Integrating An Email Management System Into WordPress

WordPress is a flexible platform that works well for different types of websites. Whether you’re running a blog, news site, magazine, university, college, eCommerce store, or business website, WordPress can manage a variety of tasks efficiently. Its versatility makes it suitable for handling diverse website needs effectively. Email newsletters are a great way to increase […]

The post Integrating An Email Management System Into WordPress first appeared on WPArena and is written by Noor Mustafa Raza.

Top Premium WordPress Plugins & Themes

Design and functionality are essential aspects of any successful website. And with the abundance of WordPress themes and plugins available, you have the power to elevate your site to new heights. In this article, we will explore the latest and most effective WordPress themes and plugins to help you enhance your website’s appearance and performance. […]

Comparing the Best Employee Engagement Software in the Market

Employee engagement is pivotal to fostering a vibrant, thriving workplace culture. A well-engaged workforce is often marked by increased productivity, reduced turnover, and enhanced job satisfaction. In today’s digital era, businesses leverage innovative technologies to boost employee engagement, with Employee Engagement Softwares at the forefront. This blog post will compare some of the best software […]

15 Best CSS Tools for Perfection

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a fundamental language used for styling webpages. To make the most of your CSS development, having the right tools is essential. Here, we present the 15 best CSS tools that can enhance your workflow and productivity. 1. CodePen 2. Sass 3. PostCSS 4. Tailwind CSS 5. CSS Grid Generator Certainly! […]

Minimalist Design: Top 10 Free Google Fonts

In the field of design, simplicity can often eclipse complexity. Minimalist design principles echo across varied creative fields — from architecture to product design, and notably, typography. Our overview takes you on a journey through the landscape of fonts, highlighting ten free Google Fonts that encapsulate minimalist design principles. Featuring both trusted favorites and potential new go-to’s, these fonts can enhance your designs with their clean lines, clear visuals, excellent readability, and contemporary appeal.

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Understanding Minimalist Typography

At its core, minimalist typography embraces simplicity. It drops unnecessary decorations, focusing on visual appeal and functional design that boosts readability. Sans-serif typefaces, appreciated for their clean lines and generous white space, are a frequent choice in minimalist typography. This focus on functionality and elegance ensures the design’s core message and content shines through, unhindered and dominant.

Now, let’s take a closer look at our top 10 minimalist font recommendations.


Roboto, a font you’ve likely encountered on the web or in apps, combines mechanical and geometric forms. Its 12 distinct styles make it a versatile choice for an array of minimalist designs, from website headers to the UIs of mobile applications. Its universal appeal and wide language support make Roboto a popular choice for digital design.

Open Sans

Open Sans, another ubiquitous font, stands out with upright stress and open forms, conveying a friendly yet neutral demeanor. Its extensive character set enhances readability at small sizes, cementing its status as a reliable choice for body text in minimalist designs.


Lato, with semi-rounded details in its letters, communicates warmth without losing its professional essence. The font family’s ten styles offer designers flexibility to meet various design needs, from commanding headlines to nuanced captions.


Inspired by the geometric sans-serif style, Montserrat offers modern, clean character designs. With 18 styles, from thin to black, it caters to a broad spectrum of minimalist designs, be it unobtrusive body text or bold headlines.


Raleway’s elegance and sophistication are accentuated by its distinctive ‘w’ and ‘k’ characters, adding visual interest without compromising readability. With nine weights, this font is especially well-suited for headers and large text in minimalist designs.


Designed by Steve Matteson, Arimo is a breath of fresh air with its crisp sans-serif design. It stands out with enhanced on-screen readability characteristics, making it an excellent choice for cross-platform document portability.


With its geometric sans-serif design, Poppins exudes a clean, modern aesthetic. Its balanced letterforms, available in nine weights, support high readability at both large and small sizes, making it a versatile addition to any minimalist design toolkit.


By reinterpreting the classic gothic type style for the digital age, Oswald’s condensed letterforms create a versatile typeface. Offering six weights, Oswald lends itself to a variety of minimalist design applications, from dense body text to airy headers.

Fira Sans

Designed for Mozilla, Fira Sans is a humanist sans-serif typeface. It boasts excellent readability across sizes, thanks to its generous x-height and open apertures. Its broad range of weights make it adaptable for diverse design needs.

Noto Sans

Noto Sans, a part of Google’s mission to support all languages with a harmonious typeface, impresses with its clean, simple forms. Available in regular and bold weights, its unfussy design is a perfect fit for minimalist aesthetics.

While these fonts are free and ready for download on Google Fonts, making them accessible for designers on any budget, they offer significant advantages. They are open-source, web-optimized, and incredibly versatile, catering to an extensive array of design needs and platforms.

Final Thoughts

Typography underpins minimalist design, and your font selections can significantly influence the viewer’s perception.

As a designer, you should consider factors like UX, the overarching design system, font pairing, and hierarchy when selecting fonts for your minimalist design. Fonts that integrate seamlessly into your design system, adhere to UX principles, and respect font hierarchy can result in visually coherent, minimalist aesthetics.

In addition, the process of testing and finalizing fonts can be iterative, requiring you to test different font combinations, review them in various contexts (like different browsers or screen sizes), and gather user feedback. Analytical tools, usability tests, or A/B testing can provide invaluable insights into how your typography choices impact user engagement and accessibility.

Minimalist design is not about restrictions but about thoughtful reduction and focus. Your choice of typography should reflect that ethos.

Bonus💡: 11 Typography Styles to Consider for Your Next Design

5 Chrome Extensions Every Web Designer Should Try

Web designers are continually on the lookout for tools that improve their workflow and productivity. For that reason, we’re highlighting five essential Chrome extensions, covering various aspects such as website analysis, performance optimization, and accessibility. Let’s dive in.

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Wappalyzer is an indispensable extension that identifies the technologies used on any website. With just a click, you can get detailed insights into the frameworks, libraries, content management systems, and more, providing valuable context when troubleshooting or researching new projects.


Developed by Google, Lighthouse is a powerful tool for checking a website’s performance, accessibility, and SEO. With this extension, you can quickly generate reports that provide actionable recommendations to improve your site’s overall quality and user experience, ensuring that your project adheres to best practices.

Web Developer

The Web Developer extension equips your browser with a plethora of web design-related tools. It offers various features including DOM manipulation and CSS inspection to form control and responsive design testing. While it may seem more oriented towards developers, as a designer, understanding and using these features can facilitate a healthy collaboration with the development team.


CSSViewer is a simple yet handy Chrome extension that allows you to inspect the CSS properties of any page element. By hovering over the desired element, you can instantly view its dimensions, fonts, colors, and other CSS properties, making it easier to debug and refine your designs.


The Axe extension assists in auditing your website for accessibility issues and offers practical guidance on addressing them. This tool is designed to eliminate false positive results, saving you time by focusing on genuine issues.

Bonus Pro Tip

For an additional productivity boost, consider using a Chrome extension like Tab Wrangler to automatically manage and close inactive tabs, reducing clutter and freeing up valuable system resources during your development sessions.

The 10 Best Sites To Find Completely Free Stock Photos (Updated for 2022-2023)

Free stock photos have become a huge commodity on the web. They’re easier to find than ever before and it’s quite possible there are millions of these photos to choose from.

These free photos certainly make design work easier, but finding high-quality photos for hero images can be a real pain. That’s why I’ve curated the absolute best sites to help you find HQ photos for all your web design projects.


negative space free stock photos

First in this collection is NegativeSpace, featuring a gorgeous high-resolution gallery of stock photos. But these photos don’t have that cheesy vibe you typically expect from stock photo sites.

They all look incredibly natural and they span a wide array of topics. You can find photos to use on a business website, a restaurant homepage, or even pictures to use as featured photos on your personal blog.

Categories are easy to browse through and the layout is incredibly simple. If you need genuine-looking stock photos then start with NegativeSpace.


Gratisography free stock photos

Gratisography is probably the most unique site in this bunch, with thousands of some of the quirkiest and sometimes even weird free stock photos you can find.

Started by creative Ryan McGuire, these photos are truly one of a kind. Not only won’t you find them anywhere else, they are unlike any others that populate other stock photo sites. They are pretty specific in their uniqueness, so if you’re looking for that perfect fit photo (or vector illustration), you could find it here.


librestock photos

All the photos on LibreStock come from dozens of other sources. This site works like a search engine for CC0 stock photography where you can enter a search term and browse 40+ different sites all at once.

Since many stock photo sites are small, they also don’t have many photos. But the photos they do have are usually unique and not found elsewhere. So LibreStock saves you time searching all these sites at once and curating the results in one place.

This is my go-to resource to search all the smaller sites before visiting the larger ones. They’ve also recently launched a free video search engine as well.


Picography free stock photos

Next on the list is Picography, with a constant stream of new photos added every day. Not only are many of these photos unique to this site, but there are thousands to choose from and more to come.

This site is easy to search so you can find just the right photo for your needs and you’re not likely to see it being used anywhere else.


stocksnap homepage

With StockSnap you can actually make your own account and curate all your favorite photos together.

All StockSnap photos are CC0 and they’re certainly large enough for hero images. And since you can bookmark your favorites you have easy access to find the original photographer, the tags, and even related photos based on size/color and content.


Stockvault free stock photos

Stockvault has been around awhile, and that means it has, well, a literal vault full of thousands of free stock photos available for download. Search the vast collection and you will find a wide variety of pics for whatever you need.

Startup Stock

Startup Stock Photos

Tech blogs and startups thrive on great photography. That’s why Startup Stock Photos has to be in this list.

It’s a fairly new website but the quality is exquisite. I haven’t seen these photos anywhere else so they must be uniquely featured here with the goal of helping writers & startup founders add quality images to their site.

You can read a bit more about the site in this post written by one of the creators.



ShotStash is a bit of a “boutique” type of stock photo site, aimed at “creative professionals”. With a smaller but more specific selection you should be able to find some solid unique options here.

ISO Republic

ISO Republic

ISO Republic has a great mix of free stock photos and videos with a variety of subjects, including business, technology, food, and many others. One really nice feature is being able to narrow your search to videos only, if that’s what you’re looking for. All of their content is under CC0 license so you can download, edit, and reuse them on any projects. Awesome!

Foodie Factor

Foodie Factor

If you’re looking for high quality and unique images of delicious food beyond today’s Instagram fare, Foodie Factor is a great resource to bookmark. It’s a very specific niche, but this recently relaunched site has beautiful photos of wonderful dishes that will add mouth-watering depictions to your projects. Check it whenever you’re looking for food-related free stock photos, as they are adding new photos all the time.

These are my favorite hero image resources but there are many others, like Free Nature Stock that you might like to try. CC0 images are so commonplace that it’s tough to even keep up with all the photos!

But if you keep some of these sites bookmarked you’ll have access to the vast majority of new images right at your fingertips.

14 CSS Animations for Fall

As the leaves change color and the weather starts to cool down, it’s time to start thinking about how to update your website for fall. One easy way to do this is by adding some subtle CSS animations.

Adding a CSS animation to your website is a great way to add some extra flair and personality. And, since they’re relatively easy to create, you can experiment with different animations until you find one that fits your site perfectly.

Check out these 14 CSS animations that will add a touch of autumn to your pages. From falling leaves to acorns dropping from trees, these animations are sure to get you in the mood for fall!

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CSS Falling Leaves

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CSS falling leaves
by Aaron Griffin (@uurrnn)
on CodePen.0

This CSS animation features falling leaves that slowly drift down the page. It’s a simple yet effective way to add a touch of fall to your website.

Only CSS – Autumn

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Only CSS: 和嵐 -Autumn-
by Yusuke Nakaya (@YusukeNakaya)
on CodePen.0

The Only CSS – Autumn animation features vibrant leaves that change color as they fall. It’s a great way to add some fall flavor to your site.


See the Pen
by Nelson Rodrigues (@nelsonr)
on CodePen.0

The Autumn CSS animation features an orange tree that has leaves piled up around the base of the tree.

Hello Fall

See the Pen
Hello Fall
by SalwaMugh (@salwamugh)
on CodePen.0

The Hello Fall CSS animation features falling leaves and a friendly message. It’s a great way to welcome visitors to your site this fall. The steaming cup of coffee or tea perched atop a pile of books sets the perfect autumnal tone, too.

Leaves Falling Animation on Scroll

See the Pen
Leaves Falling SVG GSAP animation with Scrollmagic
by Lisa Folkerson (@lisafolkerson)
on CodePen.0

This CSS animation features falling leaves that are triggered when the user scrolls down the page. It’s a great way to add a touch of fall to your site without being too intrusive.

Colours of Autumn

See the Pen
Colours of Autumn | Changing Text Colour Character by Character
by Jamie Brook (@sketchbrook)
on CodePen.0

The Colours of Autumn CSS animation features falling leaves in a variety of colors that pass across a festive seasonal message of your choice. It’s a great way to add some visual interest to your site while also sharing a message with your visitors.

Hello Autumn – Header

See the Pen
by Ruben Vardanyan (@ruben-vardanyan)
on CodePen.0

The Hello Autumn – Header Animation features falling leaves and a welcome message to happily greet site visitors. The leaves are large and prominent, which might be a good fit for those looking to make a real statement.

Fall – Tree with Falling Leaves

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gsap fall
by Yi Rui (@yrui)
on CodePen.0

The Fall – Tree with Falling Leaves CSS animation features a tree with leaves falling from the top of the screen. Once the animation loads completely, site visitors will be greeted by a bird that pops out of a nest in the tree. Then a welcome message fades into view.

Autumn Leaves Blowing

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Autumn Leaves
by mauspace (@mauspace)
on CodePen.0

The Autumn Leaves Blowing In The Wind CSS animation features leaves that blow across the screen while fingers clamp onto a single leaf. This would be a great choice for those looking to add a touch of fall without being too on-the-nose, while also adding some visual interest.

CSS Little Witch

See the Pen
CSS Little Witch
by agathaco (@agathaco)
on CodePen.0

The CSS Little Witch animation features a witch pouring something from a beaker into a bubbling cauldron. The background is delightfully festive and features a spider, cat, full moon, broomstick, and many other Halloween-related items.

Vampire and Pumpkins

See the Pen
Vampire and Pumpkins (CSS Image)
by Michael Zhigulin (@michael-zhigulin)
on CodePen.0

The Vampire and Pumpkins CSS animation features a vampire that slowly blinks while holding two pumpkins that have a lot to say. This would make for a great site loading screen around Halloween.

CSS Spooky Halloween Pumpkin

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CSS Spooky Halloween Pumpkin
by Jaume Sanchez (@spite)
on CodePen.0

This CSS Spooky Halloween Pumpkin features a pumpkin that shifts and changes shape upon hover.

Happy Halloween

See the Pen
Happy Halloween
by Mohan Khadka (@khadkamhn)
on CodePen.0

The Happy Halloween CSS animation features tombstones, skulls, a full moon, and some jack-o-lanterns that jump when a message that reads “Happy Halloween” appears. And a ghost appears from time to time, too.

CSSpooky Halloween!

See the Pen
CSSpooky Halloween !
by Fehrenbach Baptiste (@medrupaloscil)
on CodePen.0

If you want to keep your site on the cute side, the CSSpooky Halloween! animation is a great choice. This one features a cat that occasionally blinks while sitting in a carved jack-o-lantern.

Bring a Touch of the Fall Season to Your Website

These CSS animations are a great way to add a touch of fall to your website. Whether you want to make a statement or just add a little bit of festive flair, these animations will help you do just that.

10 Fonts for Autumn and Fall-Inspired Designs

There’s nothing quite like the feeling when fall arrives. The breezes are cool and every time you set foot outside, you’re met with the sweet rush of crisp, fresh air.

Wouldn’t it be lovely if you could capture this sentiment in your designs as well? From the subdued color palette to the sound of crunching leaves, autumn serves as a delightful source of inspiration that you can readily harness in your design work.

Today, we offer up several suggestions for fonts to use that shout “fall” from the rooftops. Whether you want something that reminds you of autumn leaves, a harvest meal, or Halloween festivities, we’ve found a healthy selection of fonts to fuel your design work for months to come.

Note: Be sure to read the licensing for each font before using it in a project.

UNLIMITED DOWNLOADS: 400,000+ Fonts & Design Assets

Starting at only $16.50 per month!

LSLeaves Font

LSLeaves font

This font brings the beauty of autumn leaves to your screen. It’s perfect for designing anything from logos and headers to invitations and greeting cards. It features 76 characters and 42 glyphs. Likewise, the delicate way leaves and vines sane their way around each letter truly makes this font stand out.

Autumn by weknow

Autumn by weknow

The Autumn font by weknow is a great option for bringing a bit of a spooky touch to your designs this fall. Each character is made up of twisted branches and twigs, giving it all the feeling of creeping vines and things that go bump in the night.

Autumn Gifts

This font is perfect for designing holiday-themed items like gift tags, wrapping paper, and even invitations. The Autumn Gifts font features characters that are made up of pencil sketch-style drawings of fall-related items like cornhusks, pumpkins, and acorns.

Autumn Leaves

Autumn Leaves

The Autumn Leaves is another decorative font that easily captures attention while simultaneously capturing the spirit of the fall season. It features interesting ligatures, bold lines, as well as embedded filigrees within each letter.

Autumn Ceria Font

Autumn Ceria Font

This font is inspired by traditional hand-lettering techniques and gives off a warm, rustic feeling. The Autumn Ceria Font includes upper and lower case letters, numbers, and punctuation marks with fun leaf designs to use throughout your designs. You can use it for everything from product packaging to headers and titles.

Autumn Harvest

Autumn Harvest

The Autumn Harvest Font is a great choice for designs related to food, cooking, or entertaining. It includes a lovely corn accent on each character, making it a great choice for harvest party invitations and other seasonal designs.

Scary Vampire Font

Scary Vampire Font

This font is perfect for all your Halloween-themed designs. The spooky letters are perfect for creating invitations, flyers, and even website headers. If you’re looking to add a touch of fright to your fall designs, this is the font for you. The appearance of blood dripping from each letter is what really sells the theme here.

MF Fall Pumpkins Font

MF Fall Pumpkins Font

Celebrate the season with Fall Pumpkins font. This cute, festive font is perfect for adding a touch of autumn to all your projects. Create monogram designs, seasonal banners, sublimation prints and so much more.

Sweet Maple

Sweet Maple

This font is perfect for all your autumn-themed designs. The letters are bubbly and engaging and are surrounded by appropriately sweet maple leaf embellishments.

Punkins Font

Punkins Font

This fun and festive font is perfect for all your Halloween and autumn designs. Though it doesn’t feature actual letter designs, it does feature a variety of Halloween-themed designs instead like pumpkins, black cats, and jack o’lanterns, making it a great choice for everything from Halloween party invitations to blog posts.

Which Fall-Inspired Font Will You Use?

Whether you want something cute and festive or spooky and creepy, there’s a font on this list that’s perfect for your autumn-inspired designs. Be sure to read the licensing for each font before using it in a project and enjoy getting creative with your fall designs!

Typography Inspiration In Web Design

Looking for typography inspiration for your next or future web design projects? We’ve rounded up some of the most creative and award-winning examples of typography usage in these websites that follow. Take a look and see what ideas they bring!

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Font Roundup

Typography Inspiration In Web Design - font roundup

Likely Story

Typography Inspiration In Web Design - Likely Story

VJ Type

Typography Inspiration In Web Design - VJ Type

Arthur Simonini

Typography Inspiration In Web Design - Arthur Simonini

Martine Syms

Typography Inspiration In Web Design - Martine Syms

Mama Joyce Peppa Sauce

Typography Inspiration In Web Design - Mama Joyce Peppa Sauce

Slava Kirilenko

Typography Inspiration In Web Design - Slava Kirilenko

DAD Agency

Typography Inspiration In Web Design - DAD Agency

Pact Media

Typography Inspiration In Web Design - Pact Media


Typography Inspiration In Web Design - Dante


Typography Inspiration In Web Design - Custo



Santa Teresa Fest

Santa Teresa Fest

Kim Kneipp

Kim Kneipp

Panic Studio

Panic Studio

SVG Loading Animations

Nobody likes to wait for your web page to load, so of course we want to make the time go by easier with animation. In this post we have provided you with some examples and code for ways to do this via SVG loading animations. Have a look and start using them in your projects today!

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SVG Loader Animation

Here are 10 different examples, from the simple to the more complex.

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SVG Loader Animation
by Nikhil Krishnan (@nikhil8krishnan)
on CodePen.0

Animated – SVG Loader

A clever change of pace from the rotating circle, this animation combines multiple circles rotating back and forth.

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Animated – SVG Loader
by Steven Roberts (@matchboxhero)
on CodePen.0

SVG Page Load Animations

Three of the more typical, simple loading animations.

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SVG Page Load Animations
by Bridget Reed (@BridgetCReed)
on CodePen.0

SVG Loader

Here’s a complex, very specific loader that you could use all or parts of to make it your own.

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SVG Loader
by Swarup Kumar Kuila (@uiswarup)
on CodePen.0

Animated SVG Loader

This is a fun, somewhat mesmerizing loader with several moving parts.

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Animated SVG Loader
by Tony (@thgaskell)
on CodePen.0

Electric SVG Loader

Very different from the flatter animations, here’s an electric rotating ring.

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Electric SVG Loader
by Shaw (@shshaw)
on CodePen.0

CSS3 + SVG loader animation

A cute cartoon plane flying through the clouds while the page loads.

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CSS3 + SVG loader animation
by lionelB (@lionelB)
on CodePen.0

SVG ∞ loader (no JS, cross-browser, minimal code)

A literally infinite animation.

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SVG ∞ loader (no JS, cross-browser, minimal code)
by Ana Tudor (@thebabydino)
on CodePen.0

UXBOX pencil loader

Here’s another change of pace from the norm – a rotating pencil!

See the Pen
UXBOX pencil loader
by elhombretecla (@elhombretecla)
on CodePen.0

SVG Spinner / Loader

A clever combination of the word loading and a circle spinner.

See the Pen
SVG Spinner / Loader
by Marcus Hall (@flurrd)
on CodePen.0

Animated Gradient SVG Loader

Another very specific animation that you can use for inspiration or edit to make it your own.

See the Pen
Animated Gradient SVG Loader
by Paul Thomas (@motionimaging)
on CodePen.0

Triangle SVG Loader (pure css)

For our last example we have a simple single line triangle loader.

See the Pen
Triangle SVG Loader (pure css)
by Dominic Kolbe (@dominickolbe)
on CodePen.0



15 Modal / Popup Windows Created With Only CSS

Do you need a modal popup on your website when a user clicks a link or button? We typically see these in use for logins, newsletter signups, advertising, and more. Most often they are created using a bit of JavaScript trickery, but these days they can relatively easily be coded with only CSS. In this post we’ll show you 15 examples of various ways this can be accomplished. Let’s have a look!

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CSS Responsive Modal

This responsive example adjusts to the browser size and goes full screen on smaller devices.

See the Pen
CSS Responsive Modal
by Thom Griggs (@thomgriggs)
on CodePen.0


CSS Modal

This example includes some smooth animations on open and close actions.

See the Pen
CSS Modal
by Pete Nawara (@petebot)
on CodePen.0


CSS Modal :target Selector

A clever use of the :target selector to open a popup simply by toggling it’s opacity.

See the Pen
CSS Modal :target Selector
by Jake Albaugh (@jakealbaugh)
on CodePen.0


Pure CSS Modal Box

Interesting use of labels and inputs to create a modal popup.

See the Pen
Pure CSS modal box
by Kasper Mikiewicz (@Idered)
on CodePen.0


Pure CSS Modal

A really nice animation to open a full screen modal popup.

See the Pen
Pure CSS Modal
by Mark Holmes (@SMLMRKHLMS)
on CodePen.0


Pure CSS Modal Popup

Another use of a label and input to utilize the checked state to show the modal.

See the Pen
Pure CSS modal
by Austin Lord (@ohnoitsaustin)
on CodePen.0


Pure CSS Modals

Four different entry and exit animations are shown in this example.

See the Pen
Pure CSS Modals
by Akshay (@akzhy)
on CodePen.0


Pure CSS Modal

Smooth animations highlight this example.

See the Pen
Pure CSS Modal – #15
by Ivan Grozdic (@ig_design)
on CodePen.0


Three CSS Modals

Three variations of background opacity are in this example.

See the Pen
CSS Modals (Modal v2)
by Abubaker Saeed (@AbubakerSaeed)
on CodePen.0


CSS3 Modal Example

This modal popup slides up when it’s opened.

See the Pen
css3 modal example
by Felipe Nunes (@willpower)
on CodePen.0


Pure CSS Modal window / Login & Sign up / Tabs / All Responsive

There is a LOT going on with this one, including tabs on the modal popup and responsive design throughout.

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Pure CSS Modal window / Login & Sign up / Tabs / All Responsive
by Andrew (@AndrewBeznosko)
on CodePen.0


CSS Modal

Another example using the :target selector, with a slide down modal entrance.

See the Pen
Css Modal
by Jon Ander Pérez (@JonAnderDev)
on CodePen.0


Pure CSS modal dialog with sliding content

A somewhat simple setup, but with a content slider in it.

See the Pen
Pure CSS Modal + Slider
by Marvin Orendain (@marv117)
on CodePen.0


CSS Modal Boxes for all browsers

A version that goes deep into older browser support.

See the Pen
CSS Modal Boxes for all browsers
by Patrick (@cara-tm)
on CodePen.0


Modal (CSS Only)

For our final selection, we have a pretty standard modal popup with a smooth animated entrance and exit.

See the Pen
Modal (CSS only)
by Simon (@Index)
on CodePen.0


10 Cool Pure CSS Scrolling Text Animations

Scrolling text on a website is almost as old as the internet. You may remember the days when marquees with horizontal scrolling text were all the rage, and we (some of us) thought it was one of the coolest things we’d seen on a website. Many years later we have left that, along with a collection of other relatively silly “web tricks”, behind, as technology and web development evolved into what we have to work with today. Now we no longer need Flash or some other bulky, clunky tools or code to make this happen.

In this post, we’ll show you a collection of scrolling text animations that are coded with only CSS – no JavaScript or anything else needed! Let’s take a look at some of the different ways this fun effect can be accomplished.

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Hidden & scrolling text

Not just vertically scrolling, but also hidden. Hover over the window to check out this effect.

See the Pen
Hidden & scrolling text
by Avaz Bokiev (@samarkandiy)
on CodePen.0


Breaking News Modal

A slow horizontal scrolling effect for breaking news.

See the Pen
Breaking News Scrolling Text Modal
by KB (@notkieran)
on CodePen.0


Vertical scrolling word

A clean, smooth animation replacing a word in a line of text.

See the Pen
Vertical scrolling text
by Azri Kahar (@azrikahar)
on CodePen.0


HTML marquee Tag

This one is so old school looking it’s a little painful.

See the Pen
HTML <marquee> Tag
by Erna Ayuning Nareswari (@ashavenger)
on CodePen.0


Scrolling In A Window

A rotating words vertical scrolling effect.

See the Pen
Scrolling Text Window
by Andretti Brown (@andrettibrown)
on CodePen.0


Horizontal scrolling animation

Another marquee effect very similar to the “good old days”.

See the Pen
Horizontal scrolling animation
by VERDIEU Steeve (@flatpixels)
on CodePen.0


CSS3 Marquee

And yet another simple marquee effect.

See the Pen
CSS3 Marquee
by Svetlin Yankulov (@Yankulov)
on CodePen.0


Moving Text – CSS Animation Setup w/ Marquee Tag

Multiple lines scrolling horizontally in different speeds and directions.

See the Pen
Moving Text – CSS Animation Setup w/ Marquee Tag
by Chris Drinkut (@ChrisDrinkut)
on CodePen.0


Vertical Text Scroll

A combination of some previous examples, this one rotates through words vertically scrolling into view.

See the Pen
Vertically-scrolling Text
by Matt Soria (@poopsplat)
on CodePen.0


Star Wars 3D Intro in CSS3

No collection would be complete without the Star Wars intro scrolling!

See the Pen
Star Wars 3D Intro in CSS3
by Scott Bram (@scottbram)
on CodePen.0


The Best Free Tailwind CSS Components For 2022

If you’re a web developer/designer and haven’t already heard about or tried Tailwind CSS, it’s likely you have been living under a rock! First released as an alpha in 2017 and now in version 3, the utility-first CSS framework for rapidly building custom designs is all the rage these days. It seems we don’t see a day go by without at least one new article published about this unique offering in the world of web design (see some examples in our weekly roundups of articles).

One of the best parts of the Talwind CSS ecosystem is the components that can greatly speed up your development process by dropping them into your project and modifying as needed. You can find and use headings, navigation, data display, lists, forms, buttons, and even full page layouts, plus much more – all great starting points for various needs you will have in your projects.

In this post, we’re going to show you all of the free Tailwind CSS component resources we could find, to save you time next time you’re looking to include components in your projects.

Your Web Designer Toolbox
Unlimited Downloads: 500,000+ Web Templates, Icon Sets, Themes & Design Assets - Free Tailwind CSS components

A repository for community components and templates, easily searchable, beautifully designed and organized, and completely free!

gust ui

gust ui - Free Tailwind CSS Components

Responsive HTML & React components for your next web application. Make your Tailwind CSS apps even sleeker and faster to develop with our ever growing library of components, elements, and example pages.

Float UI

Float UI - Free Tailwind CSS Components

Interactive and different components with React and beautiful design using Tailwind CSS + pure CSS. Every component is fully responsive and carefully implemented to look great at any screen size. Beautifully designed, expertly crafted components that allow you to build a great UI/UX and are easy to customize.


Tail-kit - Free Tailwind CSS Components

Tail-kit gives you access to over 250 free components and free templates, based on Tailwind CSS 2.0, all compatible with React, VueJS and Angular applications.

Tailwind Awesome

Tailwind Awesome

Tailwind Awesome is a curated list of the best Tailwind templates & UI kits in the internet. They say they are actively searching, and curating the coolest resources out there. They have all kinds of resources, along with a large section of free components.

Kometa UI Kit

Kometa UI Kit - Free Tailwind CSS Components

The folks at kitwind released this free UI kit with over 130 sections, all fully responsive and available in HTML, VueJS, and React.


Tailblocks - Free Tailwind CSS Components

A collection of blocks built in Tailwind CSS, with HTML you can easily copy and paste into your own project.

Tailwind Toolbox

Tailwind Toolbox

Open source starter templates and components, a directory of handy building kits, generators, plugins and useful tools to kick start your Tailwind CSS project.

Mamba UI

Mamba UI - Free Tailwind CSS Components

Mamba UI is a free, open-source collection of 100+ UI components and templates based on Tailwind CSS. Everything is modular and customizable to fit your brand. From blogs to portfolios to online stores, you can quickly create a variety of layouts that look great on any screen.


HyperUI - Free Tailwind CSS Components

HyperUI is a collection of free Tailwind CSS components that can be used in your next project. With a range of components, you can build your next marketing website, admin dashboard, ecommerce store and much more.

Headless UI

Headless UI - Free Tailwind CSS Components

Completely unstyled, fully accessible UI components, designed to integrate beautifully with Tailwind CSS.


daisyUI - Free Tailwind CSS Components

daisyUI adds classes to Tailwind CSS for all common UI components, with low CSS specificity so you can customize everything using Tailwind CSS utility classes. Highly customizable.


Flowbite - Free Tailwind CSS Components

Flowbite is an open-source library of UI components based on the utility-first Tailwind CSS framework featuring dark mode support, a Figma design system, and more. It includes all of the commonly used components that a website requires, such as buttons, dropdowns, navigation bars, modals, but also some more advanced interactive elements such as datepickers.

Tailwind Starter Kit

Tailwind Starter Kit - Free Tailwind CSS Components

Tailwind Starter Kit is a free and open source extension. It does not change or add any CSS to the already one from Tailwind CSS. It features multiple HTML elements and it comes with dynamic components for ReactJS, Vue and Angular.


PostSrc - The Best Free Tailwind CSS Components For 2022

From alerts to avatars, badges to breadcrumbs, social share box to tabs, PostSrc has a nice collection of components ready to use for free.

Tailwind Elements


Tailwind Elements - The Best Free Tailwind CSS Components For 2022

Tailwind Elements are Bootstrap components recreated with Tailwind CSS, but with better design and more functionalities. Over 500+ UI components.

lofi ui

lofi ui - The Best Free Tailwind CSS Components For 2022

Lofi ui is a library of low fidelity web app components. The components are built to be as efficient as possible in their HTML structure and rely on only just enough CSS, via Tailwind CSS, to render them functional. Think of these components as head-start on building and styling a component exactly as you need.

The 3 Best Project Management Tools For Freelancers In 2022

If you are a solo freelancer, running your own business with a team of one, you may not think you need a professional project management system. After all, you don’t have a team to keep track of, communicate with, and make sure you’re all working together on the same page – it all comes down to you and only you! However, that is exactly why you need a place to keep your projects organized. As a freelancer, you wear so many hats – salesperson, project manager, client communicator, accountant, bill collector – and on and on. Every freelancer can use all the help they can find to simplify and consolidate all of these tasks as much as possible, which is where a good project management tool can be lifesaving.

The Freelance Designer Toolbox

Unlimited Downloads: 500,000+ Web Templates, Icon Sets, Themes & Design Assets
All starting at only $16.50 per month


Once you’ve agreed that you need one, finding the right project management tool can be a daunting task. That’s why we’ve gathered some of the best options available right now to save you some of your valuable time. What follows are some of the best project management tools for freelancers we’ve found that you can start using right now, with either free or very affordable pricing.


Kosmo - The Best Project Management Tools For Freelancers In 2022

Kosmo purports to be the best tool to manage clients, projects, invoicing, proposals, contracts, payments, and more, all in one place! It really sounds to good to be true, but based on our research, it actually is.


  • Unlimited clients with contact information, related invoices, and projects
  • Unlimited projects with goals, files, notes, and more
  • Unlimited branded invoices
  • Unlimited proposals and contracts that can be digitally signed
  • Accept online payments via credit card, ACH transfer, Stripe, and PayPal, with payment tracking and reminders
  • Time and task tracking that can be added to invoices easily
  • Trackable income goals
  • Recurring tasks
  • Branded emails
  • Reminders

For an overview of how it all works you can watch their excellent video.


Here’s the best (and almost unbelievable) part: all of these features are absolutely free! We don’t know how they can offer this robust of a project management system for no cost to the user, but they do! The only way you will pay anything is if you want to remove the Kosmo branding and get priority support, which is also very affordable at a cost of $9 per month, and that plan is not even available yet. Still, you can utilize all of their features with your own branding and without limitations 100% free.


Honestly, we’ve never seen a free or even paid project management tool that incorporates all of these elements into a single system, much less do it so well. It’s seamless, intuitive, beautifully designed, and a huge time saver. To be clear, this is not a sponsored post, nor are we receiving any affiliate commissions or any other incentives to rave about Kosmo as much as we are – it’s simply too good to not share! The only caveat we can come up with is that it is a very new tool, so there will be more to come as it gets discovered and grows, but we can’t attest to its longevity at this point. That said, we’re already moving our projects into Kosmo as of this writing, so we can move away from using a variety of separate tools and apps that don’t necessarily integrate well together. In our opinion, Kosmo is the best project management tool for freelancers that is available right now.


ClickUp - project management tools for freelancers

ClickUp says it is “one app to replace them all”, and it doesn’t look like they are kidding! Projects and tasks, chat with clients and team members (if you have a team), goals, and customizable views are just a few of the features they offer yet another well-designed package. ClickUp is a much more complex system than Kosmo, which may or may not be suited to your needs, but if you want a vast amount of features and granular organization and control of every aspect of your work, then ClickUp may be a great tool for you.

Features and Pricing

Honestly, there are way too many features to list here, but you can check out their features page to view them all. here are some of the top level items available in the Free plan to give you an idea.

  • 100MB Storage
  • Unlimited Tasks
  • Unlimited Members
  • Two-Factor Authentication
  • Collaborative Docs
  • Whiteboards
  • Real-Time Chat
  • Email in ClickUp
  • Kanban Boards
  • Sprint Management
  • Native Time Tracking
  • In-App Video Recording
  • 24/7 Support

From there, you can upgrade to the Unlimited plan for only $5 per month, which includes everything in the Free plan, plus the following:

  • Unlimited Storage
  • Unlimited Integrations
  • Unlimited Dashboards
  • Guests with Permissions
  • Unlimited Gantt Charts
  • Unlimited Custom Fields
  • Teams (User Groups)
  • Goals & Portfolios
  • Form View
  • Resource Management
  • Agile Reporting


ClickUp is a massive, robust project management tool that rivals those used by large businesses, and, in fact, it has plans available to accommodate such use cases. For solo freelancers this may be too much, but if you are someone who really likes to dig deep into your project management, planning, and organization down to the finest details, then ClickUp could be your solution. We couldn’t find any invoicing or payment options, however, so if you’re looking to include invoicing in your project management tool, then ClickUp may not be right for you. Otherwise, for the highly detail-oriented freelancer, ClickUp offers just about everything you could possibly need at a very affordable (or even free) price!


Hectic - Best Project Management Tools For Freelancers

Hectic is another app that is similar to Kosmo, designed specifically for freelancers with a feature list to manage and grow your business in one place. Client management, proposals and contracts, accounting, invoicing, time tracking, a client portal, a mobile app, and more make Hectic an appealing project management solution.

Features and Pricing

The “Free forever” plan offers pretty much everything you need to get started, without any limits and the ability to upgrade as your business grows.

  • Unlimited clients
  • Client relationship management
  • Project management
  • Invoices & Subscriptions
  • Accept online payments
  • Proposals & Contracts
  • Expenses & Accounting
  • Forms
  • Time tracking
  • Calendar
  • iOS & Android apps

If you want or need even more features, the next tier costs only $11.99 per month and includes everything in the free plan plus:

  • Client portals
  • Custom domain & emails
  • Meeting scheduler
  • Sales pipeline
  • Collaborators
  • Automated expense tracking


Hectic looks to be a freelancer’s project management dream. It is similar to Kosmo in what it has to offer, with additional features that may be more appealing to freelancers who need them. With all of this available for free or a low monthly price, it is easy to see why Hectic made our list.

Which project management tool is the best fit for you?

It’s pretty obvious in which direction we lean as our top pick, but each of these three offerings are great choices. It really depends on what your personal preference and use case is, and determining which one of these tools will best fit. Regardless of which one you choose, we know that utilizing one of these project management tools will help grow and significantly improve your freelance business, so be sure to try and pick one to start wrangling your projects, clients, and entire business under control.