Difference Between Cross-Browser Testing and Responsive Testing

A website has become an information hub for users worldwide. Whether you want to buy a product or service, learn about a subject, or obtain important information about any specific thing, a website is always there for you. In order to enhance the level of a website in terms of compatibility, usability, responsiveness, robustness, scalability, performance, and functionality, the inclusion of cross-browser testing and responsive testing comes into perspective. 

Cross-browser testing deals with interoperability and functionality, and when it comes to responsive testing, it deals with adaptability and aesthetics. In this article, you will get to know the differences between cross-browser testing and responsive testing.    

Test Case vs. Test Scenario

Test Case

A test case is a set of activities that are carried out to verify the functionality of a certain component or feature of your product application. A test case is a set of test steps, test information, preconditions, and postconditions built for specific test cases to ensure that all prerequisites are met.

It's a collection of circumstances or elements. When a tester determines whether an application, programming framework, or one of its features is performing as expected.

Testing Android Mobile Apps: Best QA Approaches and Tools

What Is Mobile Testing?

Mobile testing is a process of checking mobile applications - software programs running on smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices - for functionality, performance, security, usability, etc. It can be carried out with manual or automated tests. Whatever method is applied, the main mission is to ensure that a mobile app meets either business requirements or end-users' needs and expectations.

Traditionally, the following types of mobile applications are differentiated:

Building High-Quality Software

I have interviewed many engineers and managers lately, and one of the standard questions I ask is how to build high-quality software. Of course, I provide more context and explanations, but the gist is the same. I heard all kinds of answers. However, I was puzzled that almost none were systematic, and people immediately went into a specific pet peeve. As part of this exercise, I felt that I had to crystalize my answer to this question and write it down.

Let me start with high-level thoughts (specifically to make it systematic). First of all, I want to concentrate on software code quality (vs. larger topics, including problem definition, documentation, UX, design, etc.). High-quality software is software that has fewer bugs (and a shorter tail of fixing remaining issues). There are a bunch of other things like code readability, maintainability, debugability, and so on which can easily be swept under the quality umbrella. Let’s concentrate on the core that the product operates as expected.

Mobile Testing Basics: Manual Vs Automated Testing


Mobile devices hold a very special place today in everyone’s life. Our life is dependent on them for buying groceries, ordering food, learning, paying bills, banking requirements, yes almost everything. Mobile applications are ruling the world currently with easy accessibility, good UI, excellent responsiveness, solving our day to day requirements with the tap of fingers. 

Efficient testing, which ensures quality, and a great user experience are vital for the success of a mobile application. In this article, we will see the basics of mobile testing related to manual and automation testing.

Testing Robin, the RPA Programming Language Using Itself

Software testing in most software houses involves testing web/mobile apps, on-premise, in the cloud or hybrid installations, desktop apps, embedded software/hardware platforms and the like. What about testing a programming language though? How do you approach such a task?

Of course, given the fact there are many popular, tried-and-tested languages out there, there are a plethora of possible approaches but we will attempt to follow a different one (approach) and provide an RPA domain-specific example.

Exploratory Testing: A Detailed Guide

What Is Exploratory Testing?

In exploratory testing, testers check a system without a plan in mind to discover bugs that users may face when navigating a website or app. It tries to mimic the personal freedom and choices of individual end-users. It is a simultaneous process in which testers go through the software of their own accord to understand the quality of the user experience it provides. 

For example, developers of a shopping website know what it is meant to do. Let users select products of their choice, move it to cart, pay and confirm their order. Exploratory testing helps verify that the system is working as expected, but also that it is an easy and pleasant process for users.

Understanding Software Quality Metrics With Manual and Automated Testing

Learn more about manual and automated testing!

Quality is the true measure of product success. Poor user experience or application performance negates any advantages you achieve in delivery speed or production cost. Put simply, if it does not work, it is not worth producing.

It is, therefore, critical to our product success that we can accurately measure and track test results to ensure our testing is delivering against our business goals. Understanding software quality metrics, especially in automated testing, helps us identify what is working well and what needs improvement.

Handling Manual Tests in Serenity BDD

One of the principles of BDD is to have a single source of truth for both the requirements that describe a feature and the automated tests that verify them. And it is a natural step to want to include both automated and manual tests in this single source of truth.

Cucumber is primarily and traditionally used for automating executable specifications. But with Serenity BDD, you can add special tags to indicate that a scenario represents a manual test case.

Difference Between Manual And Automation Testing

The most arduously-debated topic in software testing industry is whether manual testing or automation testing are better. Although automation testing is more popular, and is slowly dominating the testing domain, the importance of manual testing cannot be ignored. Human instinct cannot be replaced by a machine (at least not until we make some real headway in AI). In this article, we shall give both debating sides some fuel for discussion. We are gonna dive a little on deeper differences between manual testing and automation testing.

Time Consumption and Cost to the Company

In a project where the content is large and the testing phase runs for quite a long time, automation testing is the perfect choice.

The High-Cost Excuses Preventing Test Automation

My daughter recently asked me if I would take her to the toy store. I had just come home from the office after a long day, and all I wanted to do was relax on the couch and watch TV. I told her I couldn’t, the reason being that I was “too tired,” but I would gladly take her tomorrow. She, reluctantly, accepted my answer and went about her business, likely to pose the same question to my wife. 

This is an example of an excuse, masquerading as a reason. I had no real reason preventing me from taking her; I just used me being tired as justification. Fortunately, the consequences of my excuse were virtually non-existent; my daughter only had to wait a day before she got what she wanted. Sadly, the same cannot be said for many of the excuses we make, especially in business, where most opportunities aren’t as persistent as my daughter.