8 Easy Steps To Set Up Multiple Git Accounts (Cheat Sheet)

Disclaimer: Ok, Git "accounts" don't exist: we only have Git configurations. The title is an unorthodox shortcut to talk about accounts hosted by GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, and such. Not using these? Don't worry, you can still make great use of this cheat sheet to level up your .gitconfig game (look at step number 7).


Let’s imagine a scenario: You’ve just joined a new company. It’s your first day and you need to set up your new machine. The first thing you do is to rush to get your own GitHub SSH key and install it so you can still work on your hobby project.

Git Clone Command vs. GitHub Backup – Best Practices

Cloning is a popular theme in science fiction movies and literature. Just to mention Star Wars and Attack of the Clones. But it’s not science fiction at all – in the real world probably everyone has heard of Dolly the sheep, the first cloned mammal. Since then, mankind has managed to clone, among others horse, pig, or dog. Wait, we are interested in the IT world, right? The world of over 87.2% programmers using the Git version control system, 60M GitHub users, 10M Bitbucket teams, and over 30M GitLab enthusiasts – so let’s focus on a very in-depth look at the git clone command topic. Do we have your attention?

What Is a Git Clone?

To work with Git, we need to have a copy of the repo on our device. In an event of failure and the lack of backups, we can restore the entire repository on the basis of such a copy. So what is a clone? This is a complete copy of the repository with an entire history of changes. But a clone is also the name of a specific function in Git that allows us to do this.

Dev Tools to the Rescue – Part 1

Whether you are a software developer working on someone else’s projects or you run a business yourself, utilizing the right tools of the trade is essential.

The market of software development tools is an ever-changing one and increasingly competitive. It’s a tough task to decide which one is best suited for you.

How to Run Parallel Cypress Tests on BitBucket Pipeline

Do you use BitBucket Pipeline as your CI server? Are you struggling with slow E2E tests in Cypress? Did you know BitBucket Pipeline can run parallel steps? You can use it to distribute your browser tests across several parallel steps to execute end-to-end Cypress tests in a short amount of time.

How to Run Tests in Parallel

Distributing tests across parallel steps to spread the workload and run tests faster might be more challenging than you think. The question is how to divide Cypress test files across the parallel jobs in order to ensure the work is distributed evenly? But… is distributing work evenly what you actually want?

Bitbucket Pre-Commit Hooks With Husky for Better Code Quality

BitBucket is Git Management solution from Atlassian. It is free for small teams up to 5 active team members and support all Git repository features. More about Bitbucket could be fount at their website https://bitbucket.org/ .

Pre-commit hooks are powerful functionality to execute own scripts after staging git changes but before commit them to the local repository. Thanks to this solution developers are able to execute code quality checks and code tests before the code officially lands at the repository. Pre-commit hook is not the only hook supported by Git. Other common hooks are:

Automating Sentry Releases With CircleCI

Continuous integration tools like CircleCI let developers automate builds and tests, so that teams can merge changes into their codebase quickly and frequently. In this article, we’ll take a look at how to combine Sentry’s command-line interface with CircleCI to automatically create Sentry releases. This will unlock some of our best features, like identifying suspect commits that likely introduced new errors, applying source maps to see the original source code within Sentry, and more.

Learn more about Sentry releases here.

How Building an IDE Extension Changed the Way We Ship Code

When our team set out on the adventure of building the Atlassian for VS Code extension, our mission was simple: create an MVP to test if using Bitbucket Cloud and Jira Software Cloud features inside of VS Code would make a better developer experience.

To begin, we did what we all knew: scheduled planning meetings, had daily stand-ups, set up a Slack channel for all of the discussion that happens between meetings, tried to guess at release dates, and scheduled retros to discuss what went wrong and what went well.

Introducing Atlassian for VS Code: Bitbucket Cloud and Jira Software Extension for Visual Studio Code

Developers spend most of their day in three places: chat, their IDE, and a code repository platform like Bitbucket. In between, a lot of hours are spent context switching between apps. At Atlassian, our goal is to cut out all of the alt-tabbing and make you more productive by bringing your work closer to where you spend the most time.

That’s why we’re excited to announce Atlassian for VS Code, a new Bitbucket Cloud and Jira Software Cloud extension for Microsoft’s Visual Studio Code. We are bringing pull requests, CI/CD, and issues where we think they should be: in your IDE, right alongside your code.

Meet Bitbucket Pipes: 30+ Ways to Automate Your CI/CD Pipeline

The democratizing nature of DevOps has seen the responsibility of building and managing CI/CD pipelines transition from specialized release engineers to developers. But automating a robust, dependable CI/CD pipeline is tedious work. Developers need to connect to multiple tools to deliver software, and writing pipeline integrations for these services is a manual, error-prone process. There's research involved to ensure dependencies are accounted for, as well as debugging and maintaining integrations when updates are made. It's no wonder many teams put automating CI/CD firmly in the "too hard" basket.

Bitbucket Pipelines is a CI/CD tool in the cloud that's part of your repository and makes it easy for developers to configure pipelines with code. We are launching Bitbucket Pipes to make it easier to build powerful, automated CI/CD workflows in a plug-and-play fashion without the hassle of managing integrations. We've worked with industry leaders including Microsoft, AWS, Slack, Google Cloud, and more to build supported pipes that help automate your CI/CD pipeline, and made it simple to create your own to help abstract any duplicated configuration across your repositories.

GitHub Announces Free, Unlimited Private Repositories

GitHub users no longer have to pay to keep code private. The company is now offering unlimited private repositories to Free account users, with up to three collaborators. Developers have different reasons for wanting to keep their code private – it may not be ready, they may be working on a side project, or may just be starting out in their coding journey. GitHub now makes it possible for users with free accounts to do that work in private, without having to upgrade to a Pro account for $7/month.

This change brings the code hosting site more in line with competitors like GitLab.com, which allows for unlimited private projects and collaborators, and Bitbucket, a platform that has offered this for much longer. Bitbucket was actually GitLab’s inspiration for this model.

GitHub’s announcement was well-received but for many who have already moved to GitLab, this news come too late. Some are also wary of giving GitHub access to their private projects after Microsoft acquired the company for $7.5 billion last year. However, GitHub seems to be focusing its efforts less on monetizing the small fish and more on evolving the company’s Enterprise offering. It has combined its Business Cloud and Enterprise products into one unified “GitHub Enterprise” product that starts at $21/user/month.

“At GitLab we think that repositories will become a commodity,” GitLab CEO Sid Sijbrandij said in reaction to GitHub’s announcement. “I think Microsoft will try to generate more revenue with people using Azure more instead of paying for repos. We’re focusing on making a single application for the entire DevOps lifecycle that can replace a lot of other tools.”

Every inch given in this space makes code sharing platforms more competitive. In terms of private repositories, GitHub has come close to offering what its smaller competitors have been giving away for free for a long time. If GitHub were to add Continuous Integration (CI) for free users to match GitLab’s free tier, for example, it might capture even more of the market. Different features sway different types of users to adopt one platform or another and eventually some of those turn into paying customers.

For existing GitHub Free users, unlimited private repositories means the opportunity to keep their incomplete projects out of the public eye, instead of having people stumble on them and wonder why they don’t work as expected. It also frees up a few more dollars for Pro users who want to downgrade to Free accounts.