Load Testing Made Easy: A Comprehensive Introduction

What Is Load Testing?

Load testing is also termed reliability testing or software performance testing. It is a software testing method where the software or an application is put through an abnormal load to see how it reacts and performs under that condition. It is thoroughly checked if the performance of the application decreases or increases in that situation. The main aim of running a load test is to detect the potholes in an application’s performance and smoothness. This ensures that stability is instilled into that software when multiple users access the same function simultaneously.

The biggest USP of Load Testing is that it helps in giving out a clearer picture of the limitations of the application. Then, enabling enables the tester to analyze the root cause of the problem and take corrective measures. Through load testing, the failures are limited during production, which in return reduces the expenses. Hence, load testing is very cost-effective in nature.

Automated Regression Testing Tools: A Beginner’s Guide

Any software cannot run in a completely similar way all the time. Software development activity is always a part of it, where small and substantial changes continue in different phases.

Reinventing products with new features and functions is the only way to sustain in today’s business environment and meet the emerging requirements of the market. Software change brings reinvention.

10 Ways To Speed up Testing Cycle: TestGrid

As we move towards a more digitally integrated world, the impact of software is becoming increasingly important. Global corporations are pouring money into high-quality software development. But is it enough? 

Evaluating software to determine whether it meets end-user requirements is as paramount as the development process. Companies must effectively test their software to appease customers who demand regular updates with all bugs and glitches fixed. 

Appium vs. Selenium

Can you now imagine the world without mobile apps or web apps? Obviously, no! Besides being go-to communication or information hubs, they have become fundamental platforms for performing everyday activities with just a few clicks, whether booking a restaurant table or paying your bills. 

With a highly competitive market, companies strive to deliver efficient apps without compromising on speed and quality. To ensure the app’s quality, they often prefer using the best testing solution. 

Automation Testing on Cloud: Flexible, Scalable, Powerful

Cloud technologies have taken the world by storm, allowing people to save their resources and time significantly for computing needs. They eliminate the need to spend money, time, and effort on setting up and maintaining a physical infrastructure. As a result, most development companies are shifting to cloud technologies to improve their overall.

This rapid increase in the shift to cloud technologies has stimulated the adoption of automation testing on the cloud. It refers to utilizing cloud computing environments to test software solutions and their individual components for the intended functionality. 

Top Visual Regression Testing Tools

Imagine your online store’s checkout button disappears just before a major sale. Or, your company’s logo suddenly turns neon pink across the entire site. Even minor UI bugs can have disastrous consequences, leading to frustrated users, lost sales, and damaged brand reputation. Visual regression testing ensures that code changes don’t accidentally break the way your website or app looks. It focuses on catching layout issues, color problems, and other visual glitches that can disrupt the user experience.

With a wide range of visual regression testing tools available, choosing the right one is crucial. This blog will help you navigate the options and find the perfect fit for your testing needs.

Playwright Selectors and Locators: Everything You Need To Know

Playwright is a powerful test automation framework that allows users to control web applications and conduct end-to-end test automation. In this article, we will try to cover complete functionality and the implementation of playwright selectors and locators.

Selectors act as a crucial component of the playwright framework. It helps automated tests to interact with web applications, like validating if that element exists on the web page or not, clicking on the available options, and providing inputs by typing or reading text. Playwrights come with multiple types of selectors and a good set of methods using which we can perform actions on selected elements.