Feature Quality: QC/Dev Alignment

During Agile work, as a team, we care about customer satisfaction by getting earlier feedback during Agile sprints, but at the same time, we need to represent sprint work with high quality and we need to make customers happy. We want to make them say: "That's exactly what we expect!" So, in order to accomplish that, let's look at the sections below.

Feature Quality Tips and Tricks

As an Agile team, we represent each feature in multiple user stories.

20 Questions From New Scrum Master to the Development Team

TL; DR: 20 Questions from New Scrum Master to the Development Team

From Scrum Master to Development Team members, this set of questions addresses the foundations of a Scrum Team's capability to build valuable products: technical excellence and what it takes to achieve this proficiency level. The questions have been modeled after some basic principles that high performing teams have in common—from keeping technical debt at bay to collaboratively creating a Product Backlog.

The Essential Role of the Development Team for the Success of the Scrum Team

No matter whether you picked Scrum for the right purpose—building emergent products in the complex domain—, whether your Product Backlog is actionable 24/7 or whether your Scrum Team is entirely self-organizing. If your technological basis is drowning in technical debt, and the Development Team lacks technical skills, you cannot be successful as a Scrum Team. Therefore, as the new Scrum Master, you need to immediately determine the Development Team’s state of affairs.