APIs Outside, Events Inside

This is an article from DZone's 2022 Enterprise Application Integration Trend Report.

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In the echo chambers of application development, we constantly hear the mantra "API-first," but this slogan has a fundamental flaw: APIs should typically be the last choice when building a distributed application. The correct war cry ought to instead be: "APIs outside, events inside."

Hypermedia APIs: What Are They and What Can They Do for You? [Video]

Like anything in life, APIs come in different 'flavors.' In the case of APIs, these are called 'API Styles,' and there are five major styles in the API space. Many of today’s APIs use the resource style, and this can be easily verified by the popularity of OpenAPI, which is the most popular way of describing resource-oriented APIs.

But there is a relatively easy way to 'level up' from that style by using the hypermedia style. Hypermedia is the style of the Web: It centers around resources (just like the resource style) but also centers around interlinking these resources in ways that are meaningful for consumers.

API Integration Patterns

Whether you're working with on-premise, cloud, and/or third-party integrations, the questions remain the same: What is the client or user experience you need to offer? And how do you align your integration strategy with it? This Refcard explores fundamental patterns for authentication, polling, querying, and more, helping you assess your integration needs and approach the design, build, and maintenance of your API integrations in the most effective ways for your business case.