Need an AI Monitoring Solution? Build vs. Buy

There are many factors to consider when deciding whether to buy or build your AI monitoring system. Ultimately, it comes down to whether you can accomplish the outcomes you set out to achieve with ML monitoring, at a cost you can afford, and in a timely manner. 

When It Makes Sense To Build

1. Your AI Program Is Immature; Your Needs Are Simple/Basic

The need to monitor production AI often arises early, frequently before the company deployed its first ML models in the business. Data science teams universally understand the importance of visibility into data integrity and model fidelity over time, with the need for optimizations and improvements after deployment. However, in some cases, when you're still mainly experimenting or using only manual and offline processes, perhaps there is not a lot of data complexity, and perhaps the level of adoption in the business is still rather low, so the stakes are not very high. In these cases, these teams may just need a simple dashboard with basic alerting, and open-source tools such as Grafana or Kibana can address these needs at this point in time.

Continuous Feedback Is Key To Taking Your AI From “Good to Great”

Deploying AI instantly brought value and growth to many businesses. However, it is well established that sustaining the value over time, not to mention maximizing it, could be quite challenging. Continuous optimization is the key to successful AI deployments. Begin with a product that’s good enough, learn from how it performs in the real world (especially as the data environment changes), and then improve; then learn and improve again, and so on. It’s a bit of an obvious insight, but it is rare for AI-driven products to be perfect from day one. 

To accomplish continuous optimization you need continuous feedback. You need “eyes and ears” observing your data and models and telling you whether they’re performing well. That’s easier said than done, for various reasons. These reasons are outlined below.