An Introduction to 5 Types of Image Annotation

Looking for information on the different image annotation types? In the world of AI and machine learning, data is king. Without data, there can be no data science. For AI developers and researchers to achieve the ambitious goals of their projects, they need access to enormous amounts of high-quality data. In regards to image data, one major field of machine learning that requires large amounts of annotated images in computer vision.

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10 Best Text Annotation Tools and Services for Machine Learning

From search engines and sentiment analysis to virtual assistants and chatbots, there are numerous areas of research within machine learning that require text annotation tools and services.

In the AI research and development industries, annotated data is gold. Large quantities of high-quality annotated data is a goldmine. On the other hand, sometimes finding or creating this data can be an expensive and arduous task for your team. Fortunately, there are a variety of text annotation tools and services available that can provide you with the data you need. Some of these services include entity extraction, part-of-speech tagging, sentiment analysis, and more.