DevOps Operational Benefits — How Does DevOps Sync Your Operations With Your Business Goals?

Every year DevOps market is growing at an exponential rate. Considering the current trend of DevOps adoption, the CAGR is at 24.7%, with an expected market capitalization of $10.3 billion by 2023. In laymen's terms, DevOps's goal is to make it feasible for the development and operations teams to collaborate to optimize performance, reduce errors, improve delivery speed, etc.

However, harnessing DevOps has tons of operational benefits apart from technical benefits. This blog is dedicated to explaining some of the functional benefits of DevOps and how your operations can sync with your business goals. 

A Response: Why DevOps Will Cease To Exist

In the tech world, DevOps is a word frequently tossed around to describe the blending of development and operations teams. It’s a melting pot where engineers work in tandem across the application lifecycle, revamping the typical "silo" framework. Adopting this model requires a necessary change of antiquated company culture to dismantle and reorganize the traditional structure, ultimately reducing operational inefficiencies. Once optimized, these DevOps teams produce benefits like increased speed and reliability, rapid delivery and scaling ability, and improved collaboration and security. 

Typically, this philosophy is hailed as a superior organizational approach; however, Uri Zaidenwerg voices a different opinion in his article "Why DevOps Will Cease to Exist." In his article, Uri, a DevOps engineer himself, begins by briefly summarizing what the path to becoming a DevOps engineer looks like. Following this career outline, he identifies what he sees as "signs of the end" for DevOps engineers before forecasting his prophecy.

How to Successfully Implement DevOps Techniques Into Your Project

Any innovation should start with a solid business case, and DevOps is not an exception. Why should businesses invest in the changes needed to implement DevOps? In this article, we will answer this question and discuss how to effectively implement DevOps methods in a project.

Setting the Stage for DevOps Implementation

IT technologies have a huge impact on the development of modern businesses. These changes are described in detail in Why Software Is Eating The World by Marc Andreessen. It's not hard to cite a few examples of tech startups that have already made a significant contribution or even changed the entire industry. For this purpose, one can simply look at the radical changes in the retail, transportation, and hospitality industries, which were caused by software innovations from companies such as Amazon, Uber, and Airbnb.

The Benefits of DevOps by Role

DevOps is a win-win-win-win-win.

Businesses face rapid changes and high demands every day.

Modern consumers have ever-changing demands and higher expectations for businesses than their predecessors. Increasing competition means companies have to act quickly and intelligently to hold their share of the market. Organizations are constantly battling with their rivals, striving to provide the best product for their customers.

Why You Should Be Adopting a DevOps Culture in 2020

DevOps Culture

The year 2020 has arrived, and its arrival brings a lot of innovations and transformations in the Information and Technology (IT) sector and especially to DevOps technologies. The study conducted by experts at Grand View Research says that the DevOps market is anticipated to be worth 12.85 billion USD by 2025. The adoption of DevOps practices rose 17% in 2018 as compared to 10% in 2017, according to Statista. It has been seen that top organizations that have included DevOps practices in their Software Development cycle have experienced a 63% improvement in the quality of software deployments. Due to Agile adoption, 63% frequency in the release of new versions of software! Also, higher standards of coding have been observed.

Benefits of DevOps

  • Quick amendment response during the development phase.
  • Adapting Agile made easy.
  • It is a perfect route for collaboration between teams.
  • Iterations help in identifying bugs and their quick resolution.
  • Teams can focus more on development and be free from deployment worries.
  • Resilient services by teams.
  • Cross skilling of teams and better self-improvement Faster time to market.
  • It improves the quality of the product.

The market for DevOps is being driven by the increased adoption of Agile methodologies, cloud technologies, rising digitisation, and business automation. Adopting DevOps in the IT culture is a necessity for better team collaborations. So is your business ready to embrace DevOps culture in 2020? Various tools available for DevOps are Docker, Jenkins, GIT, etc. You can always take assistance from Cloud DevOps Consultants or DevOps service providers. If you want to know more about DevOps trends in 2020, then keep reading.

Is DevOps A Good Career?

Many of you who are in the technical field and the IT industry has come across the DevOps revolution that is facilitating the automation trend in business organizations. It is removing the disbalance between the development and operations team, which is the main challenge faced by enterprises for a long time.

So What is DevOps?

DevOps is a set of practices that combines software development (Dev) and information technology operations (Ops), which aims to shorten the systems development life cycle and provide continuous delivery with high software quality. —Wikipedia

Docker in DevOps: Igniting Application-Wide Quality at Speed

Diving deep into Docker with DevOps

DevOps has now become a de-facto standard for software development. The modern age of instant customer satisfaction has pushed market demands and competitive pressures to an all-time high.

Beyond that, end-users’ tolerance for brick and mortar applications has grown increasingly narrow. Thus, real-time application delivery has become a new norm.

Benefits and Challenges of Taking the DevOps Route

As more businesses rush to beat the competition with the help of technology, software development has become more than just a sound investment. It is a major revenue channel and the main strategic benefit of a modern business.

That is why it is crucial to ensure the quality, performance, and security of your product, as well as a fast time to market.