Accelerate the End-to-End Machine Learning Training Pipeline by Optimizing I/O

This article is the first in a series introducing the architecture and solution to accelerate machine learning model training. The next article compares traditional solutions and explains how this new approach differs. 

Background: The Unique Requirements of AI/ML Model Training

With artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) becoming more pervasive and business-critical, organizations are advancing their AI/ML capabilities and broadening the use and scalability of AI/ML applications. These AI/ML applications require data platforms to meet the following specific requirements:

Alluxio Use Cases Overview: Unify silos With Data Orchestration

This blog is the first in a series introducing Alluxio as the data platform to unify data silos across heterogeneous environments. The next blog will include insights from PrestoDB committer Beinan Wang to uncover the value for analytics use cases, specifically with PrestoDB as the compute engine.

The ability to quickly and easily access data and extract insights is increasingly important to any organization. With the explosion of data sources, the trends of cloud migration, and the fragmentation of technology stacks and vendors, there has been a huge demand for data infrastructure to achieve agility, cost-effectiveness, and desired performance. 

Setting Real-Time Cost Alerts in Kubernetes With Kubecost

Engineering teams can scale their Kubernetes costs and burn their budget with the same ease by which they scale their infrastructure. Thanks to Kubecost's real-time alerting, the risk of upsetting the finance team can be mitigated. Kubernetes is well-known for its ability to help scale applications rapidly and with ease, but this ability comes with some tradeoffs. Before Kubernetes, teams had to follow a more deliberate procurement approval process to change the capacity allocation. Today, that scaling process has been democratized, and teams can easily scale their clusters up or down.

With the ability to create more frequent changes to infrastructure resources come more opportunities to misallocate and over-allocate costly resources. In this model, technical teams can far exceed their expense budget without even realizing it, while financial managers would only notice it after the fact leading to avoidable organizational stress. So, how do you stay on top of your Kubernetes spending if your resources change daily?