Scaling Microservices: Initial Approach

Taking an Initial Approach to Scaling

Deciding when and how to approach scaling your service can be a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be. In order to effectively scale, engineers must have a solid understanding of the behavior of the system, data to support their hypothesis, and a method to test the results. We'll talk more about measuring the performance later in this series, but for now it's important to understand that most effective scaling strategies involve "Just In Time" optimizations.

It's critical to have an environment and culture which allows for production level testing via canary type deployments or synthetic testing infrastructure in place to allow for test engineers to develop load tests which closely emulate production workloads. If neither of those are available in your organization, you're effectively shooting in the dark when it comes to scaling and optimization.

Scaling Microservices: Identifying Performance Bottlenecks

Design for Scale: Identifying Performance Bottlenecks and Refactoring

Before any work can be done on improving the performance of our applications we must first decide what areas we want to improve. When analyzing data collected either in test or production you will want to focus on metrics which can help you decide whether or not your efforts to scale have been effective.

Can you find the bottleneck?

Improve Microservice Testing With Contract Testing

Today, it is strange to find a system built in a "monolithic" way. It is becoming more common, because of the advantages that this involves, to divide it into smaller components that communicate with each other to meet the expected needs.

This means that the functionality is not concentrated in a single point, but it is the collaboration of all the parties that gives meaning to the system.