How To Create Better Software for Small and Medium Businesses

Enterprise software is the lifeblood of any business, helping employees work productively and hit new milestones. Even with the negative impact of COVID-19, global IT spending continues to grow and is expected to amount 601 billion in 2021, which is 13.6% more than the previous year.

As a company that believes in quality software, we strive to help people and companies find the best tools for productive work. Since Setapp (a subscription to 230+ Mac and iPhone apps) relies heavily on the success of developers, we’d love to help developers, too. 

Revealing Critical App Bugs Before the Launch: Methods and Tips

A bug a day keeps users away. That is the mantra that all developers must live by. When writing thousands of lines of code, however, some slip-ups are bound to occur.

This is where you and I, the quality analysts come in. Developers often dislike us because nobody wants to be told that their creation has a problem right after they finish making it.

User Survey: What Devs Should Know About App Preferences

What users want in your app? What makes a user download one app and pass on another? What keeps them coming back, and why did a rival app get more installs last month? All these and more questions are what devs face every day in their work trying to create products that serve users.

Here at Setapp, we are facing these exact questions (we offer users 210+ apps in a single subscription). This is why this year, for the first time ever, we conveyed a survey of user preferences in Mac apps. In this first-of-its-kind survey, we asked users about their preferences and app choices. I’d like to share these findings to help devs have a better understanding of user preferences and needs.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Developer Learning

Our colleagues over at Devada (DZone's parent company) have just compiled some data from 800 surveyed developers. The survey they launched focused on how developers learn, and I thought I'd share the results with you all. If nothing else, it'll be interesting to see how your methods line up with the community's.

Want less data and more resources? Read Ways to Learn a New Technology, Programming Language, and Frameworks

Resources for Developer Learning

Broadly speaking, the learning methods that the Devada team surveyed fell into the following categories: