How to Use the Circuit Breaker Functionality in Anypoint MQ

Circuit breaker design pattern is used to detect failures and encapsulates the logic of preventing a failure from constantly recurring during maintenance, temporary external system failure, or unexpected system difficulties. Here's how it works and how you can use this functionality with Anypoint MQ.

How Does Circuit Breaker Design Pattern Work?

Circuit breaker handles faults that might take a variable amount of time to recover from when connecting to a remote service or resource. This can improve the stability and resiliency of an application.

What Is the Purpose of a Proof of Concept (POC)?

Note: This blog has been written from a software developer’s POV

At some point in your life, dreams about starting your venture like, opening a restaurant or becoming a retail entrepreneur or owning a dance academy, etc, may have surely crossed your minds. But, when was the last time you turned your dreams into reality? People might have laughed off the idea since you could not convince them about the value and feasibility of it.

Death by a Thousand Scripts

Death by a Thousand Scripts

In my last five years of exposure to open source software, starting with OpenStack, I have noticed an increasing trend of relying on scripts to fill the gaps left by the software system. The gaps can be varied in their scope and size, such as

  • Installation
  • Lifecycle management — upgrades, downgrades, etc.
  • Supporting different environments
  • Troubleshooting
  • Feature extensions

While this approach may help with the initial PoC steps to get things off the ground, it can cause a lot of problems later on during the productization cycle. Ultimately, this leads to a software system that is heavily propped up by a multitude of scripts.

Build a Blockchain PoC Application Using Hyperledger Fabric

This piece is about my experience in creating a blockchain PoC application for land and title recording on blockchain leveraging Hyperledger Fabric (HF) blockchain platform. It may benefit those who just got started on HF or intend to learn it, and for those who are already experienced in HF, it may offer another equally viable option. It’s pretty long, but for readers who are interested in blockchain technology, your time will be well spent.

Let us first set up our goal and see how we can achieve it.

MVP Versus Prototype Versus POC – A Complex Choice of Strategy Made Simple

While implementing new ideas or new features in an existing system, most organizations are unable to decide what strategy to adopt for developing their product or evaluating the idea and its feasibility. The results every organization expects are a satisfied customer, the right transformation of ideas into an actual product, and better ROI.

The three fundamental strategies that organizations go for to achieve this in an initial stage are Proof-of-Concept (PoC), Prototype, and Minimum Viable Product (MVP). The dilemma when choosing an MVP, PoC, or Prototype can at times lead towards an incorrect selection. By doing so, an organization may end up leaking their finances, wasting their effort and time, and it may affect business growth overall.