Azure Monitor and Serverless360 Comparison


Do you have the following questions when considering Serverless360 as a monitoring solution for your Azure Serverless Applications?

  • Why should I use Serverless360 when the Azure portal already has Azure Monitor?
  • How different is Serverless360 from Azure Monitor?

Reasons Why Serverless360 Should Be Chosen Over Azure Monitor

1. Monitor Azure Serverless Applications

In real-time Azure Serverless services are put together to build orchestrations that solve critical business needs. What is required is a monitoring solution for these applications. What one can find in the Azure portal is Azure Monitor, a monitoring solution for an Azure entity. Serverless360 complements the Azure portal by providing the much-needed monitoring for serverless applications.

Big Data Trends to Consider in 2021


Big data is growing so fast it's almost hard to imagine. According to some studies there are 40 times more bytes in the world than there are stars in the observable universe. There is simply an unimaginable amount of data being produced by billions of people every single day. The global market size predictions prove it beyond any doubt.

It’s not a question of if you will use big data in your daily business routine, it’s when you’re going to start using it (if somehow you haven’t yet). Big data is here and it’s here to stay for the foreseeable future.

TiDB on KubeSphere: Using Cloud-Native Distributed Database on Kubernetes Platform Tailored for Hybrid Cloud

In a world where Kubernetes has become the de facto standard to build application services that span multiple containers, running a cloud-native distributed database represents an important part of the experience of using Kubernetes. In this connection, TiDB, a cloud-native, open-source NewSQL database that supports hybrid transactional and analytical processing (HTAP) workloads, meets those needs admirably. Its architecture is suitable for Kubernetes, and it is MySQL-compatible. TiDB also features horizontal scalability, strong consistency, and high availability.

In addition to TiDB, I am also using KubeSphere, an open-source distributed operating system that manages cloud-native applications with Kubernetes as its kernel. It provides a plug-and-play architecture for the seamless integration of third-party applications to boost its ecosystem. KubeSphere can be run anywhere as it is highly pluggable without any hacking into Kubernetes.

An Observability Balancing Act With GitOps

As companies intensify their push toward adopting DevOps practices and cultural values, there are several practical methodologies cropping up. One such concept is GitOps, which stems from the DevOps need to automate everything and the philosophy of you build it you run it.

The fear of losing out to the competition warrants the need to be agile which then leads to a retrospective of how teams and organizations are getting code from ideation to production. DevOps! The motivation is simple: The faster the release, the more chances of securing the survival of your product in the fast-paced world of technology. 

New Cloud Services Are Foundational to Gaining Control Over Content

My next-door neighbor has a two-car garage and a large shed in the backyard. In the over twenty years we have lived next door, they have yet to park a single car in their garage. The garage is overflowing with all manner of yard equipment, winter tires, retired exercise equipment, and the odd piece of furniture. The shed is also packed. They own a snowblower, yet I often lend them ours because they can’t access their own. Unfortunately, many organizations handle file management in a similar fashion to my neighbor. 

Most corporate file shares are overflowing with files long ago abandoned. Most peg the amount of ROT (redundant, obsolete, trivial) files to be at least 80% of the total under management. A good number of these were obsolete days after being created; over 95% within 90 days. Finding specific files, or finding files containing certain information becomes complex, as they tend to be spread out in various islands of storage. Some are on personal devices, some exist in on-prem file shares, while others are in Google Drive, Dropbox, or personal OneDrives. 

Using PostgreSQL Aggregate Functions in YugabyteDB to Analyze COVID-19 Data

An article in the Washington Post, published on 23-Oct-2020, argues the case for wearing a mask while the COVID-19 pandemic continues and refers to data from Carnegie Mellon’s COVIDcast, an academic project tracking real-time coronavirus statistics. Look for this:

There’s a simple statistical measure of correlation intensity called 'R-squared,' which goes from zero (absolutely no relationship between the two variables) to 1 (the variables move perfectly in [linear] tandem). The 'R-squared' of CovidCast’s mask and symptom data is 0.73, meaning that you can predict about 73 percent of the variability in state-level COVID-19 symptom prevalence simply by knowing how often people wear their masks.

A Complete Guide To Develop A Cloud-Based Application

The term cloud computing is all the rage at present. Businesses from across the globe are more inclined towards cloud-based technology and are rapidly hosting in the cloud.

We can say that the cloud is a platform that hosts an abundance of computing resources over the internet as an easy-to-use and on-demand utility that can be utilized on a pay-as-you-go basis.

5 Best Practices for Cloud Cost Optimization

The cloud promises (and delivers) great benefits to organizations across the globe—agility, scalability, and of course, cost savings through a pay-as-you-go pricing model. Although a company is only billed for what they use, determining what has been used and how it is itemized on a cloud vendor’s invoice can be a daunting task that can make CIOs’ heads spin. Most organizations have multiple teams using cloud resources in different capacities round the clock, and cloud bills can quickly evolve into a twisted mass of charges that are unclear and challenging to follow.

According to Gartner, as much as 70% of cloud costs are wasted. Cloud cost optimization the process of eliminating waste, right-sizing services, identifying un-utilized or mismanaged resources, and finding opportunities for discounts. Demystify your cloud bill and improve your bottom line with the following best practices for cloud cost optimization.

Using Cloud Computing To Build a Remote Organization

Start According to Gartner, 74% of CFOs plan to move 5% of their employees to remote positions permanently. While the pandemic has accelerated the culture of remote work, organizations realize how beneficial it would be for operational efficiency.

Due to this, there has been a rise in cloud computing for remote workers. In the current situation, more than 50% of organizations are working fully remotely. Since all organizations today are mostly data enterprises, cloud computing services enable employees to work seamlessly with access to all kinds of data.

AWS Well-Architected Framework in Serverless Part I: Security

Welcome to part one of our five-part “AWS Well-Architected Framework in Serverless” series. In this article, we’ll give you a short introduction to the AWS Well-Architected Framework and dive deeper into the Security pillar to explain it and some actionable ideas related to it.

To learn more about the AWS Well-Architected Framework (WAF) through the serverless lens and how to build Well-Architected architectures, make sure to attend our upcoming webinar on Friday, 27 November. We’ll be joined by a special guest, Tim Robinson, creator, and geo lead for the AWS Well-Architected Framework. More information and RSVP here.

Microservices and Serverless: Winning Strategies and Challenges

The concept of a microservice perfectly fits the structure of a serverless function, which easily enables deployment and runtime isolation for different services. On the storage side, services such as DynamoDB also make it easier to have independent databases for each microservice and scale them independently (when required or desirable).

Before we dive into details, please consider whether the benefits of Microservices abundantly outweigh its disadvantages for your particular project and team. Please, please don’t pick it because “it’s the trend.” More often than you may think, a Monolith is better and can be a “majestic” choice.

Elastic Computing Meets Low Code

Elastic Computing Meets Low Code

As we move into the cloud computing era, we’ve seen the floodgates open and waves of new development frameworks being released to take advantage of every opportunity that clouds computing technologies offer.

To the non-technical audience, it can become overwhelming and sometimes difficult to navigate these waters into new frontiers. For that reason, we’re going to breakdown the technical jargon into the real world benefits.

The Ultimate Guide to AWS Step Functions

The use of serverless computing has become a must nowadays, and some of you may already know a thing or two about Amazon Web Services like Lambda Functions, Step Functions, and other services AWS provides. However, if this is the first time you hear about them – fantastic!

In this article, we’ll discuss AWS Step Functions, what they are used for, how to use them, and the advantages or disadvantages that they bring.

Azure Spring Cloud: A Comprehensive Overview


In this article, you will learn about Azure Spring Cloud and its main features quickly and with ease, through a very down-to-earth approach.

What Made it Possible

Azure Spring Cloud is the natural consequence of Microsoft getting closer to the Java community over the last few years, on top of the fact that the Java ecosystem has been completely dominated by Spring for a long time now.

Why Getting an AWS Certification Is Significant?

Cloud computing has emerged as the most trending topic in the world of Information Technology. Cloud technologies are quickly becoming the future for organizations regardless of industry. The emergence of leading-edge technologies like Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) is driving a push to cloud-based technology. New cloud service models are coming on the sight continuously and organizations (small or large) are undoubtedly moving their infrastructure as well as applications over to the cloud. As per IDC, expense on public cloud services and infrastructure collectively around the globe will hit by 23.8% from 2018, reaching a total spend of USD 210-billion in 2019. The projected 5yrs CAGR (compound annual growth rate) from 2017 to 2022 is forecasted to be 22.5% to reach USD370 billion.

When it comes to cloud computing, Amazon Web Services presently leads and continues to grow. Amazon Web Services undoubtedly is the sole leader of cloud computing space because of its compliance with cloud computing models such as Platform as a Service (PaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS), and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). The supremacy of Amazon Web Services can be observed from the reality that it holds 30% of the cloud market share, which is three times to its close player Microsoft Azure standing at 9%. Forward-looking enterprises are drawn to these next-gen clouds for three prime reasons: