Microservices Communication With Apache Kafka

When developing a new product, the first thing that comes to mind is how to structure code. There is a battle going on in this regard: monolithic vs microservices. It has been going on for a while because software developers and company owners are still trying to figure out which architectural style is ideal for their applications. The scalability, efficiency, and competitiveness of the product are determined by the strategy used – monolithic vs microservices. While monolithic systems have been used for a while, microservices are a comparatively modern form of software system structure. Indeed, a slew of technologies emerged under the DevOps mindset, allowing us to design scalable, distributed systems based on microservices.

One of the main advantages of a microservice architecture is that it makes it simpler to select the technological stack (programming languages, databases, etc.) that is most suited for the desired functionality (service) rather than being forced to take a more conventional, one-size-fits-all approach.

Using Apache Kafka to Communicate Between Microservices

Traditionally, communication between microservices is done using their REST APIs. As systems evolve, however, the number of microservices gets larger—making communication more complex. Services begin depending on each other in a tightly coupled manner, slowing down dev teams work. Although this type of model may exhibit low latency, it only works if services are highly available.

To solve for this, new architectures decouple senders and receivers using asynchronous messaging. By using a Kafka-centric approach, you preserve low latency, gaining message balancing and centralized management.

Why gRPC for Inter-Microservice Communication

Hi folks! In this blog, we will understand why one should use gRPC for inter-service communication over other RESTful services.

What is gRPC?

It is a high performance, open-source, universal RPC framework. In simple words, it enables the server and client applications to communicate transparently and build connected systems. Google developed gRPC and made it available open-source. With it, a customer can directly call methods on a server application on a different machine as if it were a local object. gRPC is based on the foundations of conventional Remote Procedure Call (RPC) technology but implemented on top of the modern technology stacks such as HTTP2, protocol buffers, etc., to ensure maximum interoperability.