ECMAScript proposal: JSON modules

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer looks at JSON modules, which is already live in Chrome 91 (but nothing else). It looks just like an ES Modules-style import, only you asset the type at the end.

import configData from './config-data.json' assert {type: 'json'};

How nice is that? Once this makes its way across browsers, we’ve gone on a journey from “you’ll almost definitely want to use an Ajax library” because of the cross-browser complexity and weirdness of XMLHttpRequest to the much nicer (but you still gotta write some code) fetch API, to a one-liner (if what you need is JSON data).

Snagging some JSON data seems like it should be as easy as a one-liner to me, and now it is. I like how the URL can be dynamic now too.

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Life with ESM

ESM, meaning ES Modules, meaning JavaScript Modules. Like, import and friends.

Browsers support it these days. There is plenty of nuance, but as long as you’ve dropped IE, the door is fairly open.

Before ESM, the situation for JavaScript projects was:

  1. We’ve got packages we need to use from npm.
  2. We’ll install them from npm ahead of time with our package.json, npm install and whatnot.
  3. We’ll write import statements that are invalid ESM for some reason (developer convenience, I guess) and assume we’re importing packages from a local node_modules folder.
  4. Our bundler will know what to do with those invalid imports.
  5. This is all OK, because word on the street is that bundling is still required for performance, and it does other stuff we want anyway, like run Babel and friends.

Now that we can count on ESM more, the story is shifting somewhat, and all of those things are being questioned.

  • What if we didn’t have to npm install?
  • What if we don’t need a bundler?
  • What if performance is fine, between HTTP/2+, global CDNs, browsers doing fancy things, etc.?
  • What if maybe we shouldn’t be compiling code so much because we’re down-compiling too much?

We’re seeing next-generation tooling that leans into all that. Snowpack 3 was just released and look at this:

That React (with JSX), being written just as it normally is, and there was no npm install, no node_modules directory, and no build step. But, still a dev server and reloading. So light. Very refreshing.

I just listened to a recent Toolsday episode where Una and Chris chatted with Jason Miller about WMR, which I hadn’t heard of until then. It feels very spiritually similar to Snowpack/Skypack. With WMR, you get to use npm packages without having to install them, or write with things like JSX, TypeScript or CSS Modules, and get a bunch of dev conveniences, like a server, hot reloading, etc.

Something is clearly in the water here, and I think that something is a leaning into ESM.

Even on the Node.js side, ESM is happening. Here’s Sindre Sorhus, who has over 1,000 npm packages(!):

At the end of April 2021, Node.js 10 will be end-of-life, which means that package maintainers can target Node.js 12. This Node.js version has full support for JavaScript Modules, also known as ESM.

He’s planning to move almost all of those 1,000 packages to ESM in 2021. Not a “dual” setup where you output multiple different formats… just ESM, and he’s encouraging everyone to do the same. I would think this momentum toward direct ESM usage in the browser builds heavily when the npm ecosystem is doing the exact same thing.

And when you do need to bundle because, say, something on npm isn’t yet ready for ESM, then next-gen bundlers are getting smoking fast.

The post Life with ESM appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

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Weekly Platform News: Text Spacing Bookmarklet, Top-Level Await, New AMP Loading Indicator

In this week's roundup, a handy bookmarklet for inspecting typography, using await to tinker with how JavaScript modules import one another, plus Facebook's in-app browser is only posing as one. Let's get into the news!

Check if your content breaks after increasing text spacing

Dylan Barrell from Deque has created a bookmarklet that you can use to check if there are any issues with the content or functionality of your website after increasing the line, paragraph, letter, and word spacing, according to the “Text Spacing” success criterion of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.

(via Dylan Barrell)

Using top-level await in JavaScript modules

The proposed top-level await feature is especially useful in JavaScript modules: If module A uses top-level await (e.g., to connect to a database), and module B imports module A — via the import declaration — then the body of B will be evaluated after the body of A (i.e., B will correctly wait for A).

Top-level await enables modules to act as big async functions: With top-level await, ECMAScript Modules (ESM) can await resources, causing other modules who import them to wait before they start evaluating their body.

(via Brian Kardell)

AMP’s new multi-stage loading indicator

AMP has created a new multi-stage loading indicator that has better perceived performance (tested on 2,500 users): It shows nothing until 0.5s, then an intermediate animation until 3.5s, and finally a looping spinner after that.

(via Andrew Watterson)

In other news...

  • AMP has released the <amp-script> element which, for the first time, allows AMP pages to add custom JavaScript, with some constraints: The code runs in a separate worker thread and requires a user gesture to change page content (via AMP Project).
  • The HTML Standard has made autofocus a global attribute that “applies to all elements, not just to form controls” (e.g., this change enables <div contenteditable autofocus>, but no browser supports this yet) (via Kent Tamura).
  • Facebook’s in-app browser (powered by Android's WebView) is not a browser: “Facebook is breaking the web for 20–30% of your traffic because you aren't demanding they do better” (via Alex Russell).

Read more news in my new, weekly Sunday issue. Visit for more information.

The post Weekly Platform News: Text Spacing Bookmarklet, Top-Level Await, New AMP Loading Indicator appeared first on CSS-Tricks.