Kumologica: Improving data layer responsiveness with Redis node

Photo by rupixen.com on Unsplash

Online shopping is becoming the prominent sales channel in the retail industry, even for the ones who are traditional with a brick-and-mortar history. This necessitates that the website provides the best in class user experience to the customers. User experience is not only about the layout and eye-catchiness of the website, but the responsiveness, optimally with sub-millisecond responses. Recent surveys indicate that 9 out of 10 users have responded that they will abandon a website if it is not responsive.

One of the major challenges for achieving great responsiveness is the bottleneck introduced by the data layer. It becomes very challenging to design the persistence storage layer to provide the required response performance. A proven way to enhance the data layer responsiveness is to introduce a caching layer on top of the persistence storage. Redis is the industry-leading enterprise-grade caching provider with great performance and scalability.

Serverless Data Sync Between QuickBooks Online and Salesforce Using Kumologica

Most enterprises have an accounting platform for the finance team and a CRM platform for the sales department. Integration of an accounting platform with CRM will allow sharing the financial data with the sales team. This allows the sales team to view customer information, track expenses, create customer reports, and gain insights for a better forecast.

In this article, we will demonstrate the serverless data sync between a CRM platform (Salesforce) and an accounting platform (QuickBooks Online) using Kumologica. For those who are new to Kumologica, I would recommend going through our articles and YouTube videos to get an insight.

Kumologica: Exception Handling In Specific Nodes of a Flow [Video]

Although every programmer intends to write code that executes without any errors, a robust implementation of any logic should account for any exceptional scenarios that might occur during program execution. An exception is an event that occurs during the execution of a program and that disrupts the normal flow of instructions. And a graceful handling of such exceptional scenarios is very important because it maintains the normal, desired flow of a program even when an unexpected event occurs. 

If exceptions are not handled properly, it results in the undesired state of execution of the program. Hence, it is expected from any language/product that it provides a robust but at the same time, developer and implementation friendly setup for exception handling.

Serverless Integration With Salesforce Using Kumologica

Salesforce is a popular CRM platform used by many enterprises. Integration of salesforce modules with different enterprise systems is very common. There are multiple ways by which salesforce objects can be integrated.

  1. SOQL query (Pulling the records)
  2. Platform Events (Pushing the events)
  3. CDC (Pushing the events)
  4. OutboundMessages (Pushing the events using webhooks)

Most of the real-time integrations with Salesforce work with PE (platform events), CDC, and OutboundMessages. There are also solutions where SOQL query works in complementary with PE, CDC, or OutboundMessages (Webhooks).

Kumologica: Data Mapping Using DataMapper Node

Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash

REST-based APIs have become the main building blocks in the modern digital ecosystem. API-based integration is becoming the default model for integration within the organization, and also to expose an organization's business functionality to their partner network or even to the general public. For these APIs, data is the main constituent.

Grouping and Sorting Records in Kumologica

Grouping and sorting of records are common functionalities seen in many microservices and integration requirements. In most use cases, the records fetched from the source system might be in raw form, with all the records treated separately, without having any records grouped as per the functional requirements. Similarly, another functionality that is popularly used is the sorting of records. This can be either sorting based on an existing property in the record, or it can be based on the computation of some properties and then sorting the records based on the result of the computation.


Grouping is the functionality of combining records with a common property or attribute as a single unit. This can be based on one property or multiple properties associated with the records. These properties can also be referred to as keys. In the diagram below, we can see cars of different brands grouped based on the their color and type properties. Group 1 has both Ford and BMW since they have the same traits of color and type.

Message-Level Security in Serverless Integration Built on Kumologica

In today’s world, business relies heavily on digital infrastructure to maintain both the economic and social fabric of our society. This comes with greater responsibility for enterprise IT teams to ensure the security of data at rest and in transit. Enterprise businesses follow different security compliance protocols like GDPR to ensure maximum security for the data and infrastructure.

When it comes to security in the integration world, the security of data in transit is vital. In some business domains such as banks, medical & pharma, defense, etc. where sensitive data flows across different systems, the criticality is multifold. Transport-level security and message-level security are the most common security levels enforced when services are integrated between client and server or between servers. Multiple intermediary systems could exist between two end points when integrated. In such cases, message-level encryption (MLE) ensures that the content is encrypted during the intermediate hops where the traffic itself might be un-encrypted before it reaches the target system.

Migration From Mulesoft to Kumologica — Part 2

This is the second part of our four-part series that will take a deep dive through a real-time use case of migrating a developed service on Mulesoft. The Mulesoft service described in this article will cover some of the patterns mentioned in our earlier article. We will learn how to migrate this service into Kumologica without negotiating the pattern.

For those who are new to Kumologica, I would recommend going through our articles and youtube videos to get an insight. Kumologica is one of the early players in this space, which brings the benefits of the low-code integration capability of traditional integration like Mulesoft to Serverless's new worldIt provides a drag and drops visual designer and low code approach to ensure the greatest speed and flexibility to support a wide range of integrations compatible with most platforms and cloud providers.

Migration From Mulesoft to Kumologica — Part 1

This is the first part of our four-part series we are publishing which takes you through the steps for migrating your application from Mulesoft to a serverless integration using Kumologica. Mulesoft follows the EAI (Enterprise application Integration) patterns based on which the Mulesoft processors and connectors are aligned. We will discuss some of these patterns as we move through the series.

Kumologica is one of the early players in this space which brings the benefits of the low-code integration capability of traditional integration like Mulesoft to the new world of ServerlessIt provides a drag and drop visual designer and low code approach to ensure the greatest speed and flexibility to support a wide range of integrations compatible with most of the platforms and cloud providers.