Xamarin vs React Native: Which One Wins The Race?

Cross-platform application development has completely changed the way developers develop over the last few years, and there's a reason for that! It lets them write code once and then use it on multiple platforms from Android to Windows to iOS. In addition, implementing these practices provides the best chance of creating a successful mobile app, whether it is designed for internal purposes or for distribution on app stores.

As software development becomes increasingly cross-platform, users will be able to save time, money, and effort. Approximately one-third of all developers use a cross-platform approach, while the rest develop native apps. The top two cross-platform frameworks are Xamarin and React Native.

Pros and Cons of Native vs Cross-Platform App Development

As technology advances, cross-platform and native app development domains evolve to come up with more robust and feature-rich app solutions for modern businesses.

As per the Statista prediction, mobile apps will generate more than 935 billion USD in the year 2023. Globally, enterprises tend to build dedicated apps for improving customer services, simplifying complexities, increasing productivity, and bringing automation into processes. However, as an entrepreneur, you may find it challenging to opt for cross-platform or native app development. Therefore, we are going to dig deep into the pros and cons of both these types. But before moving ahead, let’s go through some interesting facts. 

How Do You Reduce Costs in Cross-Platform Mobile Development?

Cross-platform mobile development can be significantly more expensive than developing for a single platform. This article will cover five steps to reduce cross-platform mobile app development costs to help you find the right solution for your business. Whether you’re looking to develop a new app or update an existing one, this guide will help you reduce the cost and save time and energy in the process.

Reduce Cross-Platform Mobile Development Costs

There are few industries that can grow as quickly and profitably as the mobile industry. More than 1.4 billion people use smartphones, and this number is likely to increase in the future. The problem with this growth, however, is that it’s expensive. Fortunately, there are ways to reduce cross-platform development costs so you can get ahead of the game.

Low-Code Enterprise Application Development: The Future of Technology

FACT CHECK: Low-code Enterprise Application Development is the Future of Technology

What is enterprise application development if not making business-centric apps which help companies make money?! While that is a rough description of apps per se, it holds a deeper meaning in terms of usability, customer care and service, and, most of all, in terms of branding. 

Ionic, Flutter, and React Native: When To Use Them

In this article, we will see what Cross-Platform App Frameworks: Ionic, Flutter, and React Native are and when to use them.

Each of these frameworks allows you to build an app for both the major platforms: iOS and Android. All of these frameworks are popular in the mobile app development world as they allow developers to build applications using a single source code for every platform. It costs less, hence, the demand for cross-platform app development has increased over the past decade.

Kotlin Multiplatform vs Flutter: What Cross-Platform Developers Should Choose?

Since the popularity of mobile apps is continuously bringing new approaches to development, many new frameworks are getting a foothold and the older ones are quickly evolving to catch up in this race. While Kotlin came as a better alternative to Java for Android development, Flutter actually revolutionized cross-platform app development.

While Kotlin offered a lot of new and powerful features it was only limited to Android app development. Kotlin is mainly a platform-specific language. Now Google even made Kotlin evolve with cross-platform capabilities and so we now have Kotlin Multiplatform, a new framework to make the awesome features of Kotlin language stretch across both iOS and Android platforms. 

Flutter For Novices: Create Your First Cross-Platform App in 2021

In this era of the internet, it's no secret that a good and scalable mobile app can take your business to a new level. Running a business in this digital and competitive time is not a cakewalk. There are numerous apps that get launched on Play Store and App Store, but all of them are not successful. Therefore, business owners need a mobile app that fosters customer loyalty and builds brand advocacy. 

Technological innovations are leaving no stone unturned and are mostly impacting app development. More and more technology tools are launched into the market that makes developers' lives easy and helps them create beautiful apps. 

How to Decide If Flutter Is the Right Choice for Your Cross-Platform App Development

From effectively communicating with the target audience to promoting and selling their products and services, businesses are increasingly relying on mobile applications to improve their marketing and sales strategies and at the same time offering enhanced customer experience. Mobile applications offer businesses an excellent method for communicating with their customers.

Mobile App Development – An Outlook 

A well-designed mobile app can give a small company an edge in competing against larger companies in its industry.

React Native vs Flutter for Cross-Platform App Development

React Native vs Flutter can be a good foundation for further analysis and research. In considering which framework to use for cross-platform app development, it will be wise to ask two questions.

  1. Are you looking at developing your apps at a rapid pace? 
  2. Are you looking at reducing the cost of cross-application app development? 

If the answer to both these questions is a confident yes, then the comparison we provide will help you decide which framework to choose for your cross-application app development.

Managing Component State in NativeScript ListView

This article originally appeared on Medium.

A while ago I blogged about using Multiple Items Templates in a NativeScript ListView and briefly touched on the topics of UI Virtualization and View/Component Recycling. Looks like there are some hidden traps you can hit while developing apps with ListView related to this, especially if you are using Angular Components as items in your ListView and keep some state in the components.