MySQL Essentials

This Refcard contains all things MySQL. From MySQL's most important applications, popular features, common data types and commands to how to get started on Linux, this Refcard is a must-read for all developers, DBAs, and other tech professionals working in MySQL.

Packaging Python Classes as a Wheel


Recently, while working on a project where we were using Python, I realized how easy the Java package mechanism makes it, to organize and reuse common classes and functions.

Due to my Java hangover, I organized the common classes and functions in a directory hierarchy like com.<company>.<project>.util. The util package contained a few classes for UUID creation as well as classes for date and time manipulation. After placing the files in the above-mentioned directory, I started developing the application as a micro-service. I placed the micro-service code in the directory com.<company>.<project>.<service>. While trying to use the date and time classes in the micro-service, I used the syntax from com.<company>.<project>.util.mydatetime import MyDateTime.

A Quick Guide Through UFW: Uncomplicated Firewall

UFW, short for Uncomplicated Firewall, is basically a simplified firewall mechanism that is implemented upon IPtables itself, making it much easier to configure UFW than to configure IPtables. Therefore, it can be said that UFW is technically a program for managing a netfilter firewall which aims to provide an easy to use interface for the user.

The Need for UFW: Uncomplicated Firewall

Consider a situation where protocols like ssh, ftp, etc., which if left open for everyone and anyone to connect, might result in a massive security breach by the attackers or malicious users. Hence, this originated the need for a firewall. Firewall is useful to us in a way, that it allows us the remote access to the system but in a limited fashion. A simple example would be, firewall can allow certain ports to be left open to only a few IP addresses to limit security breach and also allowing connections to only a trusted device.

8 Basic Git Commands Every Newbie Developer Must Know

Learn more about these essential Git commands.

Git is one of the most important parts of the developer’s day-to-day work. So learning Git is a must for a newbie developer. In this article, you are going to learn the eight most important basic Git commands.

Below, I have listed down all the eight commands. Then, we will have a look at them one by one.

Linux Find Command Tutorial (With Examples)

When it comes to locating files or directories on your system, the find command on Linux is unparalleled. It's simple to use, yet has a lot of different options that allow you to fine-tune your search for files.

Read on to see examples of how you can wield this command to find anything on your system. Every file is only a few keystrokes away once you know how to use the find command in Linux.

15+ Examples for Linux cURL Command

Learn more about the Linux cURL commands in these examples.

In this tutorial, we will cover the cURL command in Linux. Follow along as we guide you through the functions of this powerful utility with examples to help you understand everything it's capable of.

Understanding Linux Runlevels, the Right Way

Learn more about Linux runlevels — the right way!

You can think of Linux runlevels as different "modes" that the operating system runs in. Each of these modes, or runlevels, has its own list of processes and services that are either turned on or off. From the time Linux boots up, it's always in some runlevel.

This runlevel may change as you continue to use your computer, depending on what kind of services the operating system needs access to.

Introducing Trackman: Execute Commands as a Workflow

Trackman? Sounds a lot like Pac-man!

Today, we would like to introduce you to Trackman, the open-source, execute-commands-as-a-workflow tool. In this post, we take a closer look at what it is, why we need it, and how to best implement the tool. Let's get started.

You may also like:   Most Useful Linux Command-Line Tricks

What Is Trackman?

Trackman is a command-line tool and Go library that runs multiple commands in a workflow. It supports parallel steps, step dependencies, async steps, and success checkers.

Git Operations With Visual Studio, Part 2


Today, I will show some more advanced Git operations using Visual Studio, without using the Git command line tool. This is the second part of the "Git Operation With Visual Studio" series. Please read the first article here. In the previous article, we have seen Git basic operations like creating repository and branch, cloning, commit, push changes, and more. Now, in this article, I will explain how to merge the branches and resolve the conflicts if any.

Update Local Branch

Update the local repository/branch to get changes from other members who have already made changes and merged. To update the code to keep it synced with others, there are three operations that come into the picture.