Spring Boot With Spring Data JPA

Welcome to the Spring Boot with Spring Data JPA tutorial! In this tutorial, we are going to see how Spring Data JPA provides complete abstraction over the DAO layer. We don’t need to write the implementation for the DAO layer anymore; Spring Data auto-generates the implementation DAO implementations.

We already had an introduction to Spring Boot, and for this tutorial, we will use Spring Boot along with Spring Data. You will also see how Spring Boot auto-configuration helps to get data source configurations done, hassle-free.

Developing Spring Cloud Microservices With a Central Environment

How can developers work simultaneously on the same central Spring Cloud environment?

Developing software based on a microservices architecture is extremely easy when you use Spring Boot and Spring Cloud. Just throw in a few lines of code and you can have a microservice up and running. But how do you develop a real-world application in such an environment? In theory, each microservice is isolated and can be developed alone, but, in practice, this is often not the case. To develop and test your service in the context of the application that uses it requires more than just your microservice to be up and running. So, how can one conveniently develop in a multi-microservices environment?

Enhancing a Kotlin Chart With Advanced Charting Kit (Part 1)

Ever since Google announced support for Kotlin on Android back in 2017, its popularity amongst developers has continued. Having initially experimented with Kotlin, I was keen to see how it would get along with the shinobicharts and Advanced Charting Kit libraries. Being the owner of a wearable fitness tracking device, I decided to write a simple app that would display a chart showing my heart rate over a typical working day.

I began by taking a day’s worth of data and placing into a simple file. The data is presented as a timestamp value and an integer showing the beats per minute at that time. A typical data row looks like this:

Using the Galen Framework for Automated Cross-Browser Layout Testing

The Galen framework is a test automation framework which was originally introduced to perform cross-browser layout testing. It has become a fully functional testing framework with rich reporting and test management systems. This framework supports both Java and JavaScript.

Are you wondering about what cross-browser layout testing is? Well, let me clarify. So, you've developed a fast-functioning website using Google Chrome. Everything is working as expected. The UI is neat and you feel a sense of accomplishment. Now, you show this to your product manager, stakeholder, or any other user who has his/her default browser set to Mozilla Firefox/Safari/Opera or any browser other than Google Chrome, and you are surprised to notice the UI look different. This implies that your website isn’t cross-browser compatible. The practice to ensure that the layout of a website looks and runs seamlessly across various browsers is called cross-browser layout testing. We are living in an era where responsive design is turning into a necessity for every website. If you are looking to address the following challenges for responsive site layout across multiple devices, then Galen is one of the best open source frameworks to choose:

How to Delete Duplicates From an ArrayList of Type Pojo/DTO

Recently, in my current project, I got a requirement where I had to delete duplicates from anArrayList of type Pojo. I did a lot of research and found all the examples referring to an ArrayList of type String and where is easy to remove duplicates. However, the real world is always different!

Here is code to delete duplicates from an ArrayList based on two fields Material Type (matnrType) and Supplier (supplier).

JavaParser: Java Code Generation

In this article, I'm going to show you how to generate Java code using theJavaParser. I couldn't find much of the documentation available with regards to code generation in javaparser.org or the manual. So, I thought putting this out would help someone who would like to experiment with the Java parser.

In its simplest form, the JavaParser library allows you to interact with Java source code as a Java object representation in a Java environment. More formally, we refer to this object representation as an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST). Also, it has the ability to manipulate the underlying structure of the source code. This can then be written to a file, providing developers with the facility to build their own code generating software.