How to build better Infra Microservices?: 3 Key Architectural Guidelines

Microservices are great and powerful. Microservices always need not be business scenario specific. When building scalable, large platforms, it is important to build several infrastructure level microservices which can be used in building solution/business specific microservices. 

what Is an Infra Microservice?

A microservice which may not directly handle the business use case but helps in rapid development of other functional microservices by handling generic things like user profiles management, Clickstream data pipeline, role-based access control, etc. Compare this with functional microservices that will handle business-specific use cases for example – Product rating microservice, Order delivery microservice.

How to Design a Robust Microservices Architecture: Top 4 Decisions

More than 60% of enterprises are adopting a microservices architecture (MSA), yet they often fail at designing, building, and managing it. Implementing a successful MSA is more complex than monolithic application architectures, as it demands more discipline and effort on the part of IT professionals. Remember moving from a monolith architecture to a microservices architecture is a key task in building an application architecture distributed globally and being a challenging task, brings inevitable backfires. You require a versioning strategy for interfaces and services.

In the words of Gary Olliffe, Research Vice President of Gartner, “The superpowers of MSA can, in large part, be attributed to the benefits of loose coupling and decomposing systems into component services that can be developed, deployed, and operated independently of each other.” Having said that, technical professionals need to stay focused on loose coupling systems and thus make design decisions to accomplish their MSA goals.