DevOps Maturity Model: Trends and Best Practices in Today’s World

Innovation is critical to driving an organization's growth. Once leaders in their industries, companies like Nokia, Kodak, and Blockbuster failed to innovate and soon lost most market share.

Consumers want quicker, better, and more affordable solutions to their problems. You should have systems in place to launch your products in the market as soon as possible — without compromising the quality.

A Response: Why DevOps Will Cease To Exist

In the tech world, DevOps is a word frequently tossed around to describe the blending of development and operations teams. It’s a melting pot where engineers work in tandem across the application lifecycle, revamping the typical "silo" framework. Adopting this model requires a necessary change of antiquated company culture to dismantle and reorganize the traditional structure, ultimately reducing operational inefficiencies. Once optimized, these DevOps teams produce benefits like increased speed and reliability, rapid delivery and scaling ability, and improved collaboration and security. 

Typically, this philosophy is hailed as a superior organizational approach; however, Uri Zaidenwerg voices a different opinion in his article "Why DevOps Will Cease to Exist." In his article, Uri, a DevOps engineer himself, begins by briefly summarizing what the path to becoming a DevOps engineer looks like. Following this career outline, he identifies what he sees as "signs of the end" for DevOps engineers before forecasting his prophecy.

The 2021 DevOps Trend Everyone is Missing

When I recently looked up 2021 DevOps trends, from the various predictions everyone has been making, it seems that DevOps is going through the roof. DevOps is everything, and everything is DevOps nowadays.

Here’s a partial list of DevOps trends that are exploding:

8 DevOps Trends Predicted for 2020


As per a collective study done recently, it is fathomed that DevOps’ market had generated around 2.9 billion in the year 2017, and this market of DevOps Consulting Services is projected to reach around $6.6 billion by the year 2022. AI inclusion and the inclusion of security in DevOps, together with a dramatic shift towards the automation, are some of the unanimous DevOps predictions for the year 2020.

DevOps Offers the Following Benefits:

  • The fast response towards an amendment
  • Offers great speed and makes the security arrangement more agile
  • Establishes a perfect channel of collaboration and communication
  • Fast identification of bugs or vulnerabilities in the code
  • The team can effortlessly put their sole attention on other critical things instead of focusing on security features
  • Many enterprises are adopting DevOps; there was a boost to 17% in 2018 from about 10% in 2017 (according to Statista

DevOps Adoption

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Eight DevOps Trends Predicted for 2020

Here is what you can see for DevOps in the year 2020. 

8 DevOps Trends to Watch For in 2020

Here's what you can look forward to for DevOps 2020.

According to a collective study, the DevOps market generated 2.9 billion in 2017 and the market is expected to reach $6.6 billion by 2022. DevOps has become a key focus and has shaped the world of software and many experts predict that DevOps is going to be the mainstream and is going to reach its peak in 2020.

Writing About DevOps [Prompts]

If you're having trouble thinking of DevOps writing topics, let us supply your aha moment.

Ever struggle with what to write? No worries, we've got you covered. Here's a list of cloud prompts and article ideas to help cure even the worst cases of writer's block. So, take a moment, check out the prompts below, pick one (or more!), and get to writing.

Also, please feel free to comment on this post to bounce around ideas, ask questions, or share which prompt(s) you're working on. 

Emerging Trends That Will Define the Next 10 Years of Software Testing (Part 2)

As discussed in the previous blog, organizations are shifting toward an "Agile+DevOps" strategy for their SDLCs, which will be predominantly governed by automation tools. Many organizations embarked on their digital transformation journey in the last decade, but there were more failures than success. With advanced technology and better understanding, we can expect a more mature approach from leaders for navigating their organization to the desired digital heights.

In this blog, we'll pick up the baton from where we paused in the Part 1. While the first part of the blog talked about the trends that dominated the last decade and will influence the coming one, this blog will delve upon the next-generation technologies. Although the next-gen software testing technologies are still in a relatively nascent stage, they are expected to rule the roost for the upcoming decade.