CodeReady Containers – Beginners guide to OpenShift Container Platform 4.9.10 with business automation tooling

Some time ago, back in December of 2020, I shared with you how to get started with business automation tooling on your developer machine using CodeReady Containers.

In this four part series you were familiarised with the OpenShift Container Platform, the business automation operators, and given a project to install the developer tooling needed to begin designing processes, rules, and much more.

Developer Tooling for Kubernetes in 2021: Development Machines (Part 5)

Over the last year, we have witnessed a shift in engineering working habits. COVID-19 forced many of us into lockdown. Instead of working from the office, coffee shops, and airport lounges, I found myself mostly working out of my (hastily built) home office. For many of us, this meant shifting back to a workstation over a trusty laptop.

Not surprisingly, this did nothing to abate the heated discussion over which computers and operating systems are best for developing software. And so, in this final blog post of the series, you’ll get to learn a bit more about setting up your development machine.

Developer Tooling for Kubernetes in 2021 – Docker, BuildKit, Buildpacks, Jib and Kaniko (Part 4)

Over the last few blog posts, I've covered critical elements of developer tooling for Kubernetes and how things are looking in 2021. As we continue to dive into that discussion, we must not forget the process of building container images.

Of course, most of us create our images by writing Dockerfiles and building them with the Docker engine. And yet, more and more teams are adopting newer alternatives. After all, the Docker image format has been standardized as part of the OCI (Open Container Initiative) a long while ago.

Developer Tooling for Kubernetes in 2021: IntelliJ, VSCode, Gitpod, and Lens (Part 3)

Over the last few days, I have been hard at work writing an up-to-date comparison of Kubernetes tooling (check out the first and second posts if you haven’t already, which cover tools that help you reproduce issues locally). Going through the sprawling Kubernetes ecosystem and curating the knowledge that would be the most interesting to fellow developers and engineering managers has been no small task. That’s why section 3 will cover the heart of cloud-native development: the IDE.

Some of the questions I have been struggling with have been:

Developer Tooling for Kubernetes in 2021: Helm, Kustomize, and Skaffold

Over the last few years, we have seen an avalanche of tools to enable easier software development on Kubernetes (let’s face it, it is quite hard out of the box). As often happens in growing ecosystems, some tools grow and adapt, while others get left behind, or, at the very least, are merged into new offerings. What’s a better way to open 2021 than with an up-to-date review of the options we have?

In this blog series, I’ll go over the various developer tools for Kubernetes out there, their function within the development workflow, and, mostly, cover important news for each of them. For this post, I’ll focus on tools used to define our Kubernetes applications, namely: Helm, Kustomize, and Skaffold.