Solving Remote Working Problems For Designers – Renting a Modular Office

This year has brought about a lot of changes for all of us, but specifically us designers.

Luckily and thankfully, we all work jobs that give us the privilege of working from home.

And although working from home is a privilege, that doesn’t mean that remote work won’t come with its fair share of problems.

I’m sure that lots of us have experienced the pros and cons of remote working and have encountered some problems with it.

That’s why today, I want to share with you the best solution that I have to offer for all these problems, and that is renting a modular office space.

But before we get into the solution, let’s talk about the five main problems that remote design workers run into when working from home.

#1. It’s Hard to Stay Focused

When we all first started working from home, it was amazing. You could wake up when you pleased, take your calls in your PJs, and play with your pets as you wanted.

But then you realized you wanted to start cooking lunch at 12, and sneaky in a short episode of that tv show you like on Netflix, and then you needed to clean up your space, take the dogs on a walk, and oh hey, are those the neighbors outside? You should go say hello!

Working from home means it’s a lot more difficult to stay focused because there are a million other things that need to get done around the house and you’re not in your typical office space where you’re separated from that.

Getting or renting a modular office space gives you that separation so that you can stay focused and on top of your tasks.

#2. You Easily Lose Inspiration

Because you’re in the same place every single waking moment of the day, it’s incredibly easy to lose inspiration. You’re in you’re bedroom when you wake up when you work, and when you go to sleep.

You need a change of scenery and some fresh air in order to keep your inspiration levels high.

By renting a modular office, you can have a separate space where you go to, where your brain is trained to know that this is a creative space where I can work well.

As soon as you walk in, your creative wheels are guaranteed to start spinning.

#3. There’s No Start or Finish To The Work Day

When we were all in lockdown, the hours, days, weeks, and months all jumbled into one big blur. Was it February or was it May? Because it all felt the same to me.

When you work, eat, sleep, and breathe all in the same place, it’s hard to differentiate your time and work hours from relaxation hours.

You may wake up incredibly late and work til dawn, or randomly start working at 10 pm because you have no sense of reality anymore.

When you have a designated workplace, like a modular backyard office that you can rent or buy, it’s easy to create a good schedule for yourself.

Like you actually have a reason to wake up early, get dressed, and walk out to the office. Even if it’s just a few feet away from your home, it really does make that big of a difference.

You have a place that feels like a bit of normalcy, a place that inspires you to get ready by 9 and work til 5.

#4. No Separation of Work-Life + Home Life

Riding off of our last point about how it’s hard to keep a good work schedule in order, it’s also important to keep your work-life separate from your home-life.

You need a place where you can just switch off.

And our brains are crazy in the way that they associate things and feelings so quickly to certain places.

When you’re always working from your couch, you’ll no longer be able to just sit down and read a book. Oh no, your brain will tell you and try to fool you into believing you always need to be working when you sit on that couch.

Your mental health should be your top priority and by having a designated backyard office to work from, you’ll be able to switch off after work, go back inside your cozy home and have a relaxing night. No more itching to work when sitting comfortably on the couch.

#5. Difficulty Staying Organized

And one final major problem that we all run into at some point or another while working from home is the ability to stay organized.

It’s hard to keep everything tidy all the time when you’re there all day. And it’s important to have a tidy environment when you’re trying to work and create so that you can be focused and inspired.

The Solution? Renting + Buying a Modular Office

A modular office so sleek and modern, you’ll never want to leave.

And I could never recommend for you to use another modular office provider other than NOOKA.

Nooka is the first company worldwide that offers a home garden office that is smart and connected(smart lighting and smart heat control, high-speed wifi, zero human interactions for accessing it with the mobile app, smart scheduling, mobile in-app payment, air control sensors and smart furniture).

Nooka offers you 3 different styles of Nooks, the main differentiator being the size of each one.

Nooka One is 3×4 meters. Nooka Two is 6x4m and has all the standard features like smart lighting, smart access by a mobile app, wi-fi, UV light for disinfection. It also has two interior design options: single-use, with 1 working desk, or multiple-use, which has up to 6 desks. And finally, Nooka Three is 3x9m, and has extra space for more desks, and also comes with a gorgeous deck terrace.

All you have to do to get your hands on one of these beauties is to visit their website and register for one, then pay the upfront set-up fee of approximately 1,000€.

After the initial payment, they will come and set it up for you and the payment plan will be based on your monthly subscription type.

Another great thing about Nooka is that if you’re looking for a business opportunity and an amazing community, you can set up a Nook in your own town, with an extremely low initial investment, and start subleasing it to other remote workers.

Visit to register for your Nook today to solve all those problems you face and start working from a comfortable, beautiful, modern office space that you love!

Read More at Solving Remote Working Problems For Designers – Renting a Modular Office

Top 6 Tools For Creating an MVP (Designers’ Choice)

Top 6 Web App Builders Designers Choose to Create an MVP or an App Prototype in 2020

Whether you’re a mature product designer, or only starting your design career, regardless of your knowledge in web design, UI/UX, development, you can build and design a working prototype, or a minimum viable product (MVP) on your own. Today, it’s possible due to the existence of visual app builders.

We’ve compiled a list of the visual web app building platforms popular among UI/UX designers in 2020. Some of these app development & design tools are more feature-rich than others. Some lock you inside the platform, while the others allow you to download your app code, and go your own way. Consider all the factors when choosing your perfect match.

Let’s now look at the app makers designers choose to build & design MVPs and prototypes – clear, simple, viable enough to show the real value, created at minimal costs, and with almost no development skills (like you can do in Webflow, for example).


Bubble is a full-stack app development platform allowing you to create and design pixel-perfect web apps. You can build social network apps, SaaS, marketplaces, and more.


  • An intuitive interface with a convenient drag-n-drop editor.
  • Mobile-friendly design.
  • A variety of free and paid templates.
  • An ability to create hybrid mobile apps.
  • About 1,000 plugins you can integrate your app with.
  • Code’s editable with Javascript.
  • SQL Database Connector’s available to connect the built app to databases.
  • An ability to deploy & host your app on the domain.


  • No code export.
  • Limited functionality’s available for free.
  • You need to buy a separate plan for each new app.
  • Interface is rather complex, which makes it difficult to onboard for a newcomer.
  • No ability to host an app on a custom domain.

#2. Fluid UI 

Fluid UI is a tool helping designers, developers, product managers to wireframe and design apps, build minimum viable products using pre-built UI kits for Wireframing, Material Design, etc.


  • Over 2,000 built-in components are available in pre-built UI Kits for Material Design, iOS, Windows, Wireframing, and more.
  • An ability to add existing graphic assets to your prototype.
  • An ability to use mouse and touch gestures to build & design interactive app prototypes.
  • Built-in review and feedback collecting feature.
  • Downloadable Android and iOS preview apps.
  • An ability to retrieve a ready-made project by scanning QR code with your smartphone.


  • App code is not downloadable.
  • Only for app prototyping – no ability to build a full-fledged web app with a responsive design.
  • Only 1 project you can create for free.

#3. UI Bakery 

UI Bakery is a visual app builder allowing to create & design minimum viable products, white-label apps, and fully-functional web apps with the connected data & integrated APIs.


  • A very intuitive and understandable apps builder.
  • Responsive design.
  • Nebular Open Source UI library and Eva Design System – under the hood.
  • A range of predefined layouts, widgets, and UI components.
  • Downloadable code allowing you to use an app outside UI Bakery.
  • Free ready-made web app templates & dashboards with an ability to request the one you need.
  • Data connection & API integration’s available within the platform.
  • An unlimited number of pages you can create in one project.


  • No ability to build a backend within the platform.
  • Few third-party integrations available for now.
  • Reusable UI components are not available (yet).

#4. Marvel

Marvel is a web app prototyping and design platform allowing you to create interactive prototypes and MVPs without writing even a line of code. 


  • An intuitive and user-friendly UI.
  • An ability to download assets, and generate CSS, Swift, or Android XML code.
  • A big collection of pre-made assets, images, icons are available for use.
  • An offline working mode.
  • Third-party integrations (Jira, Confluence, Sketch, Microsoft, and many others).
  • An ability to use GraphQL API to customise your workflows.
  • An integrated user testing feature.
  • Built-in collaboration for reviewing & collecting feedback in real-time.
  • A lot of educational articles and video tutorials.


  • You can build only 1 project for free.
  • Only 1 user working on the project is included in a free plan.
  • An app branding feature is paid.

#5. Glide 

Glide is an app-building tool you can use to turn Google spreadsheets into easy-to-use apps with no coding. You can build an app on top of a spreadsheet, or use a customizable template. 


  • A convenient drag-n-drop editor.
  • A huge library of ready-made templates, both free and paid.
  • Allows you to build apps based on Google spreadsheets.
  • Easy onboarding with no needed technical experience.
  • Google and Zapier integration is available.
  • A free app deployment feature to the domain.


  • Custom branding is paid.
  • Very few integrations are available for now.
  • Lacks customization flexibility.
  • Limits in a number of data rows available in a free plan.
  • Only a mobile layout is included in a free plan.

#6. AppSheet

AppSheet is an online app builder allowing you to create & design full-fledged mobile and desktop applications that are automatically compatible across different devices.


  • Quite a big choice of free ready-made templates.
  • A created app fits for different screen sizes automatically.
  • Custom app branding.
  • Integrations with Salesforce, Dropbox, Amazon Web Services, and other third-party services are available.
  • Useful videos, tutorials, etc., and how-to webinars on the YouTube channel.
  • Offline working mode.
  • Built-in application lifecycle monitoring & management.


  • The need to pay for each end-user (“active user”) of your created application.
  • Only 10 users are available for free.
  • Very limited development & design functionality you can use for free.
  • The need to reach the support team to build your app on your SQL databases.

On a final note

The visual development platforms mentioned above greatly decrease the time from a product ideation and its MVP creation to its successful implementation. Once you build your app, you might want to export the code, give it to developers, let them connect a backend to a frontend you’ve created, etc. Be careful when choosing an apps builder that gives you as much development & design freedom as you need. 

There’s a great number of other visual web app builders allowing designers and developers with different skill levels create MVPs before building a full-fledged product to test their ideas without overpaying for it.

Hope this overview of the most popular visual app makers will help you bring your next software solution to life faster, easier, with less costs and efforts.

Read More at Top 6 Tools For Creating an MVP (Designers’ Choice)

Starbucks Releases Brand New Cup Designs for The Holiday Season

Is it too early to get ready for the winter holidays? Starbucks says no!

We are all so excited for the holiday season. Not only does it mark the end of the year 2020, but it also means all those holiday traditions we have a love/hate relationship with will start again.

One of the traditions we have grown to love is the re-launching of Starbuck’s holiday drinks. And alongside the drinks themselves, Starbucks has released a new set of Holiday-themed cups! 

Starting November 6th, drinks will be served in one of the four new holiday cups. 

Starbucks has also added an additional bonus alongside the four newly designed cups. Whenever you purchase a handcrafted holiday drink, you receive a reusable holiday cup!

The brightly colored designs were crafted with the idea of spreading seasonal joy in mind.

According to Starbucks in their press release,  “This year’s holiday design brings forward all the joyful elements of the holiday season in ribbons of Starbucks greens and a jolly red like a cozy holiday sweater.” 

Starbucks has been carrying on this tradition of redesigning their holiday cups for over 20 years. 

However, contrary to the mainstream traditions, Starbucks did not use the traditional red and green color pallet the holidays are known for.  In fact, Starbucks ’ first sets of holiday cups were actually purple. (very festive) 

This year, their designs are meant to invoke the look of a silly, tacky, and joyful holiday sweater, similar to ones worn at office holiday parties. In our opinion, This design works well and is a welcomed choice that makes us recall nostalgic moments in the past holiday seasons.

Alongside its new design, Starbucks also has a new motto. Last year’s motto was “merry coffee” which appears to be a clever spin on the commonly used phrase “merry Christmas.”


“Carry the merry” is this year’s new slogan to accompany these new cup designs. We believe the main idea behind these words is to bring joy to those around us in this season (because we all need a little joy in 2020).


Whatever your opinions are on these new designs, we hope you have a happy holiday season this year!

Read More at Starbucks Releases Brand New Cup Designs for The Holiday Season

Apple Gives us 100+ New Emojis Before The End Of The Year and We’re Loving It

This year has been a lot, and if there’s one emoji that could accurately explain it all, it’s probably this:

I’m currently updating my phone as we speak, because I absolutely can. not. wait. to start using these new emojis.

With 117 new emojis being released, and counting, I can’t help but think that there is officially an emoji to describe everything you could ever think/feel.

…Or at least they’re getting close.

“The new 117 icons, which were released in iOS 14.2, iPadOS 14.2 and macOS 11 Big Sur on Thursday, and it includes my personal favorite, the absolutely most relatable emoji ever, which is the ‘Smiling Face with Tear’ emoji.”

While Emojipedia defines it as mainly an expression of feeling “touched, relieved, or grateful,” I know i’ll be using it when I feel like this:

There are lots of other emojis that we’re looking forward to like the happy person wearing a mask.

Prior to this update, the emoji wearing the mask used to be sad, but taking into consideration all the changes that have been going on this year, wearing a mask isn’t that bad after all and you can still smile and be happy while wearing your mask, just as this emoji suggests.

Some other new emojis that we’re looking forward to seeing are the otter, the italian hand, boomerang, ninja, bubble tea and so many more!

What emoji are you looking forward to using in the near future?

Don’t forget to update your phones, peeps!

And of course, until next time,

Stay creative!

Read More at Apple Gives us 100+ New Emojis Before The End Of The Year and We’re Loving It

Pringles “Must-ache” You a Question: Do You Like Their New Logo?

It is finally November.

And with this new month comes some wonderful seasonal traditions.

While many people are looking forward to Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, or just relaxing around the house with friends and family, millions of people all around the world are celebrating Movember (or no-shave November). 

Movember Means Mr. Pringle Gets A New Look

As the name implies, this tradition encourages people to shave once at the start of November and then put their razors away till the end of the month. 

This fairly new tradition came about to help raise awareness of men’s mental, physical, and sociological issues. 

Many brands have taken up the cause and decided to shave their mascots’/logos’ facial hair.

 In our opinion, Pringle’s new cleanly shaven face has stolen the spotlight. 

This will be the first time Mr. Pringles has shaven off his mustache. 

The brand began in the mid-20th century, meaning he has not shaved in over 50 years. 

The real question we have on our minds is, “how long will it take to grow it back?”

 Will the stache slowly grow back over the course of November? Will it be thicker and more gnarly by the end of November? Only time will tell.

Pop, Share. Chat

Pringles also decided to change its motto to “Pop, Share. Chat.” 

This new slogan is designed to encourage men to talk openly with those close to them about the struggles they are facing as men.

According to one study in 2018, men were 3.65x more likely to end their own lives than their female counterparts. 

While many experts disagree on what is the underlying cause of this discrepancy, our hope is that all men around the world this month will take up the true meaning of this cause.

Gather around with your friends and try to enjoy this season with others who care for you. 

Happy holidays and let that facial hair grow wild!

Read More at Pringles “Must-ache” You a Question: Do You Like Their New Logo?

Nutella Spreads Its Brand New Jar Designs And We Are Loving It

Italy is responsible for some of the world’s greatest creations. 

While not everyone may appreciate all of the fine arts produced by Italy, one thing nearly everyone can agree upon is that Nutella is one of the greatest gifts Italy has brought into the world.

Nutella’s marketing team has decided to design 30 new casings for their creamy jars of goodness. They are designed to show off Italy’s beautiful scenery.

And boy is Italy beautiful. Not only does Italy have some of the most notable natural landmarks in the world, but it also contains some of the greatest marvels of the ancient world.

Nutella’s parent company, Ferrero, created these new designs to increase awareness of tourism in their county. Working together with Italy’s board of tourism, the team is attempting to spark interest in tourism one travel restrictions are lifted. 

Because a certain virus has crippled much of the countries tourism industry, Nutella is offering a new way to visit these historic landmarks.

If you simply scan the QR codes on the newly designed jar of Nutella, your mobile device will take you on a virtual tour of these landmarks.

The CEO of Ferrero said, “In this difficult moment for [the] tourism sector of our economy, Nutella and ENIT [will] showcase to Italians their greatest national wealth: the beauty of Italy itself, the true and real one, made of nature and art, cities and villages, seas and mountains, the envy of the world.”

We look forward to the day when we can go see these landmarks in person. Until then, we will just have to enjoy the great taste of Nutella and look forward to that day! 


Read More at Nutella Spreads Its Brand New Jar Designs And We Are Loving It

Get The Most Out of Media with Mediastack

Breaking news is not always easy to keep track of, especially if you’re the one that’s supposed to report it.

With news stories happening as we speak, all over the world, how are you meant to not only keep track but document it in an efficient way?

The answer to that question is a free, simple REST API for live news and blog articles. The answer is Mediastack

What is Mediastack?

Mediastack is a scalable JSON API that delivers world-wide news, headlines, and blog articles.

By using their easy-to-implement REST API, you can have news information of any type delivered to you on a silver platter from over 7500 different news sources.


Being such an incredible API, Mediatsack comes with every feature that you could possibly need to get the job done. 

Real-time news data – Gather real-time news data from major news sources around the world, as it’s happening. Don’t wait for the news to come to you, have Mediasack retrieve it for you.

Historical news data – Not only can Mediastack retrieve news as it’s happening, but it can retrieve historical documented news data as well.

New headlines – Grab the latest and greatest headlines from articles and other news sources from all over the world.

7,500+ News sources world-wide – Mediastack collects information and data from over 7,500 news sources all over the world. With over 50+ countries currently supported, you can rest assured that you are getting every angle. 

13 languages supported – With news happening all over the world, Mediastack gathers from news sources in 13 different languages. 

Scalable JSON REST API – Mediastack’s REST API is built on a scalable apilayer cloud infrastructure and delivers news results in a lightweight and easy-to-use JSON format.


Mediastack offers a variety of subscription-based plans that are sure to meet anyone’s needs, starting with a free-plan, and moving all the way up to custom, enterprise-level packages.

With the free plan, you get all the basics and access to all their news sources. With this plan, the news data is slightly delayed, but still reliable and, of course, free.

As you move through pricing plans, features and benefits become richer, and all the news data is live as it’s happening. Like many SaaS companies, pricing becomes significantly cheaper if billed yearly instead of monthly.

When you get to the custom pricing level, you have the option to basically get unlimited news data with zero restrictions. This is very helpful if you need to sort through a lot of news data quickly.


The Mediastack API was built to be extremely powerful yet scalable and easy-to-use while delivering live world-wide data. The REST API makes it easy to collect and understand data as it’s coming in JSON format. 

With Mediastack, the conclusion is simple: there’s nothing else like it. It is both intuitive and easy to use, basically giving you news data without you having to lift a finger.

If this is something you’re interested in, you definitely have to check Mediastack out. Sign up for the free package and test it out for yourself. 

Read More at Get The Most Out of Media with Mediastack

IKEA’s New Ads Just Slayed The Game

There’s nothing like killing the time, walking around the many isles of Ikea and seeing different home design ideas.

And in the end, eating something delish from their little food corner.

I could literally go there all day, every day.

It’s always so relaxing to go, but you know what is almost even more relaxing?

Ikea’s New Sleep Ads

We’ve all seen the plethora of influencers talking about skin routines, night time routines, serums, and vitamins that are allegedly supposed to help you sleep better at night.

But you know what’s better than all of those supplements?

Ikea’s new sleep products.

The design team in charge of this campaign absolutely nailed it on the head by making a mock up of fad sleep products.

So many people nowadays claim that their supplements or energy drinks will help you feel more energized, but nothing quite slaps like a good night’s sleep.

Ikea’s new sheets and pillows will definitely give you a good night’s rest, and these photos and posters by Amy Currell and Andy Knight Ltd, are all a part of IKEA’s Tomorrow Starts Tonight campaign.

I haven’t seen this good of a design in what seems like ages, and it was super refreshing to see something this creative.

What’s one of the best ad campaigns you’ve ever seen?

Drop them down in the comments below so I can check them out and review them in the future.

And of course, until next time,

Stay creative, folks!

Read More at IKEA’s New Ads Just Slayed The Game

7 Reasons Why Container Registry Is Important For Enterprise App Developers

Container registries allow developers to create, store, and distribute container image files securely with controlled accessibility.

Many developers opt for container registries rather than other packages due to streamlined development processes. This is especially beneficial to enterprise app developers.

A container registry from JFrog, for example, can give enterprise application developers powerful development and deployment options.

And the reasons to utilize a container registry within application development environments are numerous.

Let’s take a closer look at why you need container registry and 7 impactful reasons why container registry is important for enterprise app developers.

Why Enterprise App Developers Need Container Registry

Having container registry part of your enterprise app development process can boost productivity via storing images during development.

This is very enticing to enterprise companies and development teams. 

The registry is a collection of images that have been containerized, stored in a registry, and utilized during the software development process.

This is nothing new for developers. But having a registry makes developing applications far more effective due to the use of containers and native cloud technology.

Essentially, container registries help DevOps teams manage every container image in a single, secured, and simplified place.

And enterprise company stakeholders know just how important security is within software development projects.

This is why enterprise developers need container registry within the app development process.

From development to deployment, having a registry is critical to software success, bringing secure applications to market faster.

Now let’s get into the 7 reasons WHY container registry is a must-have for application developers on the enterprise level.

1. Developers Can Say Farewell To Virtualization During Application Development And Deployment

When it comes to registry, developers want to know the difference between virtualization and utilizing container files.

 This is a question that can save enterprise companies a lot of time and money when developing software.

Virtualization technology is simply sharing and deploying packages via a virtual machine. This encompasses operating systems and the applications. And the process can be a bit clunky.

For example, a server (not cloud-based) that runs several virtual machines will need a hypervisor and separate operating systems for each virtual machine.

This all runs together. But with a containerized application with a registry, several apps can run on a single operating system.

This makes containers lean and more portable. Having a container registry in place will eliminate virtualization technology altogether.

Enterprise app developers are all about this reason why container registry is important for effective and efficient development and deployment.

2. Container Registry Fuels The Need For Speed In The Development Environment

Before containers and native cloud were a thing, developers relied on clunky virtualization technology to manage the massive applications being developed.

The complexity of the development and deployment processes without containers and native cloud made scaling very challenging for enterprise companies.

With containerized applications came native cloud technology. This was a game-changer. The speed of DevOps app development increased exponentially.

With Docker and Kubernetes, orchestration processes, scheduling, provisioning, and management within the entire development process was enhanced.

An example of how containers and container registry added speed to the development and deployment process comes from Shopify.

Shopify was an early adopter of containers, and it revolutionized the enterprise companies DevOps.

“At Shopify we prefer ‘thin’ containers that do exactly one thing, such as a unicorn master and workers for serving web requests, or a Resque worker servicing a particular queue,” Shopify engineers explained.

“Thin containers allow fine-grained scaling to match demand. For example, we can increase the number of Resque workers checking for spam in response to an attack.”

3. Container Images Gain Greater Security

Secure container image files are essential, especially in today’s digital era with cybercriminals around every digital corner.

Having important repositories at risk for cyberattacks or unknowing leaks from those who shouldn’t have access to files needs to be addressed.

When it comes to enterprise applications and software, sensitive data needs to be secured. This can thwart potential cyber attacks, leaks, and poor public relations. A cyber attack or data leak can also be very costly for enterprise companies.

A private container registry, like Docker, can keep container image file security a top priority. You can get unprecedented control over apps, as well as access control of container images. This decreases those security risks.

Enterprise app developers who utilize container registries can decrease the number of people who can download image files. Up-time and other security measures are also reasons why container registry is important.

4. Identify Problems Early On In The Development Process

Container registries also serve up insights into problems that could slow development, and deployment, as well as keep costs low when fixing problems.

As an enterprise application developer, you know just how expensive it can be if a problem is not identified and dealt with early on.

In some cases, a project will need to be completely redone if a problem is not identified and fixed early on.

When a container registry is in place, you get reassurance that time and money is not lost. Because container registry helps app developers identify those troublesome problems fast.

This gives you the opportunity to fix problems quickly and keep the overall app project on track. Container registries continuously scan containers for vulnerabilities, giving developers insight into any problem early. Fixes can then happen immediately.

5. Automation Is Part Of The Application Development Process

One of the most enticing features container registries serve up is automation.

Application developers in the enterprise space utilize container registries to automate a number of development and deployment processes to maximize efficiency.

Why do enterprise app developers love automation? It allows them to decrease those responsibilities. Developers wear a number of hats, especially in an enterprise company.

If automation can help developers decrease the number of hats they wear, the better.

Employing a container registry in enterprise application development can do this. Daily tasks are completed faster, giving developers more time in the day to focus on updates and software improvements.

This adds value to the company since time to market means more profits.

6. Collaboration Becomes Easier Within The Development Environment

Another reason why container registry is important for enterprise app developers is the uptick in team collaboration.

As you may know as an enterprise developer, when communication and collaboration go up, projects are completed faster and are of higher quality.

Having container registry in place gives developers the ability to manage projects more effectively, control accessibility, automate tasks, and ensure all team members are on track when it comes to important processes.

When it comes to enterprise application development, container registries are a must for streamlining the overall project.

From management to security, collaboration and communication is at the forefront when using container registries.

7. Deployment Is Enhanced With Container Registry

Deployment is such a critical step in the application development process. And when utilizing a container registry, deployment is simplified.

You deploy securely, and the ability to scale when needed is always an option.

Enterprise deployments with container registries reinforce the development architecture and create a more reliable, long-term application.

And portability is at the top of the list as well. Never worry about deployment issues with container registry in place.

Wrapping Up . . .

Developers know the importance of having a container registry for application development and deployment.

The importance is amplified for enterprise developers because the stakes are much higher.

From top-notch security and control to streamlined deployments, having a container registry is essential. Are you using a container registry in your enterprise development environment?

Read More at 7 Reasons Why Container Registry Is Important For Enterprise App Developers

Apple Will Release 217 New Emojis and We Have A Sneak Peek of What They Might Look Like

I don’t know about you, but when I text, I use a lot of emojis to express myself.

Maybe too many.

And there were so many times where there just wasn’t an emoji I needed to express myself, or something to describe what I was doing.

That’s why I’m so incredibly excited to announce that Apple will be adding an additional 217 emojis to the pack.

This year, they already added over 100 new emojis, including one of my personal favorites, the otter. 🦦

And now, we wait for 217 more in 2021.

new emojis 2021 apple

If you’re a big dreamer, you’ll finally have an emoji to describe your head being in the clouds.

There’s also a mending heart, which I love, an exhaling face, and a few others!

new emojis 2021 apple

One important thing that you should know is that 200 of 210 of these emojis are skin tone variants, which is incredibly exciting!

It’ll be amazing now that we can all find the perfect relationship emoji to describe our lives.

new emojis 2021 apple

The update is expected to take place in January and will gradually roll out new emojis until October of next year.

And although we haven’t gotten an exact image of the new emojis from Apple, the talented designer Joshua Jones from emojipedia has made some mock-ups of what we can expect to see soon!

new emojis 2021 apple

What are you most excited for in the upcoming emoji release?

What other emojis would you like for Apple to release?

Let us know in the comments below.

new emojis 2021 apple

Maybe we can come together and make some emoji mock-ups and send a request to Apple to implement them.

Who knows what we could accomplish if we all come together.


Read More at Apple Will Release 217 New Emojis and We Have A Sneak Peek of What They Might Look Like

The Basics of Coffee Branding & Design – Coffee Design Ideas Brewed to Perfection

Be honest, have you ever, ever created an amazing design or came up with a great idea and coffee was not involved?

Because, I’ve got to admit… I’ve never had a good idea on a day I didn’t have coffee.

And I might have a little bit of a problem. Recently, I’ve been drinking about 4 cups of coffee a day, and that’s not helping my sleeping habits for sure.

But that’s what gave me this idea.

Today I want to talk to you about coffee branding basics and how to design for your next coffee shop clients or company.


We’re also going to go over the best examples of coffee branding and graphic design.

So grab your coffee and let’s get into it.

The Basics of Coffee Branding

Coffee is pretty much an essential part of life at this point.


Almost every single person I know starts their morning off with coffee, then has an afternoon pick-me-up coffee.

And it’s not just my friends who drink that much coffee. It turns out that 75% of all Americans intake their caffeine by drinking coffee.

Besides the fact that it’s just a wonderful beverage with a million and one benefits, from clearer thinking and better ideas, and also helping you stay awake on the days you stayed up absolutely too late, it’s also a drink that brings people together.


People love to bond and spend time together in coffee shops, people go there to relax, work, have meetings, etc.

On average, a typical American adult will spend about 2 grand a year on buying coffee, and 173 million bags of coffee are consumed worldwide each year.

So this means that now, more than ever, your coffee branding needs to stand out.

When people walk into the grocery store to pick out a bag of coffee beans, their eyes need to be drawn to your design.

But how?

Ask the Right Questions: Assess The Brand’s Values, Strategy, and Style

Before you can hop on any graphic design software and start designing away, you have to stop and think about what your brand’s values are or what your client is expecting from you.


Here are some questions to ask yourself before designing.

  1. What’s the style or vibe you’re going for?
  2. Is it a more earthy vibe? Will the colors be neutral or do they want them to be crazy eccentric?
  3. What are the values of this coffee company? Are they ethical? How can I express that through my design?
  4. Who is my target audience and what would they look for in a coffee brand?

Once you answer some of these basic questions, you can start designing accordingly.

4 Easy Steps to Creating the Perfect Coffee Brand and Logo

1. Come Up With The Right Branding Strategy

As I said, it all comes down asking the right questions, and when you get your answers, you can start coming up with a strategy.

Pinpointing your audience is key in the first steps of designing. Who are you designing for? An elegant brand that requires minimal color and a fancy typeface, or for a younger, more fun generation, where you have the freedom to do whatever you want? No matter the audience, make sure you design with them in mind and what would make the choose your brand.

The brand name is going to decide a lot for you. The creativity wheels will start spinning when you look at the name. Do a play on words, coincide your design to make sense with the name. You can also get a sense of tone-of-voice from the name of the brand and design accordingly.

Your logo should be something that everyone can recognize and something that sparks joy for your clients and customers. But we’ll talk more about this a little later.

2. Use An Irresistible Color Palette

After doing some research and drawing some conclusions from my own experience in designing for coffee brands, most people love earthy tones when it comes to coffee branding.

So whether you go from a toned-down green, or an earthy brown pallette, make sure everything works together perfectly.

Just because most people choose earthy tones, that doesn’t mean that you have to! You can still go for brighter, more vibrant color palettes, but my recommendation is that you use the more muted versions of the colors you choose. So if you want to use orange and green, for example, just use a more muted version of the colors.

Here are a few of my favorite color combinations when it comes to coffee branding.

3. Check Out Your Competitors

One sure fire way to know if you’re doing well is by checking out your competitors.

Check out the ones who are doing better than you, but also the ones in the same boat.

You want to look at their work and not just be a copy-cat of what their doing, but be inspired by them and ask yourself what you have to offer that is different from them and how you can do better.

4. Keep it Simple

When it comes to your logo, the best thing to do is to keep it simple.

Especially nowadays, when the trend is flat-design and minimalist.

You want people to look at your design, and say, “oh yeah! That’s my favorite coffee brand.”

It shouldn’t be so complex that your customers don’t understand what the heck is going on, but it can also have a bit of a back story that needs to be explained.

A perfect combination of the two is the goal here, but keep it simple!

Our Favorite Coffee Branding Examples

I want to close out this article by inspiring you and showing you some examples of my favorite coffee brand designs.

My favorite places to get inspiration from are Pinterest, Dribbble, Behance, and the places around me.

So if you’re lacking inspiration, I hope this helps!

I hope this article helped you out in one way or another and inspired you to get to designing.

So go ahead, grab your coffee and go make something amazing.

And until next time,

Stay creative, folks!

Read More at The Basics of Coffee Branding & Design – Coffee Design Ideas Brewed to Perfection

Instagram Creates Voting Registration Stickers and Now I’m Officially Ready To Vote

Instagram is getting ready for National Voter Registration Day and so are we.

Tomorrow is September 22nd, which means that it’ll be National Voter Registration Day and Instagram has been coming out with some amazing stickers in celebration of that.

instagram voting stickers

One thing that I love about Instagram is that they’ve been encouraging people to get out there to vote, and they even have an election info and voting resource center.

instagram voting center

During this time, they’ve teamed up with six different amazing designers and artists who have been creating amazing voting registration stickers that users can add to their stories.

instagram voting stickers

D’Ara NazaryanReyna NoriegaHank WashingtonJing WeiBarry Lee, and Iliana Galvez all brought something a little different to the table and creating some amazing stickers. Some in English, some in Spanish, and all unique and vibrant in their own way.

instagram voting stickers

Of course, everyone is encouraged to use these stickers on their stories, no matter the size of their platform, to remind everyone to get out their and vote this year!

instagram voting stickers

If you go on your Instagram story, slide up on your screen and click on the sticker icons, you’ll see all these different voting registration stickers and you can choose the one that best fits your style.

instagram voting stickers

Voting is super important, and if you have time to scroll on Instagram, then you definitely have the time to register to vote!

instagram voting stickers

Make it a priority, go register to vote, and then share on your story some of these cool stickers to encourage your friends and family to get out there and do the same!

Let us know what you guys think about the stickers in the comments below and which one you’ll be using in your upcoming stories.

And of course, until next time,

Stay creative, folks!

Read More at Instagram Creates Voting Registration Stickers and Now I’m Officially Ready To Vote

10 Open Source Fonts That Are Actually Amazing | Free Fonts 2020

free fonts 2020 manrope

There’s nothing like creating an amazing design that your client loves, while also saving some money in the process.

You don’t have to compromise on the quality of the fonts you choose, just because you’re not paying the big bucks for them.

Better yet, why pay for fonts at all when there are some really great ones out there that are ready for you to use for free?

10 Free Fonts That’ll Change Your Life

I’m going to introduce you to your new best friends, aka 10 open source fonts that’ll spice up all your designs in 2020.

You ready to do this? Cause I am.

Let’s jump right into it.

1. Manrope

We’re going to start today’s list of 10 free fonts with Manrope.

I’ve mentions this font before, but that’s only because it’s my all time favorite.

It’s modern, it’s sleek, it’s everything you want in a free font.

It’s versatility is what really hits home for me and that’s why I recommend that you start incorporating it into all your new designs.

2. Inter

You might’ve seen Inter take a step into the scene as of recent, and I truly believe it’s here to stay.

Inter has become a staple font for many, so don’t be the exception! Add this font to your collection and start adding it to your design projects right away.

3. Public Sans

I can’t lie, I love a good sans serif font.

But what’s special about this font is that it was developed for the US government and is all over their websites and is a huge part of their design.

It looks very similar to another open-source font that you may know of, Libre Franklin.

4. Alice

It’s time to step away from the sans serif, and into the serifs.

When I saw the type-face Alice, I knew it was going to have a new and special spot in my font collection.

Alice is a very unique serif font, which seems kinda old-fashioned, but at the same time, pretty modern.

You can find this font on Google-fonts!

5. Urbanist

Another one of my all time favorite free fonts is Urbanist.

This geometric sans serif is most definitely a modern font that can be used in a variety of different projects.

From logos, to headlines, this font is perfect to add to your colelction of fonts.

What are you waiting for? Go and download it now!

6. Evolventa

Were you surprised when you saw another modern sans serif?

Me either.

Evolventa is a Cyrillic extension of the open-source URW Gothic L font family.

7. Object Sans

If this font isn’t eye-catching, I don’t know what is.

If you’re looking for the perfect combination of Swiss neo-grotesks and geometric fonts, then Object Sans is the one for you.

This font is perfect to replace any of those pricey fonts, because it looks just as good as the rest of them.

8. Lunchtype

I love a good back-story to any font that I use, and Lunchtype has one of the best.

The designer who created this font created it during a lunch break on 100-day project.

We love a good lunch-break, and I can’t deny that that’s when some of my best ideas come to me.

Food is life, and so is an amazing font.

9. Work Sans

What’s cuter than a good font and a hedgehog?

I’ll answer that for you.


Absolutely nothing.

10. Monoid

And finally, we’ve come to our last free font, which is Monoid.

Monoid is another great font that we know you’ll love and be using on the daily, if you code.

“The clever thing about Monoid is that it has font-awesome built into it, which they call Monoisome. This means when writing code, you can pop a few icons in there easily. Monoid looks just as great when you’re after highly readable website body text.”

Let us know in the comments which font was your favorite of this list and which ones you’ll be incoporating into your daily design life.

Until next time,

Stay creative folks!

Read More at 10 Open Source Fonts That Are Actually Amazing | Free Fonts 2020

A Designer’s Guide to Kerning, Tracking, and Letter-Spacing in 2020 | L e t ‘ s D o T h i s

Have you ever been working on a project, added some text, only to notice that you love the font, but something looks terribly, terribly off?

That’s what we call a kerning issue.

Today we’re going to go over some simple rules of kerning, tracking, and letter spacing in graphic design.

Let’s do this!

What is Kerning and Tracking?

Kerning is defined as the amount of space between two letters, or other characters, such as numbers, punctuation, etc.

Tracking refers to loosening or tightening a selected block of text, while kerning is the process of adding or subtracting space between specific pairs of characters.


Tracking and kerning are absolute essential parts of design, and can change the entire look of your design with literally the slide of a button.

Proper kerning and tracking can take your design from something boring, to something with incredible visual appeal.


Tracking, which is also commonly known as letter-spacing, controls the consistent space between letters that are across a block of text.

The spacing will be consistent throughout the entire block of text, and this method of spacing is most typically used in headings and logos.

If you want to increase the space between characters, then you need to adjust the value with positive number, and if you want to decrease the space, the use negative values instead.

Here are some before and after examples of tracking usage.


Okay, so, to understanding kerning a little bit better, imagine this.

You remember those old wooden type boxes?

They looked a little something like this.

So while tracking refers to the consistent space between letters, kerning refers to the space between each individual letter.

You can imagine that each letter in any given typeface is like that old wooden type boxes. Each letter has a box surrounding it, making it impossible to move the letters closer together while you type.

Until you adjust the kerning.

When you adjust the kerning, it’s kind of like you manipulate that bo, and adjust it to your liking.

As you can see in this picture, manual kerning is definitely the way to go.

Letter Combos To Beware Of

The right amount of kerning and tracking will make or break your design.

You can have an ugly typeface and adjust the tracking levels, and suddenly, it’s incredibly aesthetic and visually pleasing to the eye.

A couple of things I do want to tell you about, so that you can learn from my mistakes and I can make things easier for you, are some weird letter combinations that just don’t look right.

I’m going to let you in on some letter combos that you can always be on the look out for so your design is always the most optimal.

•Slanted letters like: A, K, V, W, Y

• Letters with arms or cross strokes: F, L, T

• Letter combinations: W or V + A (any order); T or F + a lowercase vowel

These letter combinations don’t typically look good, from a kerning perspective.

So that’s where you as a designer come in and make the adjustments to your liking.

I just saved you a lot of time, so now you don’t have to look and wonder what looks wrong in your typeface design.

You can just automatically look at these combos and make some changes.

You’re welcome.

Wrapping up

Kerning and tracking are things that will always improve the more you experiment with them.

So, now that you know what kerning and tracking is, keep up the good work, keep trying out new things, and see what vibes with your style.

And of course,

Until next time,

Stay creative, y’all!

Read More at A Designer’s Guide to Kerning, Tracking, and Letter-Spacing in 2020 | L e t ‘ s D o T h i s

Diving Into The Stock Market With Marketstack

The global stock market is something that I think most of us are familiar with, but very few people know how to capitalize on. After all, it’s not as easy as simply sinking money into a stock and hoping it rises. 

With the global stock market, there are trends and data that you have to follow in order to really be efficient. That’s where Marketstack comes into play. 

What is Marketstack?

Marketstack is a real-time, intraday and historical market data API. It uses a free and easy-to-use REST API interface that delivers worldwide stock market data in JSON format.


By using Marketstack, you can follow trends and get real-time updates on the worldwide stock market. Let’s dive into this a little deeper.

Marketstack features

Marketstack makes it easy for anyone with any skill set to get started. In fact, with 30,000+ happy users, including some big name brands like Uber and Amazon, it’s no wonder Marketstack has the reputation of being so good. 

In addition to being so user-friendly, Marketstack comes with a few helpful features. Here’s what you can expect:

Real-time data

With the global market, every minute counts. Obtain real-time stock data for any ticker down to the minute, request intraday quotes or search 30+ years of accurate historical market data.

125,000+ stock tickers

Easily integrate the API and make use of 125,000+ worldwide stock tickers, collected from 72 global exchanges, including Nasdaq, NYSE, and more.


Simple, quick, and reliable

Marketstack is a simple yet powerful API that is both scalable and reliable. With an uptime of nearly 100%, it only takes about 5 minutes to get started. 

Lightweight JSON API

Mafrketstack’s stock market data API has been built with simplicity in mind: Requests are made using a simple HTTP GET structure and API response data is delivered in lightweight JSON format.


Bank-level security

All data sent to and from the Marketstack API is encrypted with industry standard 256-bit HTTPS encryption. Rest assured that anything you share through this API is safe and for your eyes only. 

Extensive documentation

A straightforward API documentation will help you get up and running within minutes using interactive demo requests and code examples in a variety of programming languages. If you’d like to explore API documentation, click here.

Marketstack pricing

Marketstack offers many subscription plans that cover a wide variety of needs. Best of all, they offer a free subscription to get started, and it comes with its fair share of options:

  • Up to 1,000 requests per month
  • Connect with 72 stock exchanges around the globe
  • Look back at the stock market history for up to 1 whole year
  • Gather end-of-data stock data every single day

Of course, if the free plan doesn’t suit your needs, there are still lots of good, paid subscriptions out there for you to take advantage of:



Marketstack is one of the most comprehensive yet powerful tools on the market. It is by far the most powerful tool for keeping track of the worldwide stock market that anyone can get their hands on.

With Marketstack, you can rest assured that the information gathered is 100% accurate and up-to-date. Stock market data provided by the marketstack API is licensed and sourced from multiple high-authority market data providers around the world. Stock market data from United States exchanges is licensed and sourced from Tiingo, Inc. out of New York City, USA.

The Marketstack API service is built on top of apilayer cloud infrastructure and therefore comes with a significant level of scalability and performance. The API currently handles several million API requests per hour with ease.

All-in-all, if you’re looking for a high-volume stock market API, there’s no better choice you can make than signing up for Marketstack. 

Read More at Diving Into The Stock Market With Marketstack

Rolls-Royce Rebranded & Came Rollin’ in With a New Logo and Identity

New Rolls Royce logo 2020

Fasten your seat belts, ladies and gentlemen, because Rolls-Royce just went full-rebrand on us and I’m about to present to you their new and improved brand identity.

Ah, Rolls-Royce. The British luxury car brand that we all know and adore.

They have done a complete 180 and changed literally everything about their brand to please and draw in a younger generation.

Between a new typeface, color palette, new icon, and everything in between, we’re going to be covering it all today.

A Short History of Rolls-Royce

“Rolls-Royce is a pioneer in cutting-edge technologies that deliver the cleanest, safest, and most competitive solutions to meet the planet’s vital power needs.

The company was formed by Charles Rolls and Henry Royce in 1906, following a successful partnership in which the pair developed and sold cars.

rolls-royce before and after rebranding

While the motor car business subsequently separated in 1973, Rolls-Royce remains one of the world’s leading names in engineering, innovating in civil and defence aerospace, power systems and nuclear technology.”


When Rolls-Royce decided that it was time to rebrand, they reached out to none other than Pentagram.

rolls royce rebranding 2020 on airplane

Although lots of things have changed regarding the Rolls-Royce rebranding, it is still immediately recognizable, which was important to leadership at RR.

The goal of this rebrand was “to bring coherence, clarity and flexibility to Rolls-Royce and its full suite of products and services”.

rolls royce new icon on book

Not only does Rolls-Royce create stunning automobiles, but they create a number of things, such as amazing, high-end car accessories, luggage and bags.

So this new logo needed to be flexible and work for multiple platforms.

The New Rolls-Royce Symbol

new rolls royce symbol icon 2020

As you can see, the new Rolls-Royce symbol has been flipped so that it is now facing the right, and has been incredibly simplified, which as we have seen with many other brands, this has been the theme of 2020.

New Rolls-Royce Identity

New rolls-royce identity

Now for the big-kicker.

From 1911 until now, the symbol of Rolls-Royce was on the bonnet of every Rolls-Royce.

But 2020 is the year of change, am I right?

From now on, things have been simplified at Rolls-Royce and the identity of RR will now be symbolized as showed in the picture above.

A bold move, but I think it’s great that they are going for more of a minimalist approach.

Rolls-Royce New Color Pallette

new color palette for rolls royce on shopping bag 2020

New new color pallete for Rolls-Royce consists of purple as the dominant color, with hints of pink and fluoro orange.

According to Willer, purple has always been associated with luxury, and it looks “softer, less masculine and harsh” than black. “It still has authority and elegance, but yet it’s broader not just to gender but culture”.

Rolls-Royce New Typeface

Final Thoughts

I really like this new look that Rolls-Royce adopted and I think it’s great in all aspects, but I do want to know what you guys think of it.

In your personal, professional opinion, what do you think of this rebrand?

Let us know in the comments below and of course…

Until next time,

Stay creative!

Read More at Rolls-Royce Rebranded & Came Rollin’ in With a New Logo and Identity

Adobe MAX 2020 Will Be Free For Everyone to Attend, So Sign Up Now!

Like many other incredible events this year, due to Corona, this year’s Adobe MAX event will be held online.

This may seem like bad news, but there is a good side to it.

This year’s Adobe MAX event will be free for everyone to attend!

If you’re unaware of what an Adobe MAX event is, let me explain.

What is Adobe MAX?

Adobe MAX is a creativity conference where they tease their state-of-the-art experimental technologies for the creative world.

It includes three full days of luminary speakers, celebrity appearances, musical performances, a global collaborative art project, and 350+ sessions — and all at no cost.

That’s 56 hours worth of non-stop inspiration and learning.

Typically, Adobe hosts their events at a single venue, which means that there are limited spots and also, many of us can’t travel to the event.

So, what I’m about to tell you is actually great news.

This year the event will be held virtually for the first time in their event’s history, and most importantly, it’ll be free. But that doesn’t mean that it’ll be lacking in any way, shape, or form.

Who will be speaking at the Adobe MAX 2020 Conference?

If you attend this year’s virtual conference, you will have the amazing opportunity to hear from incredible people like Ava DuVernay, an Academy Award-winning filmmaker, the creative Annie Leibovitz, the amazing Keanu Reeves, The Futur’s founder, Chris Do, recording artist Tyler the Creator, and so many other creative luminaries and celebrity speakers.

When will the Adobe MAX conference take place this year?

Adobe MAX 2020 will be held online on October 20-22, so you better get your tickets now!

How do I sign up for the Adobe MAX 2020 Conference?

The answer to that question is simple.

All you have to do is sign-up is go on this website and register to participate.

That’s literally it. Go ahead and sign-up now before it’s too late!

Are you guys pumped to attend this year’s Adobe Max event?

Have you ever been to one in the past?

Let us know your experiences in the comments below and see you there!

Read More at Adobe MAX 2020 Will Be Free For Everyone to Attend, So Sign Up Now!

Michelle Obama’s New Podcast Branding Reflects Her Personality Perfectly and We’re Loving It

Michelle Obama Podcast New Logo Design

Yes, the rumors are true and we couldn’t be any more excited.

Michelle Obama has just released a podcast and we’re absolutely obsessed with it.

So basically, if you haven’t heard already, one of Spotify’s biggest original podcast bets, The Michelle Obama Podcast, premiered on July 29th, 2020.

And who, you might ask yourself, had the amazing opportunity and honor to design for Mrs. Obama’s Podcast?

Well, it was none other than the Brooklyn-based creative production studio, And/Or.

According to an interview with And/Or, they stated that there were some difficulties in designing the branding and visuals for this podcast.

The reason being that they couldn’t listen to any of the episodes before the release, so they had to blindly design all of the visuals, and try to match the vibe they were looking for, just right.

And thankfully, they were able to capture Michelle’s personality and professionalism, while also having a bit of fun with the design process to bring some life and color to the visuals.

As And/Or said in their interview with It’s Nice That, “We started with concepts that drew Michelle’s life and history—illustrating important moments from her life over time in a more stoic tone because we didn’t have access to the podcast episodes yet. We developed those directions using context from the First Lady’s book, Becoming.”

The stoic tone that was presented to us in Michelle’s book, Becoming, was replaced with a more colorful, youthful, and fun look to it.

Because this podcast’s aim is to be light-hearted yet helpful and educational, Spotify was open to bright and happy designs, which And/Or was happy to create.

And what’s another one of the many amazing parts of this podcast, you might ask?

Well, let me tell you.

It comes with a new product feature: shareable quote cards.

When you begin to listen to the podcast, which is exclusively available to Spotify users(thank goodness, because that’s the only music streaming platform I use), you’ll be immediately presented with colorful cards with quotes on them that you will be able to share with others.

Of course, you’ll be able to share these quotes on any social media platform that you want, and not only will you be sharing powerful knowledge to all your followers and friends, but you’ll also be sharing beautifully designed quotes shared from Mrs. Obama herself.

“The headline here is Michelle Obama, and our mission was to help that come through, so we were conscious that the graphic should be a support, something that would immediately get to the point and get people excited, and not be too complicated, distracting or overwrought,” Creative director Kendra Eash from And/Or explained.

The overall goal was to amplify Obama’s personality in the podcast while [communicating] the intention of the podcast. Having an elegant typographic solution with a geometric typeface keeps the focus on those ideas. The colorful underline gives a “pop of color and energy to the animation.”


Overall, we are just obsessed with the new podcast and design that we were recently graced with.

What do you guys think of the new podcast that Michelle Obama released and all of the visuals?

Let us know in the comment section below!

And as always, until next time,

Stay creative, folks!

Read More at Michelle Obama’s New Podcast Branding Reflects Her Personality Perfectly and We’re Loving It