your time to the project. What other resources are brought to bear. You mentioned that other people were seconded, there were volunteers and so on, but

[00:35:37] Courtney Robertson: Yeah.

[00:35:37] Nathan Wrigley: Is there anything else? Are there pots of money, which you can dip into provided by, I don’t know, sponsorship or different organizations who contribute to the project.

[00:35:47] Courtney Robertson: Wouldn’t that be delightful if I just had unlimited money to use on this. Oh, where could we go? So our team does have some resources provided for our team. In addition to, there are contributors across multiple other organizations, I will say as well, that do periodically pop by for some contribution to the project as well.

But we do have some resources. So a lot of teams in WordPress use Helpscout. Even Slack itself is a paid Slack instance, and I could be mistaken, but I believe that a lot of that financial work overhead is through Automattic. I would love to be corrected if so. We are using Sensei Pro, which is a learning management system. It is a plugin. The pro version just recently released, but that is owned by Automattic. Sensei has been an Automattic product for about 10 years. We do have an access through VideoPress. Should we need it? And VideoPress for WordPress TV is also how we embed our videos. So again, those two are provided through Automattic with Jetpack.

Meetups that would run through WordCamp central. We recently received both WP Sandbox and Insta WP as options that we can use. So when somebody is going through a course, when we’re new to learning WordPress, the hardest challenge is to get a WordPress environment set up. And with both of these tools, we are able to, whether it is social learning spaces or courses or something to that effect. We’re able to very quickly get folks a single link that takes them to WordPress install. That’s got today’s theme, plugin and some demo content ready to go so they can get to work on doing the activity, not be stumped by how to set WordPress up. So those are fantastic resources that we do have available at this time.

[00:37:30] Nathan Wrigley: Thank you very much. Is there anything else that I failed to ask you? Obviously, you know, you’ve really deeply embedded in this project and I’ve asked the questions that I wish to ask, but quite happy for you to tell us about something that I missed.

[00:37:43] Courtney Robertson: Sure, I mentioned that we focused in early on, on just getting started using WordPress, but we make space for all of these other types of things that folks might want to learn how to do with WordPress. There’s really almost no limit, other than if we’re mentioning a plugin or a theme, keep it within WordPress dot org, so other people can access it and use it.

But we do have some beginning workings of a developer content roadmap. I began forming this when I was planning what I needed to do at the front end dev bootcamp. I looked at it like at what point along the journey from installing WordPress and activating Hello Dolly to I’m going to build a multi-site WordPress instance, that power s thousands of sub-sites or something like that.

How do you learn how to do all of these things? How do you begin learning? At what point do you learn APIs? What about build tools like Webpack. Those that are high into development with no, oh yeah, at some point I learned this and that, and what logically would happen with that?

So we do have a higher level, how to learn everything from just getting started all the way through, I want you to do the most complex possible things available there. And I’m really excited that we will soon be joined by Jonathan Bossenger, as a developer educator. He is coming in again, sponsored by Automattic.

And will be contributing developer oriented content. So that, that roadmap that I began laying down while at the bootcamp will hopefully come into play with creating more dev oriented content. If you’re interested in seeing what is everything in a logical order, again, challenge, we, we need dev resourcing to help develop the site as well here.

So we have a pathway that is everything that we have made available. And it’s in a logical order, but it’s just a table at this time until we can get some more development on the site. So there’s a learn pathway link that I can provide. And then finally, again, the call-out is there, contribute, contribute.

We love to partner with folks along the way. I know this is a lot. I’m coming in as a former second generation computer teacher. So I have a bit of a runway and I’ve been working with the project since 2013. We’ve talked about a lot today. It seems a lot of a lot. We’re happy to help slow it down and connect you with exactly where you need to go. Because again, our team is made up of a lot of folks that think like teachers.

[00:40:16] Nathan Wrigley: In the course of this podcast, we’ve mentioned so much as you described, just to reiterate, if you’ve been listening to this podcast and you, you know, you’re maybe listening to it on your headphones whilst you’re driving the car or something like that. Don’t forget that the show notes will have all the links that Courtney’s provided and hopefully you’ll be able to get to the exact thing that piqued your interest. However Courtney, there’s one thing missing off those show notes, and that would be how we might contact you. If somebody has a need to speak to you on the back of this podcast, what’s the preferred way or ways of getting in touch?

[00:40:51] Courtney Robertson: Yeah, so to help lighten the load, if it is specific to the training team or learn, please swing through the channel inside of make.wordpress.org/training. You’ll find our link to get to our Slack channel there. That helps the right folks get connected with you, so if it’s a general team question. If you would like to find me specifically courtneyr_dev on Twitter, Courtney Robertson on LinkedIn, courtneyr.dev is my website. You can find everywhere I am there.

[00:41:19] Nathan Wrigley: Courtney Robertson thank you for joining us on the podcast today. I’ve really enjoyed it.

[00:41:24] Courtney Robertson: Delightful, thanks for having me.

366: Paulina Hetman

I got to talk to Paulina Hetman this week! Paulina is a heck of a creative coder, using her skills as an illustrator and all-around web developer to make ideas come to life. And she doesn’t keep all those ideas to herself, she spends time educating other budding developers both professionally and by building courses and things like her incredibly clever quizzes (as Pens!).

Time Jumps

  • 00:22 Guest introduction
  • 01:12 Making quizzes in pens
  • 05:17 Working with cascade layers
  • 06:20 Using CodePen for teaching
  • 08:38 Homepage design as a pen
  • 09:54 Sponsor: Notion
  • 10:47 Working with WordPress and Automattic
  • 13:23 Working with particles and three.js
  • 17:31 Working with illustrations
  • 19:29 Working with the syntax of CSS
  • 22:10 Horizontal parallax pen
  • 24:15 CSS Shapes forest collection
  • 26:22 Tagging Google fonts
  • 27:36 Landscape in a triangle pen
  • 27:51 When you can’t decide pen
  • 29:39 Header transition pen

Sponsor: Notion

Notion is an amazing collaborative tool that not only helps organize your company’s information but helps with project management as well. We know that all too well here at CodePen, as we use Notion for countless business tasks. Learn more and get started for free at notion.com/codepen. Take your first step toward an organized, happier team, today.

The post 366: Paulina Hetman appeared first on CodePen Blog.

365: Klare

Klare is moving on from design at CodePen to design at GitHub. Huge congrats Klare! If you didn’t know Klare was our one and only dedicated designer here at CodePen and left a massive mark here in the design and UX of CodePen, the app, as well as internally in our organization practices. I’m talking with Klare here just a few days before her last day to reflect on her years here.

Time Jumps

  • 00:25 Klare’s announcement
  • 01:40 What are some of your work highlights?
  • 04:01 Accessing your work
  • 05:26 Following social feeds on CodePen
  • 08:00 Designing at CodePen
  • 11:27 Leaving behind a design system
  • 14:06 Making incremental changes
  • 16:08 Sidebar nav for an app
  • 18:02 Homepage updates
  • 21:26 Using a common language for code design system
  • 25:35 Documentation and project management
  • 29:08 New job description

The post 365: Klare appeared first on CodePen Blog.

364: Varun Vachhar

I got to talk to Varun! Varun is an incredible artist and would have been interesting to talk with him about literally anything, but since he’s dipped numerous toes into the world of NFTs, I wanted to chat with him about that in conjunction with his own art and other artists he’s a fan of.

Time Jumps

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The post 364: Varun Vachhar appeared first on CodePen Blog.

#23 – Cate DeRosia Talks About Rethinking In-Person Events

On the podcast today we have Cate DeRosia.

Cate is a familiar face in the WordPress community. Along with her husband, Topher, they run the HeroPress Network which aims to make it easy to find any and all WordPress related content. She describes herself as a ‘serial volunteer in the community’.

In early 2022 Cate was hired by Automattic to be a sponsored member of the Community Team, and it’s this role which finds her on the podcast today.

In-person events have been largely non-existent for the last two years. Many events have moved online and tried to keep the momentum going, but for some it’s just not the same. In-person events bring something unique to the table. There’s something special about interacting face to face; sharing ideas and friendship in a way that’s virtually impossible on a screen.

A few years ago if you were attending a WordPress Meetup or WordCamp it’s likely that you didn’t think too much about your safety at the event. You showed up, enjoyed the presentations and social spaces and then went home. But now we’re all changed. Now both attendees and organisers need to make sure that events are safe, that they are following local guidelines and have thought through all the consequences of gathering many people in one space.

It’s a lot to take on, but at the same time it’s a golden opportunity to imagine afresh what a WordCamp might be.

Cate wants to make this moment count, and she needs your help, your ideas.

On the podcast we talk about her ‘blue sky thinking’ post, which is a forum for people to engage with her and her team, so that events can be made different. What does the community of 2022 want from WordPress events? Are we happy with how things have always been done, or do we want something new, something different?

Cate talks about how your opinions are being gathered and how they can shape the future of WordPress events.

Useful links.

Return to In-Person Events: Blue Sky Thinking

Return to In-Person Events: Share Your Challenges

WP Briefing podcast. Episode 28: Coming to a WordCamp Near You: A Return to In-Person WP Events


[00:00:00] Nathan Wrigley: Welcome to the Jukebox podcast from WP Tavern. My name is Nathan Wrigley. Jukebox is a podcast which is dedicated to all things WordPress, the people, the plugins, the blocks, the themes, and in this case, the future of in-person events.

If you’d like to subscribe to the podcast, you can do that by searching for WP Tavern in your podcast player of choice. Or by going to WP tavern.com forward slash feed forward slash podcast. And you can copy that URL into most podcast players. If you have a topic that you’d like us to feature on the podcast, well, I’m keen to hear from you. And hopefully get you or your idea featured on the show. Head over to WP tavern.com forward slash contact forward slash jukebox and use the contact form there.

So on the podcast today, we have Cate DeRosia. Cate is a familiar face in the WordPress community. Along with her husband Topher they run the HeroPress Network, which aims to make it easy to find any and all WordPress related content. She describes herself as a serial volunteer in the community. In early 2022, KCate was hired by Automattic to be a sponsored member of the community team. And it’s this role, which finds her on the podcast today.

In-person events have been largely non-existent for the last two years. Many events have moved online and tried to keep the momentum going. But for some, it’s just not the same. In-person events, bring something unique to the table. There’s something special about interacting, face-to-face, sharing ideas and friendship in a way that’s virtually impossible on a screen.

A few years ago, if you were attending a WordPress meetup or WordCamp, it’s likely that you didn’t think too much about your safety at the event. You showed up, enjoyed the presentations and social spaces, and then went home. But now we’re all changed. Now both attendees and organizers need to make sure that the events are safe. That they are following local guidelines and have thought through all the consequences of gathering many people in one space.

It’s a lot to take on, but at the same time, it’s a golden opportunity to imagine afresh what a WordCamp might be. Cate wants to make this moment count, and she needs your help. Your ideas. On the podcast today, we talk about her blue sky thinking post, which is a forum for people to engage with her and her team, so that events can be made different.

What does the community of 2022 want from WordPress events? Are we happy with how things have always been done or do we want something new, something different? Cate talks about how your opinions are being gathered and how they can shape the future of WordPress events.

If you’re interested in finding out more, you can find all the links in the show notes by heading over to WP tavern.com forward slash podcast. Where you’ll also find all the other podcast episodes. And so, without further delay, I bring you Cate DeRosia.

I am joined on the podcast today by Cate DeRosia Hello Cate.

[00:03:56] Cate DeRosia: Hello, Nathan. It’s so nice to talk with you.

[00:03:58] Nathan Wrigley: And you too. Typically at the beginning of the podcast, just to give a bit of orientation we ask people to tell the listeners who they are and what their relationship is with WordPress. So I’m going to do the same thing. If you don’t mind Cate, just tell us a little bit about you and how it is that you’re appearing on a WordPress podcast.

[00:04:16] Cate DeRosia: That is a really excellent question. So I’ve been a serial volunteer in the community since about 2015. I really dove in deep there. I was transitioning away from homeschooling the girls to whatever I was going to do next with my life. My husband’s a veteran developer and had kind of made his home in WordPress.

And so it made sense for me, I have an English degree. I really love the soft side of business communications and community. And that was kind of lacking in WordPress at the time. And so I started looking around at things you could do, jobs you could have in WordPress that didn’t involve development or design.

And it was, it’s been a pretty interesting journey in kind of, invigorating for other people who have been in the community for a while and are looking for a change maybe. I’ve done a lot of freelance writing some community engagement, and then recently as of January, I was hired by Automattic to be a sponsored member of the community team.

And I couldn’t be more thrilled with that position. It really sets me up nicely to help the community. I’m also part of the Heropress project, which has been growing by leaps and bounds lately. We moved from our inspirational essays to a whole network of other services for the community, basically. So I’ve been very, very active for quite a while on the community side of WordPress.

[00:05:35] Nathan Wrigley: I think if it’s okay with you before we get into the main event of the podcast, the discussion that we’re going to have, I’d really be interested to know what the role that you’ve taken on at Automattic, what that involves. You said that it was community focused, but you able to just give us some kind of insight into the kind of thing that you are doing on a day-to-day basis to help swell and build that community?

[00:05:56] Cate DeRosia: Yeah, I’m really glad you asked because it’s a hidden job in a way. Aside from the fact that my benefits and paycheck come from Automattic, I don’t work for Automattic. I work exclusively for the WordPress community through.org. I’m on a team of eight, which actually just doubled. So at the beginning of the year, we brought on four new team members, including myself.

We handle all of the paperwork behind having an event. So all of the finances for WordCamps, every WordCamp comes through us. We vet organizers for both meetups and WordCamps. And we have these do action events, to make sure that they represent the WordPress community. That they’re somebody that you would feel comfortable having your work behind. We also then have room in our time, in our days to work on a variety of projects that are important to us. I’m currently one of the lead trio for WordCamp US, and I’m doing a lot of work in kind of reactivating our blogs, which is why we’re talking today.

I’m starting to use them more to create conversations with the community. To kind of bridge a gap that’s always been there. To help the community feel a little more, heard to give them an opportunity to share their opinions a little bit more. Others on my team are working with Jill Binder’s WP Diversity initiative, and bringing that more fully into the community.

Another one is highly active in translations and helping to get WordPress out in languages as possible. And then a fourth member of my team is excellent at documentation. And she’s been really going in and making it easier for people who want to organize an event to come on board and do that.

[00:07:30] Nathan Wrigley: That gives us a really perfect insight into why you’re talking today because the subject under discussion really is about the re-introduction of WordPress live events. Now I don’t suppose anybody needs to be told why we haven’t had live events for the last period of time. We haven’t. Several years have gone past, but it looks, at the time of recording, which is in April, 2022, it looks as if the world is settling down and considering going back to in-person events. And so that’s what we’re going to be talking about today. We’re going to be talking about some of the questions Cate is posing to the community, and ways that you can help answer those questions and give Cate and her team insights into what the future of WordPress events might look like.

Just before we get into that, just wondering if you could illustrate for us what it is that you think the world has been missing over the last couple of years. We know that we did our best. We went online and probably of any community on the planet, we were able to make that pivot. We had the technology and the websites and the infrastructure, good to go. But nevertheless, after a couple of years, I think it’s fair to say that people, given the chance, many of them would prefer to go back to real world events. And I’m just wondering, perhaps we could take this in the broad sweep, any ideas that you’ve had from friends, but maybe it’s a personal story. What do you think we’ve been missing ever since in-person events got pulled?

[00:09:03] Cate DeRosia: You know, I love that question and it’s been on my mind since Topher and I had the opportunity to go to The State of the Word, in New York for HeroPress. Backing up a little bit, if there hadn’t been online events when I was getting started in WordPress, I would have had a really hard time getting started.

I was still being a full-time mom. I didn’t have a job, so I didn’t have a budget for travel. We were always a single income family, so there wasn’t extra money for anything. And so if I hadn’t been able to attend some things virtually, I wouldn’t have been able to learn as much as I did and have the start that I had.

And it’s an introvert myself, that always seemed like a good fit. You know, I liked having online events where I could just listen and learn from. But as we’ve gone through the pandemic and the real isolation that comes from being really cut off from people, you start to see how important it is to be able to see somebody’s face when you’re talking to them. A lot of trust is built in the non-verbals, and so it matters a lot to be able to sit down across from somebody and see what they’re really saying, not just the words that are coming out of their mouth.

But even beyond that, I was thinking about like, why did we go to New York? There are 50 of us that went there for the State of the Word, because I could sit at home and watch the State of the Word. I didn’t have to fly. I didn’t have to risk my health. You know, I didn’t have to do that. And I realized that it’s not the event itself, and you hear this a lot. The hallway track is the, you know, the thing everybody loves about a WordCamp. But why? And it’s because it’s a place where the other things get discussed.

When you’re sitting around a table with somebody and you’ve been there for an hour. You moved away from the conference talk completely, and have started brainstorming. You’ve started looking at your business from a different perspective. You’re thinking about community from a different perspective. There’s conversations flowing around you and you pick up these little bits and pieces that you don’t even know you’re going to use, but eventually down the road, you’re like, oh, Hey, I remember this person’s good at that thing, because I heard them talking about it over here. And it wasn’t even a conversation you were involved in and sometimes it completely revolutionizes your life. And so it’s never one thing that makes in-person events so important, but it’s like those little tiny bits and pieces of things that you can’t get unless you’re in a relaxed environment where you can just talk to each other.

[00:11:33] Nathan Wrigley: Yeah, that’s a really interesting insight because many people might think that the sessions themselves are the thing. Many people clearly talk about the hallway track and, maybe people are talking about the after party and things like that, but the whole range of different things going on, and, I’ve heard that same emotion, that same idea expressed by several people.

It’s the thousands of little, small interactions that occur in unexpected places when you’re just wandering around the corridors that seem to make great big difference. You described a minute ago that you were not in a position at the beginning of your WordPress journey to go to the real events. And so obviously you were happy with the online events. Have you had any experiences more recently where you’ve become a little bit fatigued by those?

Do you still attend them with the same alacrity that you used to, or do you find yourself perhaps not attending as much because it’s become a little bit, how should we say, a little bit tired and it’s the same thing potentially over and over again.

[00:12:35] Cate DeRosia: Yeah. So I would say that in the last two years, I have attended one online event and it wasn’t any of the ones I organized. I was online for both WordFests, through both of them. But the only WordCamp event I attended was the one where my girls played, they did some music for it.

And part of it’s because I’ve reached a spot where I do go to events purely to meet people. And it’s really a challenge online. But also you know, when you sit in front of your computer all day and then want to go to an event on a weekend that involves sitting in front of your computer, again, it doesn’t have the same change of life that going to an in-person event has. It’s just exhausting.

[00:13:25] Nathan Wrigley: Yeah, good point, and I’m sure one that many people can identify with. So we’re going to change gears a little bit, and we’re going to introduce a post that Cate wrote on the 23rd of March. It’s called return to in-person events, blue sky thinking. You can find it on the make.wordpress.org channel, but for simplicity sake, just go to the post associated with this and I’ll put the link in there, and you can find it from there.

But the intention of this is you would like to offer up a brainstorming opportunity to people, so that in the future, we’ve got some fresh ideas about how WordCamps and other WordPress meetups and so on might look. And it’s kind of based on the fact that, according to people such as yourself, I know you’ve recently written a more recent posts, which again, I’ll link to in the show notes, but there’s a piece of linked in the article from Andrea Middleton, in which she emphasizes that we probably are different as a species for want of a better word. We have been changed entirely by the last couple of years. And so if that is the case and we’ve got different expectations and we’ve got different, maybe we’ve got different concerns about the kind of situations we’re willing to put ourselves in, then we need to rethink what a WordCamp might look like. We could put the old WordCamp back together, but perhaps this is a fantastic opportunity to rejig it a little bit. Have I summarize that correctly or did I miss the target or perhaps just left something out?

[00:15:01] Cate DeRosia: I am delighted to say that you got it pretty much exactly, like what we’re looking for. So the community team is made up of community organizers. And so we have our own reasons, I’m a meetup organizer, as well as part of the organizing team for WordCamp US. I know what’s keeping me from organizing WordCamps. We’re not doing a local WordCamp this year.

And our meetup hasn’t started meeting a person again, even though our community’s fairly healthy and low on COVID at the moment. So I know what my reasons are, but that’s very limiting, you know, we don’t want to operate off of just what we know. We want to open it up to hear what other people know too. The reason that I did two posts, the first one is a brainstorming post. If you’re an organizer and you have ideas on how to restart your event, or how do you know how somebody could restart their event, please put them down, even if you touch more on pain points than actual answers, we want to hear what you’re thinking and where you’re hurting.

The other post is purely for pain points and open to the entire community. Both posts have the same goal of getting more people talking about the topic. Cause we’re just, we’re so much richer together. The ideas that I have can be good ideas, but they’re still limited by my experience and my perception. Other people, and you can see from the list of answers, like there are no two answers that are the same on the posts so far. And it’s just great to see the directions people approach the question from, and the ideas that they throw out.

[00:16:25] Nathan Wrigley: This I think is the first podcast episode that I’ve done for WP Tavern where there really is an actual call to action, because I think the nature of this episode is that we’re hoping, if anybody is thinking about running an event or they have an opinion on how events should be in the future, we are encouraging you to find the link in the show notes and go to Cate’s posts and give her some feedback, because as we’ve just both said, the world has changed and we want to take this opportunity. It’s almost like phoenix from the flames kind of thing. Isn’t it? You know, we’ve got this opportunity to revitalize and build from the ground up. Whilst you were talking just then I was going through in my mind some of the friends that I have in the real world and some of the differences that I’ve noticed in them over the last two years. And it may be in the case of some people that I know that they are now less likely to leave their own home. You know, they try to do everything in a much more confined way. They leave and try to achieve four things in one outing from the house, as opposed to one outing.

I have other friends who are just desperate everything, to return to normal and be able to throw all of the, all of the restrictions and everything over their shoulder and leave this whole thing behind. And there are other people who may be somewhere in the middle, you know, they’ve got a cautionary approach and some things they want to be mindful of and other things not.

And so it’s with that opinion that we’re going into this, and you’ve got three goals. It would be silly if I said what they were, maybe it’s best if I hand that to you.

[00:17:52] Cate DeRosia: Yeah we want the meetup organizers to feel supported, because we all know that even though we’re coming out of COVID, I’m exhausted. I mean I’ve been trying to keep a family safe. Running a business and all the other things that happen, you know, we’re all tired if nothing else. And so meetup organizers are, to ask them to do one more thing, we’re looking to ease that as best we can. But like you said, the people that we’re trying to help, they’re different. They’re reasonably scared. They’re nervous about being back out around people. Maybe they’ve got particular health reasons that make it more challenging. So we need to be supporting the organizers as well as the attendees.

And hopefully through brainstorming with the community, which is the third point, we can come up with some new and creative ways to make this easier for everybody. But if we don’t like, if the organizers don’t feel supported and the attendees don’t feel safe, then nobody’s going to come back together again.

[00:18:47] Nathan Wrigley: The purpose of this is that you want ideas and let’s go through a few of the different ideas that we’ve had so far. The ideas are being shared in the form of comments at the bottom of the posts in a sort of typical WordPress fashion. Do you just want to go through a few of the pieces that you’ve picked up on that were quite interesting?

And the idea here is I guess to illustrate that, as you said, none of them are the same. Everybody seems to have a different expectation of what they would like to change. And some of them were really curious to me as I read through them. I genuinely thought that never would have occurred to me. So let’s just share, go through a few of those.

[00:19:25] Cate DeRosia: Sure. Yeah. You know, we’ve been talking more and more about diversity in the community and well, that doesn’t necessarily fit, it may not have been something we had on our mind when this post came out. Hearing other people talk about how adding diversity options to our meetups can help people feel more safe and comfortable, that definitely is right on topic. And so it wasn’t a direction we expected anybody to come from, but we’re really happy to get that feedback from them. Another post talks about reusing talks that have happened at other WordCamps or at other meetups.

Our meetup is small here in Grand Rapids, and we started before the pandemic bringing in virtual speakers because that, not that we didn’t have speakers who were willing, but it was kind of always the same people feeling like they had to speak. And so to bring more diversity, more variety to our topics, we started bringing in the virtual speakers and you can do that over prerecorded talk from somebody else or from a different WordCamp. And so those are the kinds of ideas, like looking at content that we already have, that we can reuse. I’m talking about, what resources can we provide if they can make this easier for them.

[00:20:33] Nathan Wrigley: Yeah, you mentioned diversity. Somebody mentioned the idea that maybe going forwards, it would be a good idea to not have a single individual in charge of any event no matter how small or large it might be. The idea of teaming up with people, that speaks very much to the, you know, you’ve said earlier that you were exhausted off the back of this, maybe spreading that load slightly.

I don’t know how don’t know how easy that is I’m not entirely sure what the sense of wishing to be an organizer is these days. I don’t know if the desire to organize these kinds of events has gone down because of the pandemic or there’s more people trying to get involved in there, but I do also like the idea of the one that you just shared in terms of people reusing content.

That just strikes me as such a sensible idea. If somebody over in on Australian meetup has created a piece of content and it’s already there and it’s perfectly usable. In fact, it might be utterly brilliant. Why not just repurpose it and have it say in Birmingham or Manchester or Los Angeles or wherever it might be. And in that way, we can share that content rather than it being viewed by the 40 people who showed up to that event on that particular date and time. That’s a really powerful one I think.

[00:21:43] Cate DeRosia: Yeah, exactly. The initial one you shared goes back to something that you mentioned earlier, but we’re really looking at rethinking how meetups are structured. And in reality, I think it’s more of a communicating with the community about how meetups are intended to be structured.

They aren’t necessarily supposed to have a single organizer. They’ve kind of fallen into, I don’t want to say a rut, but kind of a pattern of you have a meetup and it has a speaker and you know, and that’s what that month is like. When in reality any person in the meetup can organize an event that can just be coffee or coworking. And so we have plans in the works to start reminding people that there are other alternatives to what a meetup can look like or who can organize an event. And we’re hoping that will help with growing co-organizers, which is another response on the post as well.

And then also move into the idea of repurposing content or like using some of the new Learn content that’s been coming out, that’s structured nicely for meetups, but just getting some new ideas on what a meetup needs to look like.

[00:22:46] Nathan Wrigley: There seems to be a concern in some of them, although it’s not explicitly stated, it’s kind of implied in a few of the comments that you’ve got, that there’s concern around the size of the audience and the size of the pool of people who are going to be willing to do events in the future.

And I just wonder, do you have concerns about that? Do you have concerns that in the future, these events are going to reopen only to find that less people are getting there. If that’s the case, and that is something we need to worry about because people have got into the habit of not attending, or maybe they’re just new to the community over the last couple of years, and they simply don’t know that these things ever existed. And if that’s the case, how do we find them? How do we tell them that these events are going on? And there’s a, there’s a few answers to that in there as well.

[00:23:32] Cate DeRosia: That’s a great point. That’s a great kind of side effect to come out of the post, is seeing what those additional concerns are. You know, maybe it’s not as focused around content for their meetup, but how do you get people involved? And so those are areas that we can continue to address as well.

I think it’s important to remember that it’s not a contest. If you’ve got three people who have gathered to learn, then that’s two people that didn’t gather before. And it doesn’t have to be big to be successful. Growing a community can start in a lot of little ways that you know, if you’re helping the people that want to be helped, that’s what matters most.

But also starting to look at what our community looks like because as more people go online with their jobs as they look at career transitions and now is a huge time for career transitions. You’ve got younger people coming in, but you’ve also got older people coming in. My parents’ generation who are retiring, but have computer skills and are excited about starting their next business or, you know, their third business. It’s important to think about your community, the makeup of it in different ways.

[00:24:37] Nathan Wrigley: Yeah, that was another one that came out which I found quite curious. This idea that it would be a good opportunity to attract age groups at the end of the spectrum at both ends. So a great opportunity to reach out to new people who probably don’t really know too much about these WordPress events. Maybe they’re students and they’re fresh out of college.

And this would be a great moment to get them involved. And maybe not only will they become part of the community, but they might wish to take on some of the responsibility for organizing events like this, but also, and this really hadn’t occurred to me, forgive my ignorance here, the older end of the spectrum, the idea that there’s probably a lot of people out there who would welcome an event as friendly and as interesting as a WordCamp and tapping into that resource as well.

[00:25:25] Cate DeRosia: Yeah, one of the problems that we had specifically in our meetup is we were all kind of the same age, and Topher and I of course had children kind of early for nowadays. But as our friends were starting to have their children, it gets hard to balance family and meetup and job, and all the other responsibilities that you have. So having a meetup group that is made up of a variety of different ages and life points, or, you know, places where you are in your life, can be really useful to you because you do have those people who are young and enthusiastic or are established and, and reliable, or, you know, young and reliable established, and enthusiastic. However you want to look at it.

The whole community benefits from having people who are at different stages of their life. I know for me, I’ve actually had more experience meeting people and maybe it’s because I’m a little bit older, but meeting people who are on their second stage journey and are embracing WordPress for all that it has to offer. They have a little more disposable income. They have a little more life experience, and they’re often excited to be starting something new.

[00:26:31] Nathan Wrigley: I guess it was obvious that some people were going to put comments in about COVID itself and the restrictions around that, and that’s going to be a big concern for people in terms of, what will the restrictions be? What will the regulations be? Masking perhaps, and so on.

And somebody mentioned, and I hadn’t come across this idea, but they mentioned that this is happening in other real world events that people are wearing what we in the UK called badges, but I believe you called buttons, a little visual emblem to show some sort of status in terms of what you would like people, how you would like people’s behavior to be toward you, perhaps social distancing. You’re wearing a yellow or an orange badge or something, and that, the implication of that is I need to be kept away from, I would like that to be a distance between me and other people. I found that really interesting as well, ways to assuage people’s fear about COVID. So anything like that, they could get in touch with you and say as well?

[00:27:26] Cate DeRosia: Yeah, absolutely. And something we’re looking at, particularly as we go into WordCamp US. From a personal level, I love this idea. Whether it’s during a pandemic or just any regular event. I grew up Midwestern here in the U S and hugging was never not an option, like, you just hugged everybody.

Like that’s what you did. And so it’s actually been kind of a revelation for me that you don’t have to hug everybody. And kind of freeing kind of strange to say at 45. Not everybody likes to be touched the same way. Not everybody wants to seem interaction. And so to be more, yes, it’s coming out of the pandemic, but I think it’s a good thing to come out of the pandemic where we can, just like we’re embracing people’s pronouns, we can embrace their space restrictions as well.

[00:28:11] Nathan Wrigley: We had a podcast episode several weeks ago with some people off the WordCamp Europe team. And they had gone to great lengths. We didn’t really get into the subject of how they had arrived at the decisions, which is basically what we’re talking about today. We’re providing, or you are Cate providing a, how we can do things in the future.

That was more of an explanation of just what is happening at WordCamp Europe. And that didn’t come up in our conversation, but it was pretty clear that they’d gone to great lengths to figure out how they could make it as safe as possible. So masks at all times, testing available and all the eating and the dining and all of that. The socializing is going to be outside and it’s happens to be in Portugal, so the weather is going to be fairly predictable and reliable. So that’s kind of good.

But the fact is all of this needed to be thought about, and we can inject more thoughts if we come along and contribute to your post. You called it blue sky thinking are you really going for that? Is it literally just throw any idea at us and let’s see? Obviously there’s constraints about being ridiculous or possibly, you know, rude or what have you but, you’re just after anything. Give us any ideas, let’s see. Maybe there’s a gem in there. There’s a needle in a haystack that we hadn’t thought about.

[00:29:27] Cate DeRosia: Yeah. You know, that’s exactly it. So yes, it’s a blue sky thinking. Can we act and actually implement every idea that comes across from the post? No, we can’t do that. We can’t give everybody a safety bubble that they can wear at each camp. That would be super fun, but it’s not going to happen.

We can’t make it perfect for everybody, but you never know what part of an idea might come out of a suggestion that was made that seemed completely farfetched. That is actually revolutionary, and it changes how we all operate. So we don’t want to put limits on people. You have to be friendly. You have to be polite to the people around you, but beyond that, we really want to hear your ideas. If you think that it would be useful to a meetup or a WordCamp organizer, let us hear about it because, who knows?

[00:30:12] Nathan Wrigley: Coincidentally. Maybe it wasn’t. So coincidentally, I don’t know. But similar time, Josepha Hayen Chomphosy, who’s the executive director of the WordPress project. She put out a podcast episode on her WP Briefing podcast. Again, I’ll link to that in the show notes, where she illustrated that there are now some mandatory guidelines, Anybody wanting to organize an event over 50 people, basically it can be the local guidelines. If there’s any extra guidelines on top of the WordPress guidelines, you’ve got to follow all of those. And in some cases it might be that you may need to do testing.

And in which case, if you’re doing testing, you have to make sure that there’s boots on the ground and staff available to make that happen. There’s a little bit more to it than that. It’s a little bit more complicated, but I just wondered if, in the future, you had any thoughts on whether these events are going to be more complicated to organize.

And so whilst we’ve got the blue sky thinking on the one hand, on the other hand, we have the difficult reality that we have to actually manage this stuff and not everything can be lovely. Some of it is going to be a slog. Some of it’s going to be difficult to implement. And in some cases it might be disappointing because you may get to the point where you are days away from having an event and the guidelines change locally, you have to pull it.

So I guess we’ve got to be just a bit mindful haven’t we? Over on the one side, it’s all roses and the sun is shining and then possibly on the other hand, there is a slightly more gloomy side that we probably should talk about briefly.

[00:31:47] Cate DeRosia: Yeah. I think it’s really important. I mean, this happened to WordCamp Birmingham and our restrictions don’t match their local restrictions. And it’s been a challenge for them. They haven’t been able to restart planning their WordCamp until the current WordPress COVID guidelines change.

And it’s something that is in talks. You know, we know that it will be flexible in that they will change again in the future. But we’re also being cautious. When you have a huge global community with people who range from incredibly healthy to potentially invalids at home, you have to really measure what inclusivity looks like and try to hit kind of a middle point where people feel reasonably safe, organizers feel reasonably supported, but it also realistically fits what a group can manage.

And it’s a very difficult balance to try to find. One of the, one of our biggest concerns and one reasons that we’ve erred on the side of being a little more conservative, a little bit more strict with our guidelines is we don’t ever want an organizer to feel responsible for the health of their community.

Like we’re trying to take that burden kind of on ourselves so that when an organizer acts they’re acting because that’s what WordCamp Central told them to do. Any errors on the side of a healthier community instead of a together community.

[00:33:11] Nathan Wrigley: You mentioned at the start that you obviously want everybody to get involved in your post. And again, once again, I’ll just illustrate that the post is available at the make dot wordpress dot org site. And once again, I’ll say that the links are in the show notes. More broadly if somebody has listened to this and just thought, oh boy, I really quite like to get involved in some of these events.

Do you have any pointers, any guidance for people? Where would be their first port of call if they wish to involved in a local meetup or a more global meetup. Where would you point people?

[00:33:48] Cate DeRosia: Sure. If you’re looking to get involved, you can go to meetup.com and search for WordPress, and you’ll find all of the ones that are in your area. You can also find all of the ones and most of them still have a virtual element, so you can get involved in meetups across the world, which is kind of a really great thing that came out of the pandemic, is a huge opportunity for, you know, all of those barriers to go away and to really grow the global community.

It did make it a little more challenging, to grow the local communities, but the global ones are easier. If you’re looking to actually organize, you can head over to wordpress.org and there are a variety of handbooks. You can search for, you know, meetup organizer or a WordCamp organizer, and look through the handbook and see what’s just involved in organizing these different events.

[00:34:33] Nathan Wrigley: Cate on a personal level, what’s the best way that people could communicate with you, should they have listened to this and think, actually I want to go straight to Cate. That could be email or Twitter or whatever you feel most comfortable with.

[00:34:45] Cate DeRosia: I’m on Twitter, at my sweet Cate and that’s Cate with a C because it is. So you can also find me on Twitter at my sweet Cate. I am on LinkedIn. I rarely Facebook, so that’s really not a good place to find me. If you want to send me an email, Cate at HeroPress dot com is a good one.

And I’m always really happy to hear from the community. You know, if you’ve got a question, I always try to answer it because there’s nothing like trying to find information and having somebody just ghost you.

[00:35:11] Nathan Wrigley: I hope that this podcast episode has managed to get people to go and offer some blue sky thoughts. It will be open for the next few days. I’m not a hundred percent sure exactly how many days between the date this podcast goes out and when you’re going to be really gathering up those comments and examining them, but they’ll certainly be a period of time after this podcast comes out.

So let’s hope that this podcast prompts a few people to wander over there and give you their comments. Okay Cate, thank you so much for talking to me today on the podcast.

[00:35:40] Cate DeRosia: Hey, thanks, Nathan. I really appreciate you giving us a platform to talk about this, to help get people feeling more comfortable and safe and heard. Cause they really matter to us.

[00:35:50] Nathan Wrigley: You are most welcome. Thank you.

363: Kyle Shook

This week I got a chance to talk to Kyle Shook. Kyle has started a new job at Foxtrot so we talked about what that process was like. In addition to creating all sorts of incredibly creative work on CodePen (just look at this Collection of Menus), Kyle helps other people level up their front-end skills too, with sites like Frontend Practice.

Time Jumps

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362: Chris Nager

This week I got to speak with Chris Nager! I’ve known Chris quite a while. I remember being inspired by his hand-drawn SVG plus symbol and subsequent guide to <path> commands, which inspired my own shortly after I was properly obsessed with SVG. We talk about all sorts of things like accessibility, how far CSS has come, and some of the amazing stuff that has shipped recently in Safari Technical Preview. Check out Chris’ Twitter, personal site, and classic great project Give ‘n’ Go, a CodePen/Dribbble crossover website.

Time Jumps

  • 00:24 Guest introduction
  • 01:56 Hand drawing SVG
  • 04:07 Dribbble and CodePen
  • 06:55 Accessibility as a focus
  • 09:04 Color-contrast function
  • 11:30 Color mix function
  • 13:20 inert and letting trim
  • 15:37 Clamp function
  • 16:28 Accessibility and JavaScript or React
  • 22:12 Deploy previews are amazing
  • 28:31 CSS logical properties and values
  • 30:16 ThingUI
  • 33:34 Using ch

The post 362: Chris Nager appeared first on CodePen Blog.