Multi-Cluster Kubernetes Management and Access

As cloud and Kubernetes have become a standard, security remains one of the top inhibitors to modern application development. To reduce security risks, organizations can’t manage access control on a cluster-by-cluster basis. And not finding a scalable approach leads to misconfigurations, vulnerabilities, and failed compliance audits.

Let us travel back in time and picture a fort. Forts were huge with massively thick walls, doors, watch towers and a moat to protect them from attacks. There were several layers of defense to keep attackers at bay. An attacker might swim across the moat but still had to climb the high walls before entering the fort. Thus, an attacker might compromise a single layer, but having several layers makes it difficult for an attacker to enter the fort.

How to Deploy Azure Function Apps With Powershell

Hi All! Today I want to show a quick’n’dirty way to easily deploy your projects to Azure using Powershell.

I’ve been working a lot recently with Azure Functions and Web Apps. And of course, each time I’m confident with my code, I want to see it deployed on the Cloud.

Full Build Automation For Java Application Using Docker Containers

In this pipeline implementation, we will be using Dockers containers for building our Java application. We will run Jenkins inside a Docker container, start Maven containers from the Jenkins container to build our code, run test cases in another Maven container, generate the artifact (jar in this case), then build a Docker image inside the Jenkins container itself and push that to the Docker Hub at the end from Jenkins Container.

For this Pipeline, we will be using 2 Github repositories.