How to Create a Chat App With Backendless SDK for Flutter

In this article, we are going to demonstrate how to create a simple peer-to-peer (p2p) chat application with the Backendless SDK for Flutter. This will give you an overview of the process needed to integrate your Backendless server-side with your Flutter chat app client-side.

Flutter is a popular hybrid frontend framework for mobile and web app development. With the Backendless SDK for Flutter, Backendless is easily integrated as a powerful Codeless backend and real-time database for any Flutter app.

Flutter Interact: All You Need to Know!

Flutter Interact, an event recently held by Google along with the Flutter Community, has ended with some great announcements. Some amazing Flutter features are declared in this immense event that made the developer community excited all around the world.

In the event, every announcement came with a note saying “there’s more to come!” Many developers, including us, were astonished to hear what Flutter has for the future.