The Different Types of Software Tests

For software teams, testing makes sense; applications should be screened for bugs. But why is testing important for your business, and how does it fit into DevOps?

Testing is part of Continuous Delivery that assures quality at each stage of the delivery pipeline before moving on to the next stage. DevOps is an iterative cycle of building, testing, and releasing software in short iterations. A comprehensive testing environment helps each iteration of the DevOps loop strengthen the quality of the product. A weak testing phase can mean defects progress to release, and developers need to fix bugs while the product is live. Development teams fall on both sides of the testing spectrum.

What Is Cloud Orchestration?

Wherever you work, you've probably noticed a big shift to the cloud in your applications. From storing data like emails or photos to developing software in a cloud repository like Git, cloud solutions are dominating the market. Gartner's study indicates that cloud product revenue will overtake traditional IT solutions by 2025.

If you work with cloud products, you want to make them more efficient and cost-effective. Two processes that can help you with that are:

The Benefits of Containerization

As a recent technology, containers have emerged as a tool to help your business become more agile in your software development lifecycle. Containers have many benefits that can give you a competitive advantage compared with more traditional software delivery methods.

In this post, I explain what containers are, share the key benefits of containers for software development, and discuss why you might consider adding them to your DevOps processes.