How We Reduced Multi-Region Read Latency and Network Traffic by 50%

In data-critical industries like the financial industry, data storage and access need a high availability architecture. Within this architecture, if a server goes down, the system can still provide services. But if a natural disaster like an earthquake occurs, there might be a network partition or, even worse, all the servers in the data center (DC) could fail. In this case, to guarantee system availability, we need a remote disaster recovery architecture. What's more, it's better to keep a long-distance between data centers, so that a disaster in one region won't make a huge impact on another.

However, this architecture has two limitations:

5 Problems Hyperconverged Infrastructure Solves

By now, you’ve likely heard of “hyperconverged infrastructure,” and you and your team may even be considering adopting it. As you work through that decision, chances are you’ve wondered what sorts of problems hyperconvergence could solve for you.

Or, you might be in the camp of folks who’ve used legacy 3-tier architecture for so long that it’s a part of your DNA — and you might not be too keen on uprooting something that’s worked “just fine” for so many years.

Are You on Track to Meet Your Data Center Resolutions? [Infographic]

Time for a check-in: how well are you doing on your New Year’s resolutions? If you answered with a sharp inhale and a shake of the head, you’re not alone. In fact, about 80 percent of folks aren’t able to stick to their resolutions.

But when it comes to your data center, resolutions are not something to give up on easily. Have you made some for 2019? To help you along, we’ve compiled 5 of the top data center resolutions you might have on your list — and most importantly, how to achieve them.Image title