Java Template Method Pattern in 3 Minutes [Video]

The template method pattern is a behavioral design pattern in GoF's design pattern. In my opinion, it is fundamental and worth knowing and learning. It opens up our eyes to many of the usual ways of object-oriented design. 

In this pattern, the father class (the abstract superclass) defines the skeleton/algorithm of an operation in terms of a number of high-level steps. The detailed steps are to be implemented by the sons (the subclasses).

What Are the Major Advantages of Using a Graph Database?

A graph database is a data management system software. The building blocks are vertices and edges. To put it in a more familiar context, a relational database is also a data management software in which the building blocks are tables. Both require loading data into the software and using a query language or APIs to access the data.

Relational databases boomed in the 1980s. Many commercial companies (i.e. Oracle, Ingres, IBM) backed the relational model (tabular organization) of data management. In that era, the main data management need was to generate reports.