How I Built a Basic Salesforce Mobile App with Lightning App Builder

In the fall of 2018, I decided to replace an application my mother-in-law was using for her real estate business. I decided to replace the application with an Angular client and Spring Boot service running inside of AWS. The biggest lesson I learned was that I felt like I spent more time trying to understand AWS and less time making enhancements to her application.

That all changed when spring 2020 arrived…

PyTorch Lightning Tutorial: Using TorchMetrics and Lightning Flash

TorchMetrics unsurprisingly provides a modular approach to define and track useful metrics across batches and devices, while Lightning Flash offers a suite of functionality facilitating more efficient transfer learning and data handling, and a recipe book of state-of-the-art approaches to typical deep learning problems.

We’ll start by adding a few useful classification metrics to the MNIST example we started with earlier. We’ll also swap out the PyTorch Lightning Trainer object with a Flash Trainer object, which will make it easier to perform transfer learning on a new classification problem. We’ll then train our classifier on a new dataset, CIFAR10, which we’ll use as the basis for a transfer learning example to CIFAR100.

Salesforce: Walled Garden No More

The year was 2015 and my feature team was forced to learn Salesforce. I know that sounds extreme, but that was the reality for the six core members of our team who were required to adopt the platform as a part of a corporate objective.

Other than an introductory session from Salesforce during the 2008 Gartner Application Architecture and Design conference, I really had no depth of knowledge for a CRM product which promised a "No Software" implementation. However, I did receive a pretty nice T-shirt for attending the session.

AURA vs Lightning Web Components


The new platform is a breakthrough in terms of leveraging web standards. But if you’re a developer who’s new to the salesforce world, or if your org is contemplating a shift from Aura to Lightning Web Components, this article aims to get you a little closer to the answers you need for UI development.

The Basics

For those who are not familiar, the Lightning component framework was launched in 2014 by Salesforce to enable large scale client-side application development on the web. It came with its component model and its modular programming model. From an application perspective, the Lightning Component framework is a UI framework that you can use to develop SPAs (Single Page Applications) for mobile and desktop devices. A Salesforce Developer builds lightning components and a Salesforce administrator assembles the lightning components and creates a lightning page.