Perfecting Network APIs

Humans have been in the business of engineering since the beginning of our existence. Software engineering hasn’t been around for very long in this context; however, our collective learning about the process has increased exponentially nevertheless. The tools and technology behind everything from source code to computing machines have evolved rapidly. One static, fundamental principle will continue to shape the tech economy and how future businesses will run. This series discusses how the Modularity Principle will force all of us to find a specialty and perfect its network API.

Complex Systems

All systems are simply a sum of their parts. When I see someone look at a monstrous problem and become flustered, they’re usually flustered because they don’t even know where to begin. Other times, they know where to start, but they balk at the amount of time they perceive it takes to solve the problem. This balking is a valid defense mechanism that prevents us from wasting our time on things that do not matter to us. 

Seeking API Pros’ Input: 5th State of API Integration Survey Live

"Without data, you're just another person with an opinion." - W. Edwards Deming

Over the past four years the annual State of API Integration report has become a resource for integration professionals to track trends, like the rise of GraphQL, and for product leaders to track key needs and drivers around APIs and integration. But that resource needs your input: please share your perspective in the 5th annual survey.