Let’s Run Cloud-Native Computing Through the Wash

Back in 2014, I asked why organizations should bother to implement cloud when cloud washing would suffice. Cloud computing was still a mystery to many enterprises at the time, so maybe signing up for something that vendors called Cloud, but really wasn’t, was the best move.

Putting the ‘washing’ suffix on some technology trend or another has been around longer than the cloud, of course.

How Cloud Has Impacted The Centralization vs. Decentralization Of IT

How cloud affects IT infrastructures

Every week, we find ourselves having a conversation about cost optimization with a wide variety of enterprises. In larger companies, we often talk to folks in the business unit that most people traditionally refer to as Information Technology (IT). These meetings usually include discussions about the centralization vs decentralization of IT and oftentimes they don’t realize it, as we are discussing cloud and how it’s built, run and managed in the organization.

Centralized IT