Creating Microservices in Nest.js

Microservices can seem intimidating at first, but they're just regular applications at the end of the day. They can execute tasks, listen for requests, connect to databases, and everything else a standard API or process would do. We only call them microservices colloquially because of how we use them, not because they are inherently small.

This tutorial will demystify the creation and operation of microservices for Node.js developers by creating a microservice using a popular Node.js framework, NestJS. We won’t go into detail about the design or architecture of NestJS applications specifically, so if you’re unfamiliar with the framework, I’d recommend you check out its docs first or skip to one of our Node.js samples that use Express directly.

The Ultimate DevOps Hourly Rate Guide for 2022

DevOps as a whole has been experiencing massive growth since 2014 when it first became a mainstream concept. This point is reinforced by the Vice President of Research & Strategy at Microsoft's GitHub, Nicole Forsgren, who acknowledged that DevOps is rapidly growing worldwide. The consequence is that, as the market, ranging from small and lean startups to large enterprises, begins to realize the efficiency of DevOps, hourly rates for related jobs are subsequently growing as well.

By bringing together professionals from security, web development, education, banking, and telecommunication, we can observe a surge in demand for skilled people to fill DevOps positions.

Infracost: How to Get Started

Infracost is an open-source project released in June 2020 on their 0.1.0 version. It was created by cloud computer experts Hassan Khajeh-Hosseini, Ali Khajeh-Hosseini, and Alistair Scott. They have been working with cloud technologies since 2012 by providing solutions to tech giants such as Sony, Samsung, and Netflix.

Working with cloud providers and DevOps is all about speed, efficiency, and cost management. However, the cost of infrastructural changes can be challenging to gauge. A deployment that shifts allocated resources may lead to a displeasing bill at the end of the month.

Cloud Computing Security Parameters on Various Cloud Platforms


Cloud Computing is currently a consistently emerging platform in the IT industry. As of now, big tech giants are providing cloud services to various industries as it is their essential policy to secure the architecture and enterprise data. 

With the increase in demand for cloud computing technologies, many tech giants are providing cloud automation services like Amazon Web Service (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), IBM, SAP, Cloudera, and more.  

Building a Holistic Security System for DevOps Projects

DevOps aligns the work of software developers and other IT professionals to ensure better quality, faster time to market, and increased productivity. It emphasizes communication, collaboration, integration, and automation of all aspects of software delivery, from development to testing to deployment.

A DevOps approach to software development enables an organization to have systems in place that support the production of software in a fast, reliable, and incremental way.

Five Ways Developers Can Help SREs

It is not easy to be a Site Reliability Engineer (SRE). Monitoring system infrastructure and aligning it with the key reliability metrics is quite a daunting task. Whereas, a software engineer's job is to deliver high-quality software.

Relationships between software engineers and site reliability engineers can sometimes be tricky. To begin with, developers are generally assigned to write code that goes into production. Then, there are SREs who are responsible for improving the product's reliability and performance. 

Markdown autodocs: Automation From External or Remote Files

Why Markdown-autodocs

To make your repo more appealing and useful, you need to provide example code snippets in your It would be inefficient and time-consuming to manually copy and paste each code snippet in its respective place in your README.

This problem can be solved using Markdown-autodocs: a GitHub Action that automatically generates and updates markdown content (like your from external or remote files. You will need to add markers in your that will tell markdown-autodocs where to insert the code snippet.

How To Build a CI/CD Pipeline in Azure DevOps

Azure DevOps by Microsoft Azure is one of the leading tools that automate CI/CD’s process and, in turn, supports automatic builds and code projects to make them available to others. The Azure pipelines combine Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) to consistently test and build the code and ship it to the target environment.

In this article, we will learn how to configure an Azure CI/CD pipeline and integrate it to LambdaTest Azure DevOps for bug tracking. 

2021 IaC Forecast: 5 Predictions for the Upcoming Year

I would like to start a tradition — I am going to gather all the discussions I had last year with customers and will craft my predictions on how DevOps and related technologies will evolve and impact business in 2021. As most of my discussions with customers are always focused around Infrastructure as Code (IaC), this is where I feel I can most accurately speculate. 

The world of automation has changed in the past year, remote work, support of remote business, the new digital era, and pandemic constraints will force infrastructure and code automations to level up in 2021. All in all, it is clear that the direction is more automation and less manual work.

3 Ways To Improve AWS Cost Optimization


This article is the second in our series on AWS cost optimization. In this series, we’ll introduce the challenges with AWS costs. We’ll also offer actionable recommendations on how to solve them and perform efficient AWS cost optimization.

Cloud cost optimization can help a company maximize its business value. A cost-efficient company has financial stability and success, and with that, great potential to accelerate its business growth

Data Processing With Apache Spark

Spark has emerged as a favorite for analytics, especially those instances that can handle massive volumes of data as well as provide high performance compared to any other conventional database engines. Spark SQL allows users to formulate their complex business requirements to Spark by using the familiar language of SQL.

So, in this blog, we will see how you can process data with Apache Spark and what better way to establish the capabilities of Spark than to put it through its paces and use the Hadoop-DS benchmark to compare performance, throughput, and SQL compatibility against SQL Server.

Using DevOps During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic we’re all facing this year is transforming the workforce throughout the whole world. As it doesn't seem like we're going back to the office any time soon, looks like companies are going to need DevOps more than ever.

The COVID-19 pandemic we’re all facing this year is transforming the workforce throughout the whole world. In fact, according to Stanford University research, the US has become a work-from-home economy. 42% of the workforce now working from home full-time. While some businesses are finding it difficult to adjust to this modern lifestyle, others went on immediately. Looking ahead, for a large number of organizations, the inability to adapt could be fatal. 

DevSecOps – Incorporating The 10 Best Security Practices of the Industry

In recent years, many software firms are turning towards the use of DevOps Services to build their applications. DevOps has been providing a much faster time for the marketing of the software. It provides a platform for deploying applications in the cloud environment i.e., Cloud DevOps. There are many companies that provide Cloud DevOps Security consultation. 

So the vulnerabilities that lie within the software are exposed, which initiates the necessity of a security strategy to be implemented for the application development right from its early stages, and not just at the end to prevent and overcome any of the unanticipated problems. Now, with the use of DevOps for software development, novel strategies need to be in place to embed security aspects in the development to ensure that the software is not vulnerable to the various attacks by hackers or malicious users. So, the answer that software developers are looking for is DevSecOps.

Threat Modelling Tools Analysis 101 – OWASP THREAT DRAGON


An interconnected world with an increasing number of systems, products, and services relying on the availability, confidentiality, and integrity of sensitive information is vulnerable to attacks and incidents. Unfortunately, the threat landscape expands and new threats, threat agents, and attack vectors emerge at all times. Defending against these threats requires that organizations are aware of such threats and threat agents. Threat modeling can be used as part of security risk analysis to systematically iterate over possible threat scenarios.

The motivation for this research came from the constantly growing need to acquire better tools to tackle the broad and expanding threat landscape present. One such tool to help to categorize and systematically evaluate the security of a system, product, or service, is threat modeling.

Kubernetes and Running Stateful Workloads


Kubernetes, as we know, is currently the most popular container orchestration tool used to scale, deploy, and manage containerized applications. In its initial days, Kubernetes was mostly used to run web-based stateless services.

However if you ever wanted to run stateful services like a database, you either had to run them in virtual machines (VM) or as a cloud-service. But with the rise of the kubernetes based hybrid-cloud, many users want to deploy stateful workloads also on top of kubernetes based clusters.

Secure Terraform Delivery Pipeline – Best Practices

With the beginning of the cloud era, the need for automation of cloud infrastructure has become essential. Although still very young (version 0.12), Terraform has already become the leading solution in the field of Infrastructure-as-Code. A completely new tool in an emerging area, working in a new programming model – this brings a lot of questions and doubts, especially when handling business-essential cloud infrastructure. 

At GFT, we face challenges of delivering Terraform deployments at scale: on top of all major cloud providers, supporting large organizations in the highly regulated environment of financial services, with multiple teams working in environments in multiple regions around the world. Automation of Terraform delivery while ensuring proper security and mitigation of common risks and errors is one of the main topics across our DevOps teams.

Improve Your Ongoing Cloud Transformation With DevOps

There are basically two major hurdles every organization faces when moving to the cloud: transforming their apps or solutions to fully benefit from cloud computing and adopting a better approach for true cloud transformation. The former is a hurdle that most — if not all — organizations focus on.

Transforming existing apps for cloud computing isn’t always straightforward. Rewriting and refactoring can be a complex process, especially when you have a complex app that needs to be divided into a lot of microservices. With that said, this is a challenge that gets solved early in the transformation process.