Open Model Thread Group in JMeter

The Apache JMeter community has been swift in releasing the major security patches for the Log4j fiasco. I have already covered multiple posts about Log4j vulnerability, JMeter 5.4.2 and JMeter 5.4.3. JMeter 5.5 was supposed to be released in the last quarter of 2021. I have already covered what's new in JMeter 5.5. JMeter 5.5 will be released in early January 2022. In this blog post, let us deep-dive into one of the important features, which is the Open Model Thread Group in JMeter 5.5.

About Open Model Thread Group

Open Model Thread Group is available starting from JMeter 5.5 under Threads menu when you right click on the Test Plan as shown below.

Why Continuous Performance Testing for Retail Apps Matters

The retail industry has been actively adopting digital transformation in order to provide a better user experience. According to current trends, the reliance on digital channels has been enormous, placing them at the core of all significant online retail operations.

Mobile sales increased by 68 percent in 2020 and are anticipated to surpass other channels as the largest source of all sales by the end of this year. Can you identify the true reason for increased sales using retail mobile applications? The answer is "digital confidence."

An End-to-End Guide to Load Testing

If you have a public-facing web application, the odds are you should probably be thinking about load testing. Any tester can (and should) add load testing to their repertoire.

Functional tests are often carried out with a single user’s experience of your application in mind, but what happens when hundreds or thousands of users are on your site at the same time? Load testing helps prepare an application for this eventuality by simulating that situation before the application goes live. That way, you have time to fix any issues you find, and there are no nasty surprises in production.

Quality Sense Podcast: Mobile App Performance With Sofia Palamarchuk

In today’s Quality Sense episode, Federico Toledo sits down for a chat with a colleague and friend, Sofia Palamarchuk. She’s a Director and Board Member of Abstracta and the co-founder and CEO of Apptim, a tool that helps you to test and analyze native mobile app performance.

After beginning her career as a performance engineer at Abstracta, she led our expansion to the United States – heading up business development. After seeing the challenges that mobile development teams face, in 2019, she embarked on a mission to transform the way global mobile teams create quality apps.

Scalable Client-Server Communication With WebSockets and Spring Boot (Part II)

Secure WebSockets over SSL/TLS

To prevent man-in-the-middle attacks between server and client, it is strongly recommended to use the WSS protocol, to send encrypted TCP messages. This is the equivalent of using HTTPS instead of HTTP. 

Setting up NGINX

We will use NGNIX as a reverse proxy that forwards all incoming requests to the Spring Gateway MS. We will configure the proxy to listen to port 443 which is the default port for secure connections in both HTTPS/WSS.

Performance Testing vs Stress Testing vs Load Testing

Software Testing comprises of different testing practices such as unit testing, integration testing, UAT testing, accessibility testing, etc. Every testing practice is having its significant importance and role in the software development lifecycle (SDLC).

Among the different types of testing, there a few tests that help in improving the application performance such as performance testing, stress testing, and load testing. Though the purpose of these tests is to enhance the system performance, each testing practice is having a different strategy. Hence, while testing for the application’s performance, it is very crucial to understand the difference between these testing practices and perform the right one.

3 Performance Testing Metrics Every Tester Should Know

Making sense of the average, standard deviation and percentiles in performance testing reports.

There are certain performance testing metrics that are essential to understand properly in order to draw the right conclusions from your tests. These metrics require some basic understanding of math and statistics, but nothing too complicated. The issue is that if you don’t understand well what each one means or what they represent, you’ll come to some very wrong conclusions. 

Google’s Load Time Ranking Update

Performance testing makes the world turn.
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You may have heard that as of early July, Google updated its search algorithm to include the load time of mobile URLs. While we knew this was coming back in January (way to go Google for the pre-update announcement). For the performance tester, it has real implications — let's take a look.


The stats available to the public only illuminate the fact that the mobile user experience has been suffering, that something had to be done to keep marketers in check:

Why Is Load Testing Significant?

Image titleLoad Testing can monitor the response times of the system for every single transaction during a set period of time. This kind of monitoring can bring significant information, precisely for stakeholders and business managers, who look for conclusions based on these outcomes, along with any data for supporting these findings. Such type of testing can also raise attention to any complexity and issues in the application software and fix these performance bottlenecks before they become extra problematic. As a developer or QA engineer, one can possibly incorporate several kinds of tests into the code checking: integration tests, unit tests, UI tests, and more. Load testing supports testers or engineers to understand the behavior and accessibility of the application. It critically tackles the following queries:

• Do the codes show the desired performance?

Accommodating Human Behavior in Automated Testing

Human error needs to be accounted for.

I'm a big fan of test automation. To me, it's the best way to get software out the door. For the most part, automation brings a degree of speed and accuracy to the testing process that in many cases surpasses human capability. This is particularly true when it comes to UI testing. Having a roomful of testers sitting at keyboards entering data in the UI and then recording results can be a bottleneck when implementing testing in today's enterprise.

Three Killer Anti-Patterns in Continuous Performance Testing

Many developers have decided that building sustainable automated and continuous processes across the entire lifecycle, including performance engineering and testing, is a modern imperative. This article will highlight some important things to keep in mind when executing continuous performance testing. 

Are you ready?
You may also like: Evolution of Browser Testing

Avoid "Hurrying Up Just to Slow Down" Syndrome

There are a million causes of why we waste time. "Rework" isn't the only category in your value streams, not even close. Agile and iterative product teams often build prototypes to learn about the problem and to produce a useable product. While we could all improve planning and requirements gathering, we often find ourselves blocked from closing out work items by unanticipated dependencies and misaligned expectations.

Continuous Testing: The Missing Link in the Continuous Delivery Process

In today's Agile age, Continuous Delivery is not only a great concept but an increasingly critical one. This discipline, which facilitates the release of software to production at any time, supports Agile practices and can cut the time-to-release of websites and apps from several weeks to just a few hours.

However, it could be argued that the industry hasn't closed the circle yet when it comes to realizing a full Continuous Delivery Process.

Up to Speed: Can Your Website Keep Up?

Site speed has always been a major concern in SEO circles, with slow sites bumped down in the rankings so that they perform poorly in searches. Unlike a few years ago, though, a slow site no longer lags behind its competitors by a few seconds. Rather, slow sites are typically only a few milliseconds slower because, as a site’s load time increases from 1 second to 3 seconds, bounce rate probabilities increase to 32 percent; by 5 seconds, the probability is 90 percent. In terms of ranking and engagement, even the smallest increase in speed can make a big difference.

Why Speed Matters

Obviously, slow sites have higher bounce rates than their speedier counterparts, but beyond our trained impatience, does speed really matter? According to Google, it’s a key factor, particularly for those using mobile devices, and it certainly plays a role in their ranking program. That’s why the website building company Wix recently introduced a program called Wix Turbo, which provides users with speed-focused optimization services. This includes improved server-side CSS layout optimization and changes to Wix’s data center system. Like other optimization programs, this system is designed to improve users’ Google rankings and put them on that first page.

Testing Trends to Look Out for in 2019

The adoption of DevOps and Agile has been one of the biggest trends to be seen in the testing domain. A rising trend in the domain of automation testing is leading to more systems being developed in every minute. With the development of information technology, the testing domain is also changing. Gone are the days when the testing phase of software is satisfied with manual testing. With the IT industry already witnessing DevOps, there are few skills that are needed to be adopted by a tester in 2019 to remain competitive.

1. Testing in Advanced Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

A horde of futuristic developments is brought in the IT industry by AI. The center stage is already dominated by natural language processing, neural systems, and machine learning. The best thing about artificial intelligence is the capacity of a system in developing more systems.

Record and Play Load Testing in 5 Steps

While Apache JMeter allows you to create a load test from scratch, it also gives you the opportunity to record and playback load test scenarios for your web or mobile applications. Recording performance test scenarios are very useful when it comes to web or mobile testing. Websites and mobile applications make many requests varying from the initial server to third-party applications, like analytics sites, etc. Therefore implementing those requests from scratch may not be the best idea. In those cases, we recommend you to use the recording module of JMeter.

JMeter has a special module for that purpose. It’s called HTTP Test Script Recorder. This module works as a proxy on the host and port that you provide and listen to the HTTP requests. Then, it creates HTTP Sampler for recorded requests.

Top 26 Software Testing Quotes

Here are some of the most interesting, inspiring, and contentious software testing quotes that have crossed our path over the past year.

The testing mindset is ‘I’m going to figure out how to break this.’ This is great because it gets developers thinking: ‘I’m not going to let them break this’ — and the software is much stronger as a result.