Java Module Benefits With Example

Java SE 9 introduced the Java module systems. It should not be confused with modules from maven or IntelliJ Idea etc. Java SE 9 module is a new feature directly supporting Java.

In this article, we will quickly introduce what the Java Module system does and how it benefits writing more secure and structured code.

Building Angular Library and Publishing in npmjs Registry

Why Create a Library?

It is not only fun but also incredibly useful to know how to publish any library that can be distributed as a standalone artifact so that others can also use it. In this article, I will share my experience of publishing my first angular library to npmjs.

Those who are familiar with Java Ecosystems, especially Maven, Gradle, etc., will easily be able to connect the benefits of library repositories for Java or J2EE applications.

Choosing Library To Build Rest API in Java

API is not a new concept in software engineering. In fact, SOAP was invented in 1998 which was very popular back then, it is still used today in large enterprise software. Representational State Transfer (REST) was proposed by Roy Fielding in 2000. Which became very popular due to its simplicity and in the last decade the adoption of RESTful API was tremendously seen in existing enterprise software as well as new software developed.

While building RESTful API in java,  we have many frameworks and libraries to choose from. In this article, we will quickly cover some of the questions that one needs to ask before building RESTful API in java.

Revisiting Regular Expression

A regular expression is nothing but a sequence of characters that define a pattern which then can be used to filter or match information. This article is not a tutorial on regular expression but shows the versatility of regular expression in our day-to-day life and some useful references.

Data is everywhere and is the new oil for modern generation. Data can be broadly categorized as binary data such as (mp3 file, png file, etc.) which in most cases is not human-readable, whereas text data like emails, notes, etc. are more human-friendly. Regular expression is well suited for searching for content in text data.