LXC vs. Docker – What Do You Need For IoT?

Containers are at the center of agile software development. They’ve shifted from being a fringe open source technology to the building blocks that power modern software systems. With the Internet of Things (IoT), pioneering companies in the space are now looking to containers to extend the benefits of DevOps to the unique requirements of embedded systems. 

As enterprises look to scale up the capabilities of their IoT environments, popular container technologies like LXC or Linux Containers and Docker top the list. You may have heard of these two technologies, but may not know what the differences are. 

How to Install and Configure an LXC Container on Ubuntu 16.04


Per Wikipedia, "LXC also known as a Linux Containers is a free, open source, lightweight and operating system-level virtualization software that allows us to run a multiple isolated Linux systems on a single Linux host. LXC provides the cgroups functionality that allows the limitation of resources like, CPU, memory, network without the need for starting any virtual machines. You can start Linux container without using the separate kernel using LXC. LXC allows your to run multiple instances of an operating system or application on a single host, without inducing overhead on CPU and memory. Containers can be used to quickly set up a virtual environment for testing/QA purposes."

In this tutorial, we will explain how to setup LXC container on Alibaba Cloud Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance with Ubuntu 16.04.