base of Instagram accounts

Hello everyone.

I saw services on the Internet where you can search for keywords in the Instagram biography.

These services have their own base and they search for it and sell it later.

Are there forums on the Internet where there is already a parsed database in the form of a file, where I can search for myself by a keyword?

Modeling and Loading Data at Scale

Back in April we hosted an online conference for our community, Orbit 2021, and in listening to Henning Kuich, Dan Plischke, and Joren Retel from Bayer Pharmaceuticals, the community got a glimpse into how a team within Bayer Pharmaceuticals uses TypeDB to accelerate their drug discovery pipelines.


The team at Bayer fundamentally wanted to understand diseases better so that they can create better therapeutic interventions.  A deeper understanding of diseases enables the identification and development of novel therapeutic interventions that have little to no side effects.

In-Memory Database Architecture: Ten Years of Experience Summarized (Part 2)

An in-memory database is not a new concept. However, it is associated too closely with terms like "cache" and "non-persistent". In this article, I want to challenge these ideas. In-memory solutions have much wider use cases and offer higher reliability than it would seem at a first glance.

I want to talk about the architectural principles of in-memory databases, and how to take the best of the "in-memory world"— incredible performance — without losing the benefits of disk-based relational systems. First of all, how to ensure data safety.

vb6 ms access sql query

How to create sql Query..table_Transaction
Ref_No Trn-Date Cust_Code Debit Credit
how to create closing balance,Opening Balance Filter by Cust_Code And Trn_Date

In-Memory Database Architecture: Ten Years of Experience Summarized (Part 1)

An in-memory database is not a new concept. However, it is associated too closely with terms like "cache" and "non-persistent". In this article, I want to challenge these ideas. In-memory solutions have much wider use cases and offer higher reliability than it would seem at a first glance.

I want to talk about the architectural principles of in-memory databases, and how to take the best of the "in-memory world"— incredible performance — without losing the benefits of disk-based relational systems. First of all, how to ensure data safety.

Get Net Income from Income and Expenditure Tables by Date

I want to be able to write an SQL statement that pulls the sum of revenue and expenditure for each day and gets net income for each day with the distinct dates available in the Income and Expenditure tables. I have tried the following statement, but I'm not getting the desired result. I'm using MS Access.

    SUM(Income.AmountPaid) AS IncomeAmount,
    SUM(Expenditure.TotalAmount) AS ExpenseAmount,
    IncomeAmount - ExpenseAmount AS NetIncome
FROM Income FULL OUTER JOIN Expenditure ON Income.IncomeDate=Expenditure.ExpenseDate
GROUP BY Income.IncomeDate
ORDER BY Income.IncomeDate

Accessing Non-Blocking Databases Using R2DBC and Spring

Large numbers of data and requests from the web can be handled well by responsive APIs. Clients (like your browser) can subscribe to “events” by utilizing the “server-side event” model, which “pushes” available events to the client. 

It is not useful in cases with simple CRUD applications, but when dealing with situations with millions of “subscribers”, it is significantly faster than traditional “request-response” architectures. 

limit to 1 per where or clause

I have managed to get blog posts displayed from each blog category but I want to limit it to 1 article from each blog category but unsure how to do it in the sql query I have, below is what I have so far

(SELECT BP.postID,postTitle,postSlug,postDesc,postDate,postImage
          blog_posts BP, blog_post_cats BPC 
       BPC.catID = 6 AND BPC.postID = BP.postID OR BPC.catID = 5 AND BPC.postID = BP.postID OR BPC.catID = 4 AND BPC.postID = BP.postID OR BPC.catID = 1 AND BPC.postID = BP.postID
    (SELECT BP.postID,postTitle,postSlug,postDesc,postDate,postImage
          blog_posts BP, blog_post_cats BPC
       BPC.catID = BPC.postID = BP.postID

Should You Invent a New Query Language? (Probably Not)

Should You Invent a New Query Language? Cover Image

"What's worse than data silos? Data silos that invent their own query language." - Erik Bernhardsson

In his infamous and widely discussed blog post named ' I don't want to learn your garbage query language,' Erik Bernhardsson expressed what so many other Data Engineers and Analysts related with so strongly. Namely, that he "really [doesn't] like software that invents its own query language" and that he "just [wants his] SQL back."

The fairly short-yet-passionate rant summarized the almost universal experience that technologies that require their own language often produce a whole new different set of complexities.

Knowledge Models and Causal Diagrams

A new term is floating around the Computer Science Artificial Intelligence circles that is catching on — “Causal Science” — and it seems this technique helps us better predict future behaviors. The father of Causal Science is none other than Judea Pearl, the same Judea Pearl that created Bayesian Networks. His work on Bayesian networks and causation was so profound that in 2011 Professor Pearl was awarded the highest honors in both Computer Science and Human Cognition. He was awarded the Allen Turing Award “for fundamental contributions to artificial intelligence through the development of a calculus for probabilistic and causal reasoning”. Additionally in the same year, he received the Rumelhart Prize for Contributions to the theoretical foundation of human cognition. 

When someone, in the same year, wins an award for contributions to theoretical foundations of Human Cognition and the equivalent to the Nobel prize for Computer Science, that person is probably on to something, and we should pay attention.

What Is The Difference Between 2NF and 3NF?

Data Normalization Cover

What is Normalization?

Normalization in a database is the process of organizing the data to reduce redundancy. The main idea is to segment a larger table into smaller ones and connect them through a relation.

But why should an end-user like you or me be concerned about Data Normalization?

Utilizing BigQuery as A Data Warehouse in A Distributed Application


Data plays an integral part in any organization. With the data-driven nature of modern organizations, almost all businesses and their technological decisions are based on the available data. Let's assume that we have an application distributed across multiple servers in different regions of a cloud service provider, and we need to store that application data in a centralized location. The ideal solution for that would be to use some type of database. However, traditional databases are ill-suited to handle extremely large datasets and lack the features that would help data analysis. In that kind of situation, we will need a proper data warehousing solution like Google BigQuery.

What is Google BigQuery?

BigQuery is an enterprise-grade, fully managed data warehousing solution that is a part of the Google Cloud Platform. It is designed to store and query massive data sets while enabling users to manage data via the BigQuery data manipulation language (DML) based on the standard SQL dialect.

Understanding Subgraph in Nebula Graph 2.0


In An Introduction to Nebula Graph 2.0 Query Engine, I introduced how the query engine differs between V2.0 and V1.0 of Nebula Graph.

As shown in the preceding figure, you can see that when a query statement is sent from the client, how the query engine parses the statement, generates an AST, validates the AST, and then generates an execution plan. In this article, I will introduce more about the query engine through the new subgraph feature in Nebula Graph 2.0 and focus on the execution plan generation process, to help you understand the source code better.

Data Replication for DBMS Using the Commit Log


In this article, we will see how developers can break down information silos for their teams and business by replicating data across multiple systems. First, we will review why developers will replicate data and considerations for the cloud. Second, we will prepare for war with the replicators. Then we will examine the architecture of Postgres and MySQL and how their commit logs enable us to make exact copies of the data. Finally, we will connect Debezium to Postgres for a complete data replication solution.

Introduction to Data Replication

Data replication is the process of moving data between different database systems for various business use cases. In a typical SaaS (Software As A Service) application, data is stored in an operational database such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, etc. There are other database systems such as data warehouses and search systems built for specialized use cases. Moving data between these systems is known as data replication.