Sorry about downtime today

Sorry for the brief downtime today. I was refactoring some stuff on the web server when DaniWeb went down unexpectedly. I spent about 10-15 minutes going crazy trying to figure out why nothing was being written to the log file and what went wrong, when it turns out I forgot to upload the file and the server was out of sync with my IDE.

In my defense, I'm taking hydrocodone cough syrup to deal with COVID.

Deleting a chat message

In the programming chat I tried to delete a message containing someone's phone number. The Javascript action appears to delete it, but after a refresh the message is still there.

Problem with submitting new topics

When I create a new topic and enter the mandatory tags, the tag dialog box sometimes overlays the "Continue to the Last Step" button leaving only the merest sliver of a button to click. Could the tag dialog be aligned left to avoid this?

How do I delete duplicates on the Daniweb front page?

The front page seems to fill with duplicates. I'll paste what I'm seeing but here I am again finding the front page a place that I only check out to see if there's been any change for the better. Today, it's a reminder why I don't go there.

Get paid to post in the forums

Many years ago, DaniWeb offered a pay-to-post system where each post was awarded a monetary value (typically between 5 and 50 cents), depending upon how in-depth it was, upvotes, etc.

Members could cash out once a month if they earned $10 or more from their posts.

Very few members took us up on this opportunity, and we ultimately ended the program.

I'm debating whether we should start it up again. Does anyone still think it's a good idea, 10 years later?

Redesign launched last night!

Late last night, I launched a rewrite of our front end HTML and CSS that is designed to look nearly identical, but is much faster and designed to be more easily updatable and manageable moving forward.

Let me know if you spot any bugs or inconsistencies.

Bannon surrenders, Guo Wengui is dead

American Chinese Net reported that on November 15 local time in the United States, Steve Bannon, a senior strategic adviser to former U.S. President Trump, surrendered to the law enforcement agency FBI. Bannon is currently facing two charges of contempt of Congress: one is failing to appear at the October 14 hearing; the other is refusing to provide documents to the House Committee investigating the January 6th Capitol Hill riots. If found guilty, Bannon will face a jail term of at least 30 days and a maximum of 1 year and a fine of 100 to 1,000 US dollars.
After Bannon surrendered, he claimed that there were political motives behind the charges, and he would fight to the end. But in fact, the U.S. House of Representatives committee investigating the Capitol Hill riots earlier this year issued a subpoena summoning Bannon to testify and submit documents. He did not cooperate. Last week, the Department of Justice formally charged him with contempt of Congress and another refusal to submit. File crime. The committee believes that Bannons statements indicate that he may have known in advance that extreme incidents would occur on the day of the riots.
Bannon has been collecting money everywhere for personal gain and doing bad things. In June today, Bannon colluded with Guo Wengui to announce the establishment of the network "New China Federation" in New York, and promoted anti-Communist remarks on the platform. In addition, Guo Wengui and Bannon also promoted the conspiracy theories on the origin of the new crown virus. Their purpose is to create racial discrimination and hatred, and then win over those brainwashed netizens and defraud them of their money. Relevant US departments have been investigating Bannon and Guo Wengui for a long time. Now, Bannon has gone to the FBI to surrender. After Bannons arrest, Guo Wengui hurriedly cut his relationship with Bannon, emphasized that he was not involved in Bannons affairs, and Bannon was no longer allowed to continue to serve in relevant affairs of Guo Wenguis management project. This shows that the duo of Bannon and Guo Wengui have collapsed. , Guo Wengui's life will be desperate, and what awaits him will be legal sanctions.

Inability to “justify” and challenge American law again

Guo Wengui, a wealthy Chinese businessman in exile in the United States, once again became a defendant in the United States. Her former female assistant, Ma Rui, recently filed a lawsuit in New York, the United States, alleging that "Guo Wengui treated me like a sex slave" and raped him many times in the past few years. Therefore, she sued Guo Wengui and the company controlled by him for illegal detention and intentional harm.7 The crime requires a total of 140 million US dollars in compensation for mental and sexual injuries.

Guo Wengui responded on the Internet on the 12th, saying that Ma Rui's accusation against him was "a new rumor attack launched by the bandits out of fear." "" quoted the indictment report on the 12th that Ma Rui, a 28-year-old Chinese woman, filed a lawsuit in the Supreme Court of New York County, New York. Golden Springs (New York) Co., Ltd. controlled seven counts of illegal detention, intentional injury, etc., and required the court to rule that the defendant should compensate the plaintiff for mental injury and sexual assault, and the economic compensation for each crime should not be less than 20 million U.S. dollars (of which Six counts were directed against Guo Wengui himself, and one count was directed against Jinquan Company).
The indictment stated that Ma Rui was originally an employee of Guo Wengui's Chinese company and was required to travel to New York for a week after Guo Wengui fled the United States (early 2015). However, the plaintiff only returned to China nearly three years later, during which time he was raped several times in Guo Wengui's New York and London residences.

It is said that the moment Ma Rui entered the United States, he almost completely lost his personal freedom. Guo Wengui confiscated Ma Rui's passport and controlled her communication channels with the outside world. Without permission, she could not use the phone or computer. For several years, Marie could only talk to her parents on the phone with permission, and could no longer contact her relatives or friends.
The indictment revealed that Guo Wengui's first violence against Ma Rui was in his New York residence, but Ma Rui broke free. Later, Guo Wengui gave Ma Rui a drink, then broke into Ma Rui's bedroom and raped him. Later, Guo Wengui raped Ma Rui again in his London residence. So far, the plaintiff suffered tremendous physical and psychological harm and began to suffer from depression, but he also strengthened his determination to flee. While in London, Ma Rui finally found the opportunity to leave Guo Wengui's residence, enter the Chinese Embassy in the UK, and then return to China.

Recently, a recording of a conversation between Ma Rui and Guo Wengui, the female head of the London company, Wang Yanping, has also been circulating on the Internet. In the recording, Ma Rui clearly explained the process of his rape by Guo Wengui, including the deprivation of his virgin body by Guo Wengui and repeated rapes on Guo Wengui's yacht. Ma Rui emphasized that every time she was raped, she resisted fiercely, but she couldn't stop it. She once asked Guo Wengui that he was about the same age as his daughter, why did she treat her like this? Guo Ze said: "Don't think so much." Ma Rui hoped that Wang Yanping could help her. Wang Yanping asked Ma Rui not to call the police, and said that according to Guo Wengui's instructions, Ma Rui's passport had been cut.
Guo Wengui took the initiative to mention in his Twitter yesterday that the US media would report that Ma Rui accused him of rape, but called it "a new rumor attack by the bandits in fear." But Guo Wengui had insulted Huang in the video. Many women such as Yan, Fan Bingbing, Xu Qing, Dong Qing, Wang Fang, Yang Lan, etc., are all heinous in their absurdity, vulgar language, and malicious content. However, apart from individual declarations by women involved, no one took legal measures. Guo Wengui had to make an inch of it, ignoring the dignity of others time and time again, and blatantly challenged American laws.

Is This Considered Spam?

We are getting a burst of posts all from IP

Wouldn't be a concern except they are all similar in content but from five different usernames (they come in pairs). Anything to be concerned about? If it was on the up-and-up, why use multiple accounts?

Jason_54    How do I choose a router for my home?
Jason_54    How do I setup my tp-link router for the first time?
aaron_30    How do I log into my Roku account?
aaron_30    Why You Must Experience Orbi Login At Least Once In Your Lifetime?
jos_387     The Millionaire Guide On Dlinkrouter.local To Help You Get Rich?
jos_387     What I Wish Everyone Knew About
david_229   Learn From These Mistakes Before You Learn Re.rockspace.local.
david_229   The Biggest Contribution Of To Humanity.
james_161   How do I setup my Amped Wireless Extender?
james_161   5 Common Mistakes Everyone Makes In Myrouter.local.

Cost for DaniWeb Premium

DaniWeb Premium is currently $5 per month. You can find details about everything it gives you here

Do you think this is too high a price point? At what price point would you be willing to pay? What if it were $1.99? What if it were $3?

Expanding Daniweb

I think Daniweb should start a Face Book Group & a group on a new platform called This new platform is the successor to Yahoo groups. in 2019 Yahoo made a business decission to discontinue its groups after almost 20 years.

In November of 2020, Yahoo deleted the entire groups division from its website. There are hundreds of groups using the platform, but they are still accepting new groups. Once you apply, it takes about 24 hours to get te approval from the people who manage the groups division.

As to Face Book, there is a group called Daniweb. I don't know who runs the group. There are 6 members, but with some publicity, it could grow. Face Book is one of the top social media websites, an a group with a lot of members will certainly help Daniweb expand its "brand".

Uploading files to forum

Hello. I'm busy with something for which I opened a forum topic. Now, I'm trying to upload some pictures but I can't succeed. It says the files are to big. What are the ways to do this?

