5 Tips for Maximizing Value in Multi-Speed It Environments

In the majority of phased enterprise Agile transformation programs, multi-speed IT is unavoidable. When I say multi-speed IT, I refer to a world where Agile and waterfall (legacy) initiatives co-exist and need to work hand in hand to deliver business outcomes.

In the last two decades, I had the opportunity to work with different enterprises in a variety of industries helping their transformation journey. Every organization is different even if they operate in the same industry. The business needs, enterprise portfolio, and IT landscape vary from one organization to another. The agenda of transformation also differs from one to another resulting in different approaches, initiatives, and timelines. No matter what the approach an organization adopts for transformation (change and growth), the journey from current state to future state requires innovative strategies to sustain business operations during the period of transformation.

Making Multi-Speed IT Work for You

Every organization strives to be high-performing, and in today’s business landscape, it’s a goal that depends on digital transformation. The reality of the matter is that various parts of businesses grow and adapt their IT savviness at different times and at varying speeds. But in the quest to move faster, adapt more quickly and embrace being software-defined for success, what does digital transformation actually look like when IT is pulled in multiple directions?

In an ideal world, innovation calls for agility and speed; however, most enterprise organizations are cursed – or blessed – with legacy systems that still have a shelf life and need to operate alongside the introduction of other more modern components. Developers working in established sectors like banking or telecoms, for example, understand this situation well, being in industries that are embracing mobile banking and connected cars, yet are also still dealing with legacy systems of record. These systems have little interoperability, can be written in what’s tantamount to a foreign language for developers today and can be unpredictable due to their age.